
问题描述 投票:0回答:2
val myQuestion = """
I am creating a multiline string containing paragraphs of text.  The text will wrap when put into a TextView.  

But as you can see, when defining the text in the editor, if I want to avoid newlines mid-paragraph, I need to write really long lines that require a lot of horizontal scrolling.

Is there some way that I can have line breaks in the editor that don't appear in the actual value of the string?
kotlin multiline



val myQuestion = """
    I am creating a multiline string containing paragraphs of text.  ${""
    }The text will wrap when put into a TextView.  

    But as you can see, when defining the text in the editor, ${""
    }if I want to avoid newlines mid-paragraph, I need to write ${""
    }really long lines that require a lot of horizontal scrolling.

    Is there some way that I can have line breaks in the editor ${""
    }that don't appear in the actual value of the string?




${ ... }
${ ... }
nothing 附加到字符串中。


另一种方法是将 single-newline 视为“仅编辑器”换行符,该换行符将被删除。 如果您确实想要一个单换行符,请放置一个双换行符。 如果你想要双倍,就放三倍,依此类推:

val myQuestion = """
    I am creating a multiline string containing paragraphs of text.  
    The text will wrap when put into a TextView.  

    But as you can see, when defining the text in the editor, 
    if I want to avoid newlines mid-paragraph, I need to write 
    really long lines that require a lot of horizontal scrolling.

    Is there some way that I can have line breaks in the editor 
    that don't appear in the actual value of the string?
""".trimIndent().replace(Regex("(\n*)\n"), "$1")

这类似于 Markdown 的方法 - 它忽略单独的换行符(除非前一行以 2 个或更多空格结尾 - 我觉得这很令人困惑)。

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