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欢迎回来。我现在尝试使用节点交换来进行冒泡排序。我的算法中有一个我无法确定的问题。当我删除布尔条件以确定列表是否已排序时,程序会生成一些输出,表明循环条件未能解决算法中的问题。我已经画出了在纸上发生的情况,每个指针都被重新分配了。我设想了节点a b c d,其中b和c被交换了。排序功能如下。我已为每项操作做记录,以试图弄清我做错了什么。没有骰子,任何指导将不胜感激,谢谢。

void sortList(void)
    struct Node *before, *after;
    struct Node * temp;

    bool sorted = false;

    while (sorted == false)
        //test completion
        sorted = true;  //if this isn't changed by the below statement the list is sorted
        temp = head;    //reinitializes where there list sorts from
        while (temp->next != NULL)  //stops at the end of the list
            if (temp->data > temp->next->data)
                //test the value of the nodes to see if they need a sort

                before = temp->prev;    //"back" pointer for subject (b)
                after = temp->next; //"forward" pointer for subject
                if (before != NULL)
                    before->next = after;   //covers swap being made at beginning
                temp->next = after->next;   //points to after next
                after->next->prev = temp;   //sets prev pointer for "d"
                temp->prev = after; //points to what after pointed
                after->next = temp; //places node after next one
                after->prev = before;   //ditto

                sorted = false; //flagged, the list is not sorted
            temp = temp->next;  //moves through the list

c bubble-sort


  1. 移动列表中的第一个节点时,它不会更新head。 (修复:添加else零件以更新head。)
  2. after->next->prev取消引用列表末尾的空指针。 (修复:首先检查after->next != NULL。)
  3. temp = temp->next取消引用列表末尾的空指针,并在不在列表末尾时跳过位置。将temp节点与下一个节点交换的代码已经在列表中将temp推进了一个位置,因此不应再次执行。 (修复:仅当不需要交换temp = temp->next;节点时,才将else移到temp部分中。)


void sortList(void)
    struct Node *before, *after;
    struct Node * temp;

    bool sorted = false;

    while (sorted == false)
        //test completion
        sorted = true;  //if this isn't changed by the below statement the list is sorted
        temp = head;    //reinitializes where there list sorts from
        while (temp->next != NULL)  //stops at the end of the list
            if (temp->data > temp->next->data)
                //test the value of the nodes to see if they need a sort

                before = temp->prev;    //"back" pointer for subject (b)
                after = temp->next; //"forward" pointer for subject
                if (before != NULL)
                    // temp is not at beginning of list
                    before->next = after;
                    // *** Fix 1 ***
                    // temp is at beginning of list
                    head = after;
                temp->next = after->next;   //points to after next
                if (after->next != NULL) // *** Fix 2 ***
                    after->next->prev = temp;   //sets prev pointer for "d"
                temp->prev = after; //points to what after pointed
                after->next = temp; //places node after next one
                after->prev = before;   //ditto

                sorted = false; //flagged, the list is not sorted
            else // *** Fix 3 ***
                temp = temp->next;  //moves through the list




    bool sorted = (head == NULL);


  1. 添加新变量done,以将已排序部分的开始标记在列表的末尾。将其初始化为函数顶部附近的NULL(在外循环之前):
    struct Node *done = NULL;
  1. 更改内部循环以在列表的未排序部分的末尾终止的条件:
    while (sorted == false)
        //test completion
        sorted = true;  //if this isn't changed by the below statement the list is sorted
        temp = head;    //reinitializes where there list sorts from
        while (temp->next != done) // stops at the sorted portion of the list
  1. [当内部循环终止时(在外部循环的末尾),temp节点及其以外的所有内容都已排序,因此使done指向此节点:
        done = temp;    // everything from here is already sorted
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