使用 R 比较不同文件中的两列

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我需要帮助来匹配两列之间的两个文档,以便它选择文档 1 中的对,并循环遍历文档 2 查找匹配项并输出差异最小的匹配项(最佳可能匹配项)。例如,查看下面的数据,我希望输出位于文档 2 中,其中显示文档 2 中的匹配值 文件1 | A 栏 | B 栏 |
| -------- | -------- | | 0.12 | 0.12 23.45 | 23.45 | 0.13 | 0.13 25.65 |

文件2 | A 栏 | B 栏 | | -------- | -------- | | 0.12 | 0.12 23.45 | 23.45 | 0.12 | 0.12 23.46 |


A 栏 B 栏 来自 doc2 的匹配
细胞1 细胞2 0.12
细胞3 4 号电池


matched_hold = list()
# Loop through rows in r1
for (row in r1$rowid) {
 zval = r1$RTB[r1$rowid == row]
 mval = r1$MZB[r1$rowid == row]
 # Check if zval and mval are numeric
 if (is.numeric(zval) && is.numeric(mval)) {
  r2_copy = r2 %>%
   filter((RTA < zval + 0.05 & RTA > zval - 0.05) &
        (MZA < mval + 0.01 & MZA > mval - 0.01))
  r2_copy$RTB = zval
  r2_copy$MZB = mval
  matched_hold[[row]] = r2_copy
# Combine the matched data frames
matched_df = do.call('rbind', matched_hold)

但是,该脚本是错误的,因为它没有带来最佳匹配,例如,如果有两个匹配,一个差异为 0.5,另一个差异为 0.1,则不会选择 0.1,而是会选择 0.5 匹配。您能否帮我修改它,以便结果返回符合所提供条件的最佳匹配基础。

r matching



df1 = data.frame(RTA=c(1, 2.1, 0, NA), MZA=c(4, 5.1, 0, NA))
df2 = data.frame(RTB=c(1, 2, 3, NA), MZB=c(4, 5, 6, NA)) 


# You don't need to use an ID column for the loop, can be risky
matched_hold = list()
for (row_df1 in 1:nrow(df1)){
  # Let's select the row values
  rta_val = df1$RTA[row_df1]
  mza_val = df1$MZA[row_df1]
  # As you wanted, we only consider cases when both values are numeric (and not NA values!)
  if (is.numeric(rta_val) & is.numeric(mza_val) & !is.na(rta_val+mza_val)){
    # Instead of a nested loop we use a vectorial composition to get all differences values
    diff_per_row = abs(df2$RTB - rta_val) + abs(df2$MZB - mza_val) # Differences should be absolute!
    # Now, what is the cell most similar to this cell? You can find out
    row_df2 = which.min(diff_per_row)
    # Introduce that cell as the list value
    matched_hold[[row_df1]] = row_df2
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