
问题描述 投票:0回答:3

我将从网络摄像头获得的帧值附加到名为final_frame的列表中。然后,我将其写入文件并将其转换为str。在另一个代码中,我正在打开文件并读取值,然后尝试从中制作视频。当我在记事本或代码中打开文件时,在两个文件之间看到“ .....”。麻木的。这不允许我用它制作视频。请查看下面的代码和图像:capturevideo.py:

import cv2 , time , numpy
video=  cv2.VideoCapture(0   , cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
final_frame =[]
# fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
# out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4v' , fourcc , 20.0 , (640 , 480))
while True:
    a = a+1
    check, frame = video.read()
    # print(check)

    grey = cv2.cvtColor(frame , cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # out.write(frame)
    # time.sleep(3)
    cv2.imshow("capturing" , grey)
    key = cv2.waitKey(1)

    if key==ord('q'):



with open ("numpyarrays.txt" , 'w') as file:


[array([[ 90,  89,  80, ..., 172, 173, 175],
       [ 89,  88,  83, ..., 172, 172, 171],
       [ 89,  90,  83, ..., 169, 169, 167],
       [ 47,  52,  53, ..., 124, 126, 128],
       [ 50,  55,  55, ..., 125, 129, 131],
       [ 52,  54,  53, ..., 128, 128, 128]], dtype=uint8), array([[100, 100, 101, ..., 169, 172, 168],
       [100, 100, 100, ..., 169, 172, 165],
       [103, 100,  95, ..., 173, 176, 173],
       [ 44,  43,  47, ..., 115, 116, 125],
       [ 47,  49,  53, ..., 116, 121, 131],
       [ 53,  54,  58, ..., 121, 123, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 87,  91,  91, ..., 169, 168, 167],
       [ 93,  95,  95, ..., 169, 169, 168],
       [100, 100,  98, ..., 173, 171, 167],
       [ 51,  52,  52, ..., 121, 121, 124],
       [ 58,  58,  57, ..., 129, 128, 129],
       [ 62,  61,  58, ..., 132, 129, 129]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 91,  93,  97, ..., 173, 170, 166],
       [ 92,  95,  98, ..., 173, 173, 167],
       [ 93,  96, 103, ..., 175, 172, 162],
       [ 55,  55,  57, ..., 129, 131, 133],
       [ 59,  61,  62, ..., 129, 131, 131],
       [ 61,  62,  62, ..., 128, 130, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[101, 101, 101, ..., 167, 167, 168],
       [101, 102, 100, ..., 167, 167, 168],
       [ 98, 100,  95, ..., 168, 168, 171],
       [ 55,  61,  58, ..., 128, 128, 128],
       [ 53,  54,  54, ..., 128, 128, 126],
       [ 52,  53,  51, ..., 128, 128, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 86,  90,  95, ..., 169, 169, 172],
       [ 84,  87, 102, ..., 167, 165, 173],
       [ 86,  87, 100, ..., 166, 168, 173],
       [ 55,  52,  50, ..., 120, 124, 129],
       [ 55,  51,  50, ..., 121, 125, 128],
       [ 51,  50,  50, ..., 124, 128, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 96, 101, 102, ..., 173, 174, 172],
       [ 98, 102, 103, ..., 170, 172, 171],
       [ 96,  98, 102, ..., 163, 165, 164],
       [ 52,  54,  61, ..., 124, 119, 128],
       [ 50,  57,  64, ..., 131, 124, 124],
       [ 50,  55,  62, ..., 133, 126, 123]], dtype=uint8), array([[102,  99,  95, ..., 173, 172, 169],
       [ 99,  98,  95, ..., 173, 175, 169],
       [ 98,  97,  96, ..., 168, 166, 168],
       [ 50,  53,  54, ..., 125, 129, 131],
       [ 53,  59,  58, ..., 125, 129, 131],
       [ 58,  65,  65, ..., 123, 128, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[101, 102, 102, ..., 171, 171, 172],
       [100, 101, 101, ..., 170, 170, 174],
       [ 96,  97,  96, ..., 173, 169, 175],
       [ 44,  45,  50, ..., 126, 129, 129],
       [ 47,  45,  46, ..., 128, 130, 130],
       [ 48,  45,  44, ..., 126, 129, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[101, 102, 102, ..., 167, 167, 166],
       [101, 109, 118, ..., 166, 171, 164],
       [100, 119, 118, ..., 164, 171, 172],
       [ 50,  51,  51, ..., 127, 129, 130],
       [ 53,  52,  52, ..., 128, 128, 129],
       [ 52,  52,  53, ..., 129, 128, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[107, 104, 102, ..., 168, 169, 169],
       [105, 104, 101, ..., 169, 169, 167],
       [105,  99, 100, ..., 166, 161, 159],
       [ 55,  57,  58, ..., 135, 129, 126],
       [ 58,  58,  59, ..., 125, 126, 124],
       [ 59,  60,  64, ..., 123, 123, 123]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95,  95,  96, ..., 171, 172, 174],
