
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我将通过说我是C语言的新手并没有malloc / realloc等的丰富经验来对此进行开头。我目前正在尝试使用数组对具有800条磁道的磁盘进行磁盘调度(FCFS)仿真作为跟踪请求队列。无论如何,运行程序时出现此错误:

./ a.out中的错误:realloc():无效的下一个大小:0x0000000000650010已中止


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <values.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

/* function declarations */
int trackReqs();
int numTrack();
void AddToList(int trackNum);
int RemoveFromList();

// global variable declarations/initializations
unsigned seed;
int fileReqs;
bool first = true;
int queue_size = 0;
int* req_queue = NULL; // dynamic array declaration to hold request queue.

void main(){
  printf("Seed for the random number generator: ");
  scanf("%d", &seed);
  printf("Number of file requests: ");
  scanf("%d", &fileReqs);

  req_queue = malloc(sizeof(int)); // allocate memory for the queue array (initially 4 bytes for 1 integer)

  // local variable declarations/initializations
  int totalReqs = 0;
  int numFileReqs = 0;
  float totalHeadMove = 0;
  int currTrack = 0;
  float diff;
  float average;

  do { // do this...
    int numTrackReqs = trackReqs(); // call function to get a random number between 1 and 5 to represent the number of track requests for the current file request
    for (int i = 0; i < numTrackReqs; i++) { // for each track request for the current file request...
      int trackNum = numTrack(); // call function to get a random number between 0 and 799 to represent the number of the track requested
      AddToList(trackNum); // call function to add the track request to the queue
      first = false;
    int nextTrack = RemoveFromList(); // call function to remove the next (first) track request from the queue (signifying that the disk head will be moved to that track) and have that track returned
    diff = abs((float)nextTrack - (float)currTrack); // calculate the head movement for the current file request
    totalHeadMove += diff; // add the head movement for the current file request to the total head movement
    totalReqs++; // increase number of total requests by 1
    currTrack = nextTrack; // make the current track now the next track
    numFileReqs++; // increase number of file requests by 1
  } while(numFileReqs <= fileReqs); // ...for each file request
  average = totalHeadMove / (float) numFileReqs; // calculate the average total head movement for each file request and print the result
  printf("Average head movement: %5.2f", average);

int trackReqs(){
  int rand_num = (rand() % (5 - 1 + 1)) + 1; // generate random number from 1 to 5 representing number of track requests for the current file request
  return rand_num;

int numTrack(){
  int rand_num = rand() % 800; // generate random number from 0 to 799 representing
  return rand_num;

void AddToList(int trackNum){
  if(first != true){ // if it is not the first request being added to the queue...
    realloc(req_queue, sizeof(req_queue) + sizeof(int)); // increase capacity of queue array by 4 bytes (for 1 more integer)
    queue_size++; // increase size of queue by 1
  req_queue[queue_size] = trackNum; // add request to the end of the queue

int RemoveFromList(){
  int first_req = req_queue[0]; // get first request in the queue
  if(queue_size == 0){ // if there is only 0 or 1 request in the queue...
    req_queue[0] = NULL; // make queue empty
    for(int i = 0; i < queue_size - 1; i++){ // for each request in the queue...
      req_queue[i] = req_queue[i + 1]; // move up 1 position in the queue
    realloc(req_queue, sizeof(req_queue) - sizeof(int)); // decrease capacity of queue array by 4 bytes (for 1 integer)
    queue_size--; // decrease size of queue by 1
  return first_req;
c memory-management scheduling dynamic-arrays realloc


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