在 dotnet 项目中发现易受攻击的 nuget 包时,使 GitHub Actions CI 构建失败时出错

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在检查当解决方案中的项目中发现易受攻击的 nuget 包时使 GitHub Actions CI 构建失败的方法。这是repo



# Check Vulnerable Nuget Packages
- name: Checking Vulnerable Nuget Packages
  run: dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive


# Check Vulnerable Nuget Packages
- name: Checking Vulnerable Nuget Packages
  run: |
    dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive 2>&1 | tee build.log
    echo "Analyze dotnet vulnerable nuget package command log output..."
    grep -q -i "critical\|high\|moderate\|low" build.log; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Security Vulnerabilities found in Nuget Packages on the log output" && exit 1


Run dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive 2>&1 | tee build.log
  dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive 2>&1 | tee build.log
  echo "Analyze dotnet vulnerable nuget package command log output..."
  grep -q -i "critical\|high\|moderate\|low" build.log; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Security Vulnerabilities found in Nuget Packages on the log output" && exit 1
  shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
    DOTNET_ROOT: /usr/share/dotnet

The following sources were used:

The given project `Web` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `BaseComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `BlazorDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SharedModels` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `OOPSDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `UITests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `DependencyInjectionDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SharedComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `LINQDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `DesignPatternDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `ReportDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `HTTPClientDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MiddlewareDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `PythonDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SOLIDDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `TDDDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `WebAPIDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `CommonComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
Analyze dotnet vulnerable nuget package command log output...
Security Vulnerabilities found in Nuget Packages on the log output
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.



- name: Checking Vulnerable Nuget Packages
  run: |
    dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive 2>&1 | tee build.log
    echo "printing build.log..."
    cat build.log
    echo "Analyze dotnet vulnerable nuget package command log output..."
    grep -q -i "critical\|high\|moderate\|low" build.log; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Security Vulnerabilities found in Nuget Packages on the log output" && exit 1


Run dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive 2>&1 | tee build.log
  dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive 2>&1 | tee build.log
  echo "printing build.log..."
  cat build.log
  echo "Analyze dotnet vulnerable nuget package command log output..."
  grep -q -i "critical\|high\|moderate\|low" build.log; [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Security Vulnerabilities found in Nuget Packages on the log output" && exit 1
  shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
    DOTNET_ROOT: /usr/share/dotnet

The following sources were used:

The given project `Web` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `BaseComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `BlazorDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SharedModels` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `OOPSDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `UITests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `DependencyInjectionDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SharedComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `LINQDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `DesignPatternDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `ReportDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `HTTPClientDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MiddlewareDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `PythonDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SOLIDDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `TDDDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `WebAPIDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `CommonComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
printing build.log...

The following sources were used:

The given project `Web` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `BaseComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `BlazorDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SharedModels` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `OOPSDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `UITests` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `DependencyInjectionDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SharedComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `LINQDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `DesignPatternDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `ReportDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `HTTPClientDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `MiddlewareDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `PythonDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `SOLIDDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `TDDDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `WebAPIDemoComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
The given project `CommonComponents` has no vulnerable packages given the current sources.
Analyze dotnet vulnerable nuget package command log output...
Security Vulnerabilities found in Nuget Packages on the log output
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

构建仍然失败。请你能帮我理解我在这个命令中做错了什么吗? grep 命令有问题吗?

.net unix grep nuget github-actions



grep -q -i "critical\|high\|moderate\|low" build.log



The following sources were used:




更可靠的解决方案是使用 JSON 格式。

从 .NET SDK 7.0.200 开始,

dotnet list package
标志,可用于生成 JSON 输出:


 命令检查 JSON 密钥 


dotnet list package --vulnerable --include-transitive --format=json > list.json
if jq -cre '.projects | .. | .severity? // empty' list.json; then
  echo 'Vulnerabilities found! Exiting...'
  jq . list.json
  exit 1
  echo 'No vulnerabilities found!'


  • 将 JSON 输出转储到
  • 递归检查
  • 如果有一个或多个
    KV 对,则返回零
    • 如果成功,它会将完整的 JSON 转储到控制台上
    • 如果需要,您可以再次运行命令来打印控制台输出
  • 如果没有严重性键,则返回非零退出代码
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