
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个产品页面,上面有一个按钮(addToCart),然后我使用fetch将产品添加到 req.session.cart 在服务器上。在应用程序的前台,我使用fetch与服务器进行通信,并获得了服务器上的 req.session.cart 作为一个返回值。如何将获取的结果分配给外部变量?

let whatevervariablehere    

function addToCart(e){

  let items = e.target.parentElement.parentElement
   // rest of the clicked item code .....

  //fetch and send the data to server so you can update session
  fetch('sc8', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'Content-type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
  title : title,
  price : price,
  description : description,
  id : id
  }).then(response => response.json()).then((results) => {

//**this is the part I'm talking about**
console.log("|||||results|||||", results)
//**How to get access to "retrievelocalstorage" from outside of this code**
      localstorage = window.localStorage.setItem(JSON.stringify(user), JSON.stringify(results));
      retrievelocalstorage = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(JSON.stringify(user))) || "No, Yet!";
       // the below console.log prints the right results
      console.log("retrievelocalstorage", retrievelocalstorage)

      })  //results function end
      .catch(error => console.log(error));

      } //end of addTocart Function

// this prints "outside the addToCart" and nothing else.
// it is outside the addToCart fn and the fetch promise.
// can I have access to retrievelocalstorage value out here, out of the 
//   function and the promise or not?
  **console.log("this is outside the addToCart fn", retrievelocalstorage)**

是否可以获得对 retrievelocalstorage 外边的结果fn?

编辑1console.log("this is outside the addToCart fn", retrievelocalstorage)并没有打印retrievelocalstorage的值,所以建议添加.then(retrievelocalstorage => whatevervariablehere = retrievelocalstorage)在consolelog中仍然显示whatevervariable为空。

javascript javascript-events

你可以尝试在这里使用asyncawait,这样你就不会使用了。.then 并可以将结果分配给一个变量。

async function getResults() {
  const result = await fetch(...).json() // your code for fetch
  // work with result as a regular variable



.then(() => {
   // you can get your data from LocalStorage here

后面的代码 fetch 不劳而获

或者你可以将异步 fn 封装到另一个 fn 中,然后使用 async/await

async function() {
  await addToCart...
  // you can get your data from LocalStorage here
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