
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

CodeWars 中存在一个涉及搜索算法的问题,由于我还是一个初学者,所以在尝试优化我的代码时遇到了一些困难,它工作正常,但我希望它更快。 如果您想检查一下,这就是问题所在:灯开关


# n is the number of lights
# corresponding_lights_list is the array representing relationships between lights and switches
# returns a boolean, represents whether it is possible to turn all the lights on.
def light_switch(n, corresponding_lights_list):
    lights = [0]*n
    oldlights = []
    queue = []
    while True:
        for s in corresponding_lights_list :
            newlights = [1 - lights[l] if l in s else lights[l] for l in range(n)]
            if newlights == [1]*n :
                return True
            if not (newlights in oldlights or newlights in queue) :
        lights = queue.pop(0)
        if len(queue) == 0 :
            return False


from collections import deque
def light_switch(n, corresponding_lights_list):
    lights1 = [0]*n
    lights2 = [1]*n
    oldlights1 = []
    oldlights2 = []
    queue1 = deque()
    queue2 = deque()
    while True:
        for s in corresponding_lights_list :
            newlights1 = [1 - lights1[l] if l in s else lights1[l] for l in range(n)]
            newlights2 = [1 - lights2[l] if l in s else lights2[l] for l in range(n)]
            if not (newlights1 in oldlights1 or newlights1 in queue1) :
            if not (newlights2 in oldlights2 or newlights2 in queue2) :
            if newlights2 in queue1 :#or newlights2 in oldlights1 or newlights1 in queue2 or newlights1 in oldlights2 :
                return True
        lights1 = queue1.popleft()
        lights2 = queue2.popleft()
        if len(queue1) == 0 :
            return False


optimization search breadth-first-search



  [0, 1, 2],    # switch 0 controls light 0, 1, 2
  [1, 2],       # switch 1 controls light 1, 2
  [1, 2, 3, 4], # switch 2 controls light 1, 2, 3, 4
  [1, 4]        # switch 3 controls light 1, 4


  • 𝑠0 = 1
  • 𝑠0 ⊕𝑠1 ⊕𝑠2 ⊕𝑠3 = 1
  • 𝑠1 ⊕𝑠2 ⊕𝑠3 = 1
  • 𝑠2 = 1
  • 𝑠2 ⊕𝑠3 = 1


1 0 0 0 | 1
1 1 1 1 | 1
1 1 1 0 | 1
0 0 1 0 | 1
0 0 1 1 | 1


{0, 4}
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
{0, 1, 2, 4}
{2, 4}
{2, 3, 4}

每组中的值代表开关,除了值 4,它是一个单独的值,代表扩展矩阵中的最后一列。

然后通过行(组)彼此进行异或来执行高斯消除,最终得到一个矩阵,其中开关最多属于一行(组)。那么不应该有其他非空行(集合)(因为它们可能仍然包含 4):这表示不一致,在这种情况下应该返回 False。


def light_switch(num_lights, corresponding_lights_list):
     num_switches = len(corresponding_lights_list)
     # Build extended matrix for Gaussian elimination. As the variables (switch states)
     # are booleans, a matrix row can be represented with a set (of switches)
     # The num_switches value represents the desired outcome by xoring the states
     #      of the relevant switches (i.e. the light should be ON)
     gauss = [{num_switches} for _ in range(num_lights)]
     # Populate the matrix:
     for switch, lights in enumerate(corresponding_lights_list):
         for light in lights:
     # Perform Gaussian elimination
     light = 0
     for switch in range(num_switches):  # iterate columns (switches)
         # Find a constraint that involves this switch
         i = next((i for i in range(light, num_lights) if switch in gauss[i]), -1)
         if i == -1: # No constraint found for this switch: it is irrelevant
         # Swap constraint
         gauss[light], gauss[i] = gauss[i], gauss[light]
         selected = gauss[light]
         # Make this the only constraint that involves the current switch
         for other_light in gauss:
             if switch in other_light and other_light is not selected:
                 # Redefine constraint as a XOR of itself with the selected constraint
         light += 1
     # Confirm there are no constraints without switches that must produce light
     return not any(rule for rule in gauss[light:])


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