type Z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = (A, B) match
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case (a *: as, b *: bs) => (a, b) *: Z[as, bs]
def z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](a: A, b: B): Z[A, B] = (a, b) match
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case (ah *: at, bh *: bt) => (ah, bh) *: z(at, bt)
分别是Found: EmptyTuple.type Required: test.Tuples.Z[A, B]
和Found: (Any, Any) *: test.Tuples.Z[Tuple, Tuple] Required: test.Tuples.Z[A, B]
限制为具有相同长度的元组(例如如何在 scala 2 中使用 shapeless' Length
def z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple, M <: Int](a: A, b: B): Z[A, B] = (a, b) match
case (ah *: at, bh *: bt) => ((ah, bh) *: z(at, bt)).asInstanceOf[Z[A, B]]
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple.asInstanceOf[Z[A, B]]
) 和 b) 如果有办法将 Z
type L[T <: Tuple] <: Int = T match
case EmptyTuple => 0
case _ *: t => 1 + L[t]
type Z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = (A, B) match
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case (a *: as, b *: bs) => (a, b) *: Z[as, bs]
def z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple, M <: Int](a: A, b: B)(using L[A] =:= L[B]): Z[A, B] = (a, b) match
case (ah *: at, bh *: bt) => ((ah, bh) *: z(at, bt)).asInstanceOf[Z[A, B]]
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple.asInstanceOf[Z[A, B]]
println(z(1 *: true *: EmptyTuple, "seven" *: 9.8 *: EmptyTuple)) // <-- correctly zips tuples: ((1,seven),(true,9.8))
// println(z(1 *: EmptyTuple, "seven" *: 9.8 *: EmptyTuple)) // <-- results in compile-time error as desired: "Cannot prove that test.Tuples.L[(Int *: EmptyTuple.type)] =:= test.Tuples.L[(String, Double)]..."
编辑2: 所以实际上事实证明元组长度已经被限制为相等,否则匹配类型
无法解析,所以我想问题只是如何避免 z()
这种匹配表达式的特殊输入模式仅在以下情况下使用: 满足以下条件:
- 匹配表达式模式没有防护
- 匹配表达式受审者类型是匹配类型受审者类型的子类型
- 匹配表达式和匹配类型具有相同的事例数
- 匹配表达式模式都是类型化模式,这些类型
type Z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = (A, B) match
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case (a *: as, b *: bs) => (a, b) *: Z[as, bs]
def z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](a: A, b: B): Z[A, B] = (a, b) match
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case (ah *: at, bh *: bt) => (ah, bh) *: z(at, bt)
打破条件 4。
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple)
和 case (ah *: at, bh *: bt)
type Z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = (A, B) match
case (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case (a *: as, b *: bs) => (a, b) *: Z[as, bs]
def z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](a: A, b: B): Z[A, B] = (a, b) match
case _: (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple) => EmptyTuple
case t: (_ *: _, _ *: _) => t match
case (ah *: at, bh *: bt) => (ah, bh) *: z(at, bt)
z((1, "a"), (true, 2.0)) // ()
case _: (EmptyTuple, EmptyTuple)
和case t: (_ *: _, _ *: _)
只是case _: (_, _)
并且匹配所有内容。如果我们交换大小写,那么 z((1, "a"), (true, 2.0))
会抛出运行时异常 (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
type Z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = A match
case EmptyTuple => Z1[B]
case a *: as => Z2[a, as, B]
type Z1[B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = B match
case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
type Z2[A, As <: Tuple, B <: Tuple] <: Tuple = B match
case b *: bs => (A, b) *: Z[As, bs]
def z[A <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](a: A, b: B): Z[A, B] = a match
case _: EmptyTuple => z1(b)
case a1: (_ *: _) => a1 match
case a2 *: as => z2(a2, as, b)
def z1[B <: Tuple](b: B): Z1[B] = b match
case _: EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
def z2[A, As <: Tuple, B <: Tuple](a: A, as: As, b: B): Z2[A, As, B] = b match
case b1: (_ *: _) => b1 match
case b2 *: bs => (a, b2) *: z(as, bs)
// compiles
summon[Z[(Int, String), (Boolean, Double)] =:= ((Int, Boolean), (String, Double))]
z((1, "a"), (true, 2.0)) // ((1,true),(a,2.0))
// doesn't compile
// summon[Z[(Int, String, Long), (Boolean, Double)] =:= ((Int, Boolean), (String, Double))]
// z((1, "a", 3L), (true, 2.0))
// Match type reduction failed since selector EmptyTuple.type
// matches none of the cases
// case b *: bs => (Long, b) *: Z[EmptyTuple.type, bs]
// doesn't compile
// summon[Z[(Int, String), (Boolean, Double, Long)] =:= ((Int, Boolean), (String, Double))]
// z((1, "a"), (true, 2.0, 3L))
// Match type reduction failed since selector Long *: EmptyTuple.type
// matches none of the cases
// case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple