
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我需要一种方法来在用户输入空格和特殊字符(例如,)时停止批量关闭。 !@#$%^&*()。顺便说一句,如果您想知道,我正在批量编写一个测验。

我一直在研究,大多数方法都使用“for”,比如“for /L %%i in (0.1.255) do”。我主要想要一个适用于多种事物的工具,因为这是一项测验并且有多个问题。


我删除了底部的一些代码,以便我可以发布我的代码相当长的信息。当你在寻找的时候,你能告诉我为什么当我回答第 8 个问题时它会崩溃吗?我可能正在推动它,但是还有更好的方法来做我正在做的事情吗?


<!-- : BATCH
    cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf"
    @echo off
    title The Quiz of Minecraft
    color 2
REM here is my title but it is quite big since its ASCII
    echo 1) Start
    echo 2) Guide
    echo 3) Exit
    set /p lollies=">> "
    if not defined lollies goto menu
    if %lollies% == 1 goto question1
    if %lollies% == 2 goto Guide
    if %lollies% == 3 (goto Exit) else (goto error1)
    set /p score=
    timeout /t 0 /nobreak >nul

    echo Sorry but %lollies% was invalid, please try again!
    set lollies=
    goto menu

    echo Enter the number that is before your selection.  --^> 1) ^Start
    echo Would you like to continue? (y/n)
    set /p guider=">> "
    if not defined guider goto Guide
    if /i %guider% == y goto menu
    if /i %guider% == n (goto Guide) else (goto error2)

    echo Sorry but %guider% was invalid, please try again!
    set guider=
    goto Guide

    echo Are you sure you want to leave? (y/n)
    set /p leaving=">> "
    if not defined leaving goto Exit
    if /i %leaving% == y goto bye
    if /i %leaving% == n (goto menu) else (goto error3)

    echo Sorry but %leaving% was invalid, please try again!
    set leaving=
    goto Exit

    echo Goodbye!
    timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul

    echo Please type your username below.
    set /p called="Enter Username: "
    if not defined called goto Name
    goto username

    echo Welcome %called%! Hope you enjoy!
    timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul
    goto question1

    echo 1: What year was Minecraft officially released?
    echo 1) 2008    2) 2009
    echo 3) 2010    4) 2011
    set /p answer1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer1 goto Start
    if %answer1% == 1 goto question2_1
    if %answer1% == 2 goto question2_1
    if %answer1% == 3 goto question2_1
    if %answer1% == 4 (goto question2) else (goto invalid1)

    echo Sorry but %answer1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer1=
    goto question1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 2: What update added the elytra?
    echo 1) 1.16  2) 1.12
    echo 3) 1.9  4) 1.8
    set /p answer2="Answer: "
    if not defined answer2 goto question2
    if %answer2% == 1 goto question3_1
    if %answer2% == 2 goto question3_1
    if %answer2% == 3 goto question3
    if %answer2% == 2 (goto question3_1) else (goto invalid2)

    echo Sorry but %answer2% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer2=
    goto question2

    echo 2: What update added the elytra?
    echo 1) 1.16        2) 1.12
    echo 3) 1.9     4) 1.8
    set /p answer2_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer2_1 goto question2_1
    if %answer2_1% == 1 goto question3_1
    if %answer2_1% == 2 goto question3_1
    if %answer2_1% == 3 goto question3
    if %answer2_1% == 2 (goto question3_1) else (goto invalid2_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer2_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer2_1=
    goto question2_1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 3: What update was the combat update?
    echo 1) 1.9  2) 1.2
    echo 3) 1.15  4) 1.13
    set /p answer3="Answer: "
    if not defined answer3 goto question3
    if %answer3% == 1 goto question4
    if %answer3% == 2 goto question4_1
    if %answer3% == 3 goto question4_1
    if %answer3% == 4 (goto question4_1) else (goto invalid3)

    echo Sorry but %answer3% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer3=
    goto question3

    echo 3: What update was the combat update?
    echo 1) 1.9     2) 1.2
    echo 3) 1.15    4) 1.13
    set /p answer3_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer3_1 goto question3_1
    if %answer3_1% == 1 goto question4
    if %answer3_1% == 2 goto question4_1
    if %answer3_1% == 3 goto question4_1
    if %answer3_1% == 4 (goto question4_1) else (goto invalid3_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer3_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer3_1=
    goto question3_1

    echo 4: What mod makes torches work in the off-hand?
    echo 1) Off-hand Torches    2) Dynamic Lighting
    echo 3) Dynamic Lightning   4) Dynamic torches
    set /p answer4="ANswer: "
    if not defined answer4 goto question4
    if %answer4% == 1 goto question5_1
    if %answer4% == 2 goto question5
    if %answer4% == 3 goto question5_1
    if %answer4% == 4 (goto question5_1) else (goto invalid4)

    echo Sorry but %answer4% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer4=
    goto question4

    echo 4: What mod makes torches work in the off-hand?
    echo 1) Off-hand Torches    2) Dynamic Lighting
    echo 3) Dynamic Lightning   4) Dynamic torches
    set /p answer4_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer4_1 goto question4_1
    if %answer4_1% == 1 goto question5_1
    if %answer4_1% == 2 goto question5
    if %answer4_1% == 3 goto question5_1
    if %answer4_1% == 4 (goto question5_1) else (goto invalid4_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer4_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer4_1=
    goto question4_1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 5: What are they making changes to in the 1.21 update?
    echo 1) The End      2) Villagers
    echo 3) The Nether  4) Combat
    set /p answer5="Answer: "
    if not defined answer5 goto question5
    if %answer5% == 1 goto question6_1
    if %answer5% == 2 goto question6_1
    if %answer5% == 3 goto question6_1
    if %answer5% == 4 (goto question6) else (goto invalid5)

    echo Sorry but %answer5% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer5=
    goto question5

    echo 5: What are they making changes to in the 1.21 update?
    echo 1) The End     2) Villagers
    echo 3) The Nether  4) Combat
    set /p answer5_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer5_1 goto question5_1
    if %answer5_1% == 1 goto question6_1
    if %answer5_1% == 2 goto question6_1
    if %answer5_1% == 3 goto question6_1
    if %answer5_1% == 4 (goto question6) else (goto invalid5_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer5_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer5_1="Answer: "
    goto question5_1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 6: What mod adds realism to the elytra?
    echo 1) Better Elytra   2) Elytra Physics
    echo 3) Do A Barrel Roll    4) Elytra Remastered
    set /p answer6="Answer: "
    if not defined answer6 goto question6
    if %answer6% == 1 goto question7_1
    if %answer6% == 2 goto question7_1
    if %answer6% == 3 goto question7
    if %answer6% == 4 (goto question7_1) else (goto invalid6)

    echo Sorry but %answer6% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer6=
    goto question6

    echo 6: What mod adds realism to the elytra?
    echo 1) Better Elytra       2) Elytra Physics
    echo 3) Do A Barrel Roll    4) Elytra Remastered
    set /p answer6_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer6_1 goto question6_1
    if %answer6_1% == 1 goto question7_1
    if %answer6_1% == 2 goto question7_1
    if %answer6_1% == 3 goto question7
    if %answer6_1% == 4 (goto question7_1) else (goto invalid6_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer6_1% was invalid, please try again
    set answer6_1=
    goto question6_1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 7: What name do you give an illager to make it attack any mob?
    echo 1) Johnny  2) Charlie
    echo 3) Jeff        4) Bob
    set /p answer7="Answer: "
    if not defined answer7 goto question7
    if %answer7% == 1 goto question8
    if %answer7% == 2 goto question8_1
    if %answer7% == 3 goto question8_1
    if %answer7% == 4 (goto question8_1) else (goto invalid7)

    echo Sorry but %answer7% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer7=
    goto question7

    echo 7: What name do you give an illager to make it attack any mob?
    echo 1) Johnny  2) Charlie
    echo 3) Jeff    4) Bob
    set /p answer7_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer7_1 goto question7_1
    if %answer7_1% == 1 goto question8
    if %answer7_1% == 2 goto question8_1
    if %answer7_1% == 3 goto question8_1
    if %answer7_1% == 4 (goto question8_1) else (goto invalid7_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer7_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer7_1=
    goto question7_1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 8: What is the name for the 1.21 update?
    echo 1) The Bountiful   2) The Frostburn
    echo 3) Trails ^& tails 4) Forrests ^& Fossils
    set /p answer8="Answer: "
    if not defined answer8 goto question8
    if %answer8% == 1 goto question9_1
    if %answer8% == 2 goto question9_1
    if %answer8% == 3 goto question9_1
    if %answer8% == 4 goto (question9) else (goto invalid8)

    echo Sorry but %answer8% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer8=
    goto question8

    echo 8: What is the name for the 1.21 update?
    echo 1) The Bountiful   2) The Frostburn
    echo 3) Trails ^& tails 4) Forrests ^& Fossils
    set /p answer8_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer8_1 goto question8_1
    if %answer8_1% == 1 goto question9_1
    if %answer8_1% == 2 goto question9_1
    if %answer8_1% == 3 goto question9_1
    if %answer8_1% == 4 goto (question9) else (goto invalid8_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer8_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer8_1=
    goto question8_1

    set /a score+=1
    echo 9: What was the first anarchy server on minecraft?
    echo 1) Arch Haven  2) Chaos Control
    echo 3) 2B2T        4) Nuke Nation
    set /p answer9="Answer: "
    if not defined answer9 goto question9
    if %answer9% == 1 goto question10_1
    if %answer9% == 2 goto question10_1
    if %answer9% == 3 goto question10
    if %answer9% == 4 goto (question10_1) else (goto invalid9)

    echo Sorry but %answer9% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer9=
    goto question9

    echo 9: What was the first anarchy server on minecraft?
    echo 1) Arch Haven  2) Chaos Control
    echo 3) 2B2T        4) Nuke Nation
    set /p answer9_1="Answer: "
    if not defined answer9_1 goto question9_1
    if %answer9_1% == 1 goto question10_1
    if %answer9_1% == 2 goto question10_1
    if %answer9_1% == 3 goto question10
    if %answer9_1% == 4 goto (question10_1) else (goto invaild9_1)

    echo Sorry but %answer9_1% was invalid, please try again!
    set answer9_1=
    goto question9_1
BATCH : --->

<job><script language="VBScript">

Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{f11}"

REM Review then score: 

如果您多次重复代码的相同(或非常相似)部分,则必须在每个实例中维护它(这就是您最初的错误的来源:在问题 8 中您搞乱了语法)。最好合并代码,以便多次使用单个实例(函数)。



您有很多问题(缩短的脚本中有 9 个),所有问题都有四个可能的答案(相同的格式,这使得使用相同的子例程可以轻松处理所有问题并将所有问题收集在脚本中的一个位置,这使得维护代码并轻松添加其他问题非常容易。

<!-- : BATCH
rem @cscript //nologo "%~f0?.wsf"
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title The Quiz of Minecraft
color 2
REM here is my title but it is quite big since its ASCII
echo 1) Start
echo 2) Guide
echo 3) Exit
choice /c 123
if errorlevel 3 goto exit
if errorlevel 2 goto guide
if errorlevel 1 goto game
set "score=0" Number of questions answered correct with first try
set "tries=0" Total number of answers given
timeout /t 0 /nobreak >nul

echo Enter the number that is before your selection.  --^> 1) Start
echo short description of the goal of this game
goto menu

choice /M "Are you sure you want to leave?"
if errorlevel 2 goto menu
echo Goodbye!
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
exit /b

echo Please type your username below.
set /p called="Enter Username: "
if not defined called goto game
echo Welcome %called%! Hope you enjoy!
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >nul

for /f %%a in ('findstr /B "Q[1-9][0-9]*:" "%~f0"') do set /a "questions+=1"
for /l %%i in (1,1,%questions%) do call :askQuestion %%i
set /a percent=score*100/tries
echo Thank you for playing, %called%. Questions: %questions%. Tries:%tries%. Score:%percent%%% (first right:%score%)
timeout /t 5 >nul
goto :eof

set "first="
for /f "tokens=1-7 delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /b "Q%1:" "%~f0"') do (
  echo Question %1: %%b?  [DBG: %%g]
  echo 1^) %%c
  echo 2^) %%d
  echo 3^) %%e
  echo 4^) %%f
  choice /c 1234 /M "Your answer? "
  if !errorlevel! == %%g (
    set /a tries+=1
    if not defined first set /a score+=1 
    echo correct.
  ) else (
    set /a tries+=1
    set first=false 
    echo incorrect.
    goto :askAgain %1
goto :eof

REM Q/A section. Format: Number:question:answer1:answer2:answer3:answer4:correctAnswer
Q1:What year was Minecraft officially released:2008:2009:2010:2011:4
Q2:What update added the elytra:1.16:1.12:1.9:1.8:3
Q3:What update was the combat update:1.9:1.2:1.15:1.13:4
Q4:What mod makes torches work in the off-hand:Off-hand torches:Dynamic Lighting:Dynamic Lightning:Dynamic torches:2
Q5:What are they making changes to in the 1.21 update:The End:villagers:The Nether:Combat:4
Q6:What mod adds realism to the elytra:Better Elytra:Elytra Physics:Do A Barrel Roll:Elytra Remastered:3
Q7:What name do you give an villager to make it attack any mob:Johnny:Charlie:Jeff:Bob:1
Q8:What is the name for the 1.21 update:The Bountiful:The Frostburn:Trails & tails:Forrests & Fossils:4
Q9:What was the first anarchy server on minecraft:Arch Haven:Chaos Control:2B2T:Nuke Nation:3

BATCH : --->
<job><script language="VBScript">
Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.SendKeys "{f11}"
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