当在Swift 4中使用NSMutableParagraphStyle和paragraphSpacingBefore时,如何获得正确的插字大小和位置?

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我一直在玩UITextView(Swift 4.2)中的归属文本,并注意到一旦我在设计中引入了 "paragraphSpacingBefore",Caret在每个新段落的第一行就变得太大了。


UITextView lineSpacing让光标高度不一样的问题

Caret 漂浮在目标线上方

我试着解了一下,保持了原答案的核心思想,增加了一些偏移逻辑。在调试的过程中,我注意到原来的答案中的卡口大小总是在不需要的时候调整大小,所以我加了一个方差过滤器(只有当方差> 10%时才调整)。这样做是因为我认为每次调整都会干扰我对浮动尾数问题的解决。


override func caretRect(for position: UITextPosition) -> CGRect {
    var superRect = super.caretRect(for: position)
    guard let isFont = self.font else {
        return superRect
    let proposedHeight: CGFloat = isFont.pointSize - isFont.descender
    var delta: CGFloat = superRect.size.height - proposedHeight
    delta = (delta * delta).squareRoot()

    //If the delta is < 10% of the original height just return the original rect
    if delta / superRect.size.height < 0.1 {
        return superRect

    superRect.size.height = isFont.pointSize - isFont.descender
    // "descender" is expressed as a negative value,
    // so to add its height you must subtract its value
    superRect.origin.y = superRect.origin.y + delta
    // delta is used to correct for resized caret floating above the target line

    return superRect
ios swift nsattributedstring caret nsmutableattributedstring


// Fix long cursor height when at the end of paragraph with paragraphspacing and wrong cursor position in titles with paragraph spacing before
override public func caretRect(for position: UITextPosition) -> CGRect {
    var superRect = super.caretRect(for: position)
    guard let isFont = self.font else { return superRect }

    let location = self.offset(from: self.beginningOfDocument, to: position)
    if let paragrahStyle = self.storage.attribute(.paragraphStyle, at: location, effectiveRange: nil) as? NSParagraphStyle {
        superRect.origin.y += paragrahStyle.paragraphSpacingBefore

    superRect.size.height = isFont.pointSize - isFont.descender
    return superRect

真正的问题 paragraphSpacingBefore. 所以你要做的就是获取段落样式属性,获取间距,然后按这个间距移动光标。这对所有的文字都很有效。

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