       [ 98, 100,  95, ..., 169, 165, 178],
       [100,  98,  96, ..., 166, 169, 178],
       [ 51,  57,  61, ..., 124, 126, 129],
       [ 50,  54,  56, ..., 124, 125, 125],
       [ 50,  52,  51, ..., 123, 124, 123]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 96,  91,  93, ..., 165, 170, 167],
       [ 96,  95,  99, ..., 164, 165, 168],
       [102, 100, 101, ..., 164, 165, 161],
       [ 52,  54,  53, ..., 125, 124, 126],
       [ 55,  58,  59, ..., 125, 125, 131],
       [ 58,  59,  60, ..., 126, 129, 133]], dtype=uint8), array([[103, 104, 103, ..., 165, 164, 165],
       [103, 102, 102, ..., 169, 164, 168],
       [ 98,  97,  97, ..., 171, 171, 171],
       [ 58,  61,  55, ..., 125, 126, 123],
       [ 57,  57,  55, ..., 125, 125, 124],
       [ 47,  47,  54, ..., 126, 126, 128]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 99,  93,  91, ..., 174, 172, 169],
       [101,  95,  92, ..., 175, 171, 168],
       [100, 100,  94, ..., 168, 168, 167],
       [ 51,  53,  54, ..., 126, 131, 132],
       [ 54,  57,  61, ..., 129, 129, 130],
       [ 61,  64,  68, ..., 130, 130, 129]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 96,  96, 100, ..., 171, 172, 172],
       [ 96,  97, 100, ..., 169, 173, 169],
       [ 98, 100, 108, ..., 162, 165, 168],
       [ 46,  52,  52, ..., 132, 132, 132],
       [ 58,  59,  55, ..., 133, 132, 135],
       [ 58,  60,  58, ..., 135, 133, 135]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95,  98, 102, ..., 167, 165, 166],
       [ 95,  97, 101, ..., 165, 157, 166],
       [ 95,  96,  98, ..., 162, 162, 167],
       [ 52,  54,  55, ..., 132, 133, 130],
       [ 50,  51,  51, ..., 133, 132, 134],
       [ 50,  53,  51, ..., 128, 129, 125]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 88,  95,  94, ..., 172, 167, 167],
       [ 88,  94,  95, ..., 165, 166, 167],
       [ 89,  91,  91, ..., 166, 167, 168],
       [ 49,  51,  53, ..., 125, 125, 124],
       [ 48,  52,  55, ..., 125, 128, 128],
       [ 50,  53,  57, ..., 126, 129, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 88,  89,  89, ..., 173, 173, 174],
       [ 86,  86,  96, ..., 173, 175, 168],
       [ 93,  91,  93, ..., 172, 175, 167],
       [ 55,  55,  53, ..., 125, 125, 126],
       [ 61,  57,  53, ..., 125, 129, 132],
       [ 62,  57,  53, ..., 128, 129, 129]], dtype=uint8), array([[100,  96,  96, ..., 172, 168, 164],
       [ 98,  99, 105, ..., 173, 168, 168],
       [ 97, 101, 108, ..., 168, 168, 171],
       [ 44,  44,  47, ..., 123, 123, 125],
       [ 47,  48,  50, ..., 129, 125, 126],
       [ 54,  59,  55, ..., 127, 127, 127]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 88,  83,  82, ..., 171, 170, 168],
       [ 87,  84,  81, ..., 174, 169, 167],
       [ 90,  89,  87, ..., 167, 169, 168],
       [ 74,  49,  52, ..., 125, 126, 128],
       [ 68,  34,  38, ..., 126, 128, 130],
       [ 67,  58,  48, ..., 126, 128, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 97,  96,  96, ..., 169, 168, 171],
       [ 96,  95,  95, ..., 168, 169, 173],
       [ 93,  91,  95, ..., 169, 171, 169],
       [ 50,  47,  47, ..., 129, 129, 122],
       [ 50,  47,  47, ..., 131, 130, 121],
       [ 55,  52,  51, ..., 131, 131, 125]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95,  93,  91, ..., 167, 168, 168],
       [ 96,  94,  90, ..., 166, 167, 171],
       [100,  96,  90, ..., 165, 172, 171],
       [ 57,  57,  57, ..., 123, 124, 123],
       [ 61,  58,  55, ..., 124, 124, 121],
       [ 61,  58,  53, ..., 125, 125, 118]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 96,  96,  98, ..., 172, 173, 172],
       [ 97,  98,  91, ..., 172, 172, 171],
       [ 97, 110, 102, ..., 172, 173, 171],
       [ 48,  55,  59, ..., 123, 124, 132],
       [ 53,  59,  61, ..., 124, 124, 130],
       [ 54,  60,  61, ..., 124, 123, 128]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 93, 101, 107, ..., 170, 169, 170],
       [ 93, 100, 103, ..., 170, 174, 167],
       [ 94,  96, 100, ..., 171, 172, 167],
       [ 53,  54,  58, ..., 125, 125, 128],
       [ 57,  58,  58, ..., 126, 128, 130],
