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[geoJson中的一个记录-var FeaturedTrails = {“ type”:“ FeatureCollection”,“ name”:“ OneTamFeaturedTrails”,“ crs”:{“ type”:“ name”,“ properties”:{“ name”:“ urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84”}},“特征”: [{“ type”:“功能”,“ properties”:{“ trailName”:“西峰环路”},“ geometry”:{“ type”:“ MultiLineString”,“ coordinates”:[[[-122.61021,37.91201] ,[-122.6103、37.91196],[-122.61032、37.91195],[-122.61034、37.91195],[-122.61037、37.91194],[-122.61044、37.91194],[-122.61049、37.91194],[-122.61051、37.91194], [-122.61056,37.91191],[-122.61058,37.91191],[-122.6106,37.91191],[-122.61066,37.9119],[-122.61069,37.9119],[-122.61072,37.91189],[-122.61076,37.91186],[ -122.61101,37.91191],[-122.61116,37.91202] []}},

    var trailProps = {
      "West Peak Loop": {
        color: "red",
        info: `<h2>West Peak Loop</h2>Some info <img src='https://www.onetam.org/sites/default/files/trails/trail_westpeak01.jpg' width='300px'>`,
       // stats: `<h2>West Peak Loop</h2><b>Miles:</b> 11 mi<br><b>Difficulty</b>: Mindbending`
      "Redwood Creek Trail Loop": {
        color: "red",
        info: `<h2>West Peak Loop</h2>Some info <img src='https://www.onetam.org/sites/default/files/trails/trail_westpeak01.jpg' width='300px'>`,
        //stats: `<h2>West Peak Loop</h2><b>Miles:</b> 11 mi<br><b>Difficulty</b>: Mindbending`
      "Mountain Home Inn Loop": {
        color: "red",
        info: `<h2>West Peak Loop</h2>Some info <img src='https://www.onetam.org/sites/default/files/trails/trail_westpeak01.jpg' width='300px'>`,
        //stats: `<h2>West Peak Loop</h2><b>Miles:</b> 11 mi<br><b>Difficulty</b>: Mindbending`

    // Create empty object to contain geoJSON objects of trails
    var trailsGeoJSON = {}

  // Loop through properties and assign them to the trails
  for (trail in trailProps) {

    // assign variable of the empty object with [trail] array
    trailsGeoJSON[trail] = L.geoJson(featuredTrails, {
      // is point to layer ok for use on polylines?
      pointToLayer: function(feature, latLngs){
        return L.polyline (feature, latLngs);
      filter: function(feature) {
        // Test for equivalence, then return feature
        if (feature.properties.trailName == trail)
              return feature
      style: function(feature) {
        if (feature.properties.trailName == trail)
              return {"color": trailProps[trail].color}

      onEachFeature: function(feature, layer) {
        if (feature.properties.trailName == trail) {
         // layer.bindPopup(trailProps[trail].stats)

  // loop through the geoJSONs and add event when clicked
  for (trail in trailsGeoJSON) {

    trailsGeoJSON[trail].on("click", function(e){
      var div = document.getElementById("info")
      div.style.display= "inherit"
      // use the trailsProp object to populate info
      div.innerHTML = trailProps[trail].info
javascript leaflet

类似于Leaflet OnClick data not dynamically,您可能只需要确保trail循环中的for变量在每次循环迭代中都处于块范围内]:>

for (const trail in trailsGeoJSON) {
  // etc.
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