
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

在我使用 Postgresql 的应用程序中,订购产品过程可能会导致竞争条件。让我描述一下我的案例。我的数据库中有三个表:

  • 第一个是产品表:
Id string
Quantity int
  • 用户
Id string
Name string
  • 订购
Id string
UserId string
ProductId string
Quantity int



--- get quantity from product id
SELECT quantity
FROM Product
WHERE id = '456';

--- if the product's quantity is greater than the ordering quantity then
UPDATE Product
SET quantity = quantity - 1
WHERE id = '456';

INSERT INTO Ordering (id, user_id, product_id, quantity)
VALUES ('1', '123', '456', 1);

--- else I would respond to customer error response

但是我意识到这个过程可能会导致竞争条件。然后我找到了一个想法来解决它。我在产品和订购表中创建了一个名为 version 的字段。我在检查可用产品时更新版本。但我对这个解决方案有疑问。

SQL 将变为如下:

--- get quantity from product id
SELECT quantity
FROM Product
WHERE id = '456' and version = 1;

--- if the product's quantity is greater than the ordering quantity then
UPDATE Product
SET quantity = quantity - 1, version = version + 1
WHERE id = '456' and version = 1;

INSERT INTO Ordering (id, user_id, product_id, quantity, version)
VALUES ('1', '123', '456', 1, 1);

--- else I would respond to the customer error response

如果产品的数量是99,并且我同时有100个客户购买产品的请求。在这种情况下,只有一位客户订购成功,另一位客户订购失败。但我预计有 99 人下单成功,只有 1 名客户下单失败。


postgresql race-condition



  1. 向您的产品表添加版本列:

    ALTER TABLE Product
    ADD COLUMN version integer DEFAULT 0;
  2. 修改您的 SQL 查询:

    -- get quantity and version from product id
    SELECT quantity, version
    FROM Product
    WHERE id = '456';
    -- if the product's quantity is greater than the ordering quantity and version matches
    UPDATE Product
    SET quantity = quantity - 1, version = version + 1
    WHERE id = '456' AND version = 1;
    -- Check the number of rows affected by the update query.
    -- If it's 0, then the version mismatch occurred, and the operation should be rolled back.
    -- If it's 1, the update was successful.
    -- Handle this logic in your application code.
    -- If the update was successful, insert into Ordering table.
  3. 处理应用程序代码中的并发冲突: 在您的应用程序中,执行更新查询后,检查有多少行受到影响。如果更新影响了 0 行,则意味着自您上次读取该行以来,另一个事务已经更新了该行。在这种情况下,您可以通过重试整个过程或通知用户该产品不再可用来处理冲突。


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