Excel VBA 正则表达式代码可修剪多行文本的前导/尾随空格和空行,以及重复的单词/空格/逗号

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在 Excel 中,我调用 RegEx() 函数来修剪前导/尾随空白字符(所有空白)以及前导/尾随空白行,并且如果文本中存在多个空白行,则在中间仅保留 1 个空白行。细胞。

A1 值是具有上述垃圾文本的多行文本。

我的目标是修剪所有空白行,包括不间断字符,并删除所有前导/尾随空白行,并只留下 1 个空白行。所以它会删除 2 个以上的空白行,使它们只剩下 1 个。



A1 = see below
It's difficult to input because the multiple lines, but I will type some text that shows, imagine this below as in cell A1:
         Several blank lines with spaces before this text and now this. Mark     is a  really      nice guy.       And     
             there is a lot of             
       white     space all     over the.     place, and and    ,  , ,,,,,  lots of commas,  ,   , 

and , text   text  Text before and  after , commas
            many blank characters on every single blank line


Several blank lines with spaces before this text and now this. Mark is a really nice guy. And
there is a lot of      
white space all over the. place, and, lots of commas,
and, text before and after, commas
many blank characters on every single blank line
B1 = RegExp(A1, "(\r?\n\s*){2,}", CHAR(10) & CHAR(10), TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)

C1 = RegExp(B1, "^(?:[\t\s\xA0]+)|(?:[\t\s\xA0]+)$", "", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

注意:此时 C1 已经修剪了文本并且只有 1 行,所以这是一个好的开始。

D1 = RegExp(C1, "[ \xA0]+", " ", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)

注意:D1 现在已删除重复的空格。

E1 = RegExp(D1, "[ ,]{2,}", ", ", TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)


F1 = RegExp(E1, "\b(\w+)\b[\s\xA0]+(?=\1\b)", "", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)

注意:F1 现在删除了重复的单词,因此只有一个单词没有删除,2+


Public Function RegExp(ByVal text As String, _
    ByVal pattern As String, _
    ByVal strReplace As String, _
    Optional ByVal caseInsensitive As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal multiLines As Boolean = True, _
    Optional ByVal allOccurrences As Boolean = True) As String
    Dim regEx As New RegExp
    With regEx
        .pattern = pattern
        .MultiLine = multiLines
        .IgnoreCase = caseInsensitive
        .Global = allOccurrences
    End With
    RegExp = regEx.Replace(text, strReplace) 'returns modified text (or original text if no modifications)
End Function



B1 = RegExp(A1, "^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$", "", TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
C1 = RegExp(B1, "^[\s\xA0]+|[\s\xA0]+$", CHAR(10), TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)
excel regex vba regexp-replace


这里有一些示例代码,展示了如何在调用之间重用 RegExp 对象,而不是为每个调用创建新的实例。

'Run a performance test
Sub Tester()
    Dim n As Long, txt As String, res As String, t
    txt = [a1].Value      'your example input
    t = Timer
    For n = 1 To 1000
        res = FixText(txt)
    Next n
    Debug.Print Timer - t  '10-11 sec with OPTIMIZE = False, 0.1 sec when True
    Debug.Print res
End Sub

Function FixText(ByVal text As String)
    Const OPTIMIZE As Boolean = True 'caches objects when True
    Dim arr, n, re As Object, i As Long, res As String
    Static col As Collection 'cache prepared RegExp objects between calls
    'array of alternating pattern and repalcement text pairs
    arr = Array("(\r?\n\s*){2,}", vbLf, _
                "^(?:[\t\s\xA0]+)|(?:[\t\s\xA0]+)$", "", _
                "[ \xA0]+", " ", _
                "[ ,]{2,}", ", ")
    If OPTIMIZE And col Is Nothing Then      'need to intialize the collection?
        Set col = New Collection
        For n = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) Step 2
            col.Add GetRegExp(arr(n), True, True, True)
        Next n
    End If
    If OPTIMIZE Then
        'using cached RegExp objects
        i = 1 'index of first replacement text
        For Each re In col
            text = re.Replace(text, CStr(arr(i)))
            i = i + 2
        Next re
        'using freshly-created objects for each call
        For n = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) Step 2
            text = GetRegExp(arr(n), True, True, True).Replace(text, arr(n + 1))
        Next n
    End If
    FixText = text
End Function

'return a configured RegExp object
Public Function GetRegExp(ByVal pattern As String, _
                          Optional ByVal caseInsensitive As Boolean = True, _
                          Optional ByVal multiLines As Boolean = True, _
                          Optional ByVal allOccurrences As Boolean = True) As RegExp
    Set GetRegExp = New RegExp
    With GetRegExp
        .MultiLine = multiLines
        .IgnoreCase = caseInsensitive
        .pattern = pattern
        .Global = allOccurrences
    End With
End Function
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