
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


def InputString():
    String = str(input("Enter your password. :"))

    return String

def CheckPassword(Password):
    ##I declared "Index","Upper","Lower","Digit" and "Other" as Integer.
    ##In python, there is no data type for
    ##"char", so We use string instead.
    ##I use "variable" as boolean for checking password.
    Upper = 0
    Lower = 0
    Digit = 0
    Other = 0
    variable = False
    for index in range(len(Password)):

        NextChar = (Password[index:index+1])
        if NextChar >= "A" and NextChar <= "Z":
            Upper = Upper + 1
            elif NextChar >= "a" and NextChar <= "z":
            Lower = Lower + 1
        elif NextChar >= "0" and NextChar <= "9":
            Digit = Digit + 1
        else :
            Other = Other + 1

    if Upper > 1 and Lower >= 5 and (Digit - Other) > 0:
        variable = True
    else :
        variable = False

    return variable

def CheckThrough (Password):
    FileP = open("Password.txt","r")
    if FileP.mode == 'r':
        contents = FileP.read()
        if contents == Password:
            usable = False
        else :
             usable = True

    return usable

###The main programs starts here###

print("Enter the password.")
print("You must add at least 1 upper character.")
print("5 lower character")
print("and the difference between numeric character and symbols must be more than 1.")
variable = False
usable = False

while variable == False and usable == False:
    Password = InputString()
    variable = CheckPassword(Password)
    if variable == True:
        usable = CheckThrough(Password)
        if usable == True:
            print("You can use the password.")
        elif usable ==False :
            print("The password you entered is already used.")
        else :
            print("The error is ocuured.")
    else :
        print("You can't use this password, try again.")

print("Your password is",Password)

FileP = open("Password.txt","a+")
python-3.x python-3.7

你需要添加 .strip() 所以它没有空格,例如 String = str(input("Enter your password. :").strip()). 当你输入密码时,有一个空格,但它不会被保存到文件中,因此它总是把它作为一个新的密码来读取。

我的输入 = 输入你的密码。 :Kingdom1hearTs.



if contents == Password: 需要 if Password in contents:否则你看到的密码是否与整个txt文件相同。

NextChar = (Password[index:index+1])
        if NextChar >= "A" and NextChar <= "Z":
            Upper = Upper + 1
        elif NextChar >= "a" and NextChar <= "z": #had the wrong indentation
            Lower = Lower + 1
        elif NextChar >= "0" and NextChar <= "9":
            Digit = Digit + 1
        else :
            Other = Other + 1
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