Networkx 间接联系

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尝试检查 Networkx 中的一些现有库,例如共同邻居等,但与间接关系的定义不匹配。

python networkx social-networking

虽然没有特定的 NetworkX 功能,但您仍然可以使用 NetworkX 创建自己的功能(我将在评论中解释 - 抱歉,如果冗长):

import networkx as nx

def find_indirect(G): #G is a graph

    # We create an empty dictionary to hold all of the pairs which have indirect ties

    indirect_ties = {}
    # Iterate over all pairs of nodes in our graph
    for x in G.nodes():
        for y in G.nodes():
            if x != y and not G.has_edge(x, y):  # That means 1. the nodes are not the same node and no edge exists between them
                neighbors_of_x = set(G.neighbors(x))
                neighbors_of_y = set(G.neighbors(y))
                # Finding the intersection of the sets creates the unique set of neighbors shared between the two
                common_neighbors = neighbors_of_x.intersection(neighbors_of_y)
                if common_neighbors: # Obviously if not common_neighbors is true obviates this
                    indirect_ties[(x, y)] = list(common_neighbors) # Now we have each key in the dict as a tuple of the two nodes that have indirect ties, and the value for the key is what is shared
    return indirect_ties


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