       [ 58,  58,  57, ..., 121, 126, 131]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 88,  86,  91, ..., 168, 166, 168],
       [ 89,  87,  93, ..., 171, 169, 165],
       [ 90,  89,  94, ..., 175, 171, 166],
       [ 54,  57,  62, ..., 130, 129, 129],
       [ 54,  61,  65, ..., 130, 130, 129],
       [ 59,  61,  62, ..., 125, 128, 125]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 97,  98, 104, ..., 174, 172, 167],
       [ 96,  98, 101, ..., 174, 173, 168],
       [ 93,  96,  96, ..., 173, 175, 173],
       [ 54,  38,  58, ..., 128, 132, 128],
       [ 53,  51,  59, ..., 127, 129, 127],
       [ 59,  57,  58, ..., 127, 126, 125]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95, 101, 103, ..., 173, 176, 175],
       [ 93,  95, 100, ..., 172, 176, 176],
       [ 89,  87,  93, ..., 173, 177, 175],
       [ 55,  57,  59, ..., 125, 125, 127],
       [ 60,  61,  61, ..., 126, 128, 130],
       [ 64,  62,  60, ..., 128, 128, 129]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95,  96,  90, ..., 170, 167, 165],
       [ 96,  97,  93, ..., 169, 166, 165],
       [ 97,  98,  97, ..., 169, 165, 167],
       [ 52,  51,  52, ..., 121, 122, 116],
       [ 51,  50,  51, ..., 121, 124, 121],
       [ 54,  47,  47, ..., 117, 124, 124]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 87,  89,  92, ..., 177, 176, 177],
       [ 89,  96,  95, ..., 176, 176, 180],
       [ 88,  93,  94, ..., 177, 176, 177],
       [ 55,  58,  57, ..., 132, 131, 125],
       [ 58,  58,  58, ..., 128, 130, 125],
       [ 58,  59,  58, ..., 129, 128, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 94,  96, 101, ..., 169, 170, 169],
       [ 95,  97, 100, ..., 169, 169, 166],
       [ 96,  98, 100, ..., 173, 167, 165],
       [ 43,  45,  54, ..., 135, 131, 131],
       [ 48,  51,  56, ..., 130, 128, 129],
       [ 53,  54,  55, ..., 131, 129, 129]], dtype=uint8), array([[101,  98,  98, ..., 169, 165, 166],
       [100,  96,  97, ..., 171, 173, 167],
       [ 95,  95,  96, ..., 169, 174, 170],
       [ 54,  55,  59, ..., 129, 125, 129],
       [ 55,  57,  59, ..., 124, 124, 129],
       [ 55,  58,  58, ..., 130, 130, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 89,  91,  94, ..., 169, 167, 167],
       [ 87,  89,  91, ..., 169, 169, 167],
       [ 86,  83,  91, ..., 172, 171, 169],
       [ 51,  53,  54, ..., 132, 125, 125],
       [ 59,  58,  54, ..., 138, 131, 130],
       [ 64,  62,  55, ..., 121, 125, 128]], dtype=uint8), array([[103, 102,  99, ..., 170, 172, 172],
       [102, 109, 111, ..., 171, 172, 172],
       [102, 117, 115, ..., 171, 167, 169],
       [ 46,  57,  62, ..., 125, 128, 126],
       [ 47,  36,  60, ..., 124, 125, 126],
       [ 53,  53,  61, ..., 123, 123, 124]], dtype=uint8), array([[104,  98,  97, ..., 167, 169, 167],
       [104,  98,  96, ..., 167, 169, 165],
       [103,  99,  97, ..., 168, 169, 170],
       [ 44,  44,  44, ..., 128, 134, 132],
       [ 46,  46,  45, ..., 135, 140, 137],
       [ 50,  50,  46, ..., 130, 136, 131]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 88,  89,  93, ..., 169, 168, 166],
       [ 93,  93,  93, ..., 168, 167, 166],
       [ 95,  97,  95, ..., 171, 171, 171],
       [ 53,  52,  53, ..., 126, 131, 136],
       [ 66,  62,  58, ..., 124, 129, 133],
       [ 69,  62,  59, ..., 122, 125, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95, 103, 102, ..., 169, 173, 174],
       [ 98, 103, 102, ..., 164, 172, 169],
       [ 98, 101, 101, ..., 166, 171, 169],
       [ 50,  33,  59, ..., 118, 122, 121],
       [ 55,  58,  67, ..., 119, 118, 124],
       [ 55,  59,  66, ..., 124, 128, 129]], dtype=uint8), array([[102, 102, 104, ..., 168, 169, 167],
       [103, 102, 109, ..., 171, 171, 172],
       [102, 100, 100, ..., 168, 169, 168],
       [ 54,  58,  54, ..., 126, 136, 132],
       [ 60,  61,  58, ..., 131, 139, 138],
       [ 62,  62,  59, ..., 132, 131, 132]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 90,  94,  95, ..., 166, 169, 172],
       [ 93,  94,  95, ..., 165, 170, 172],
       [102,  98,  95, ..., 166, 160, 164],
       [ 50,  48,  52, ..., 135, 128, 128],
       [ 55,  51,  55, ..., 139, 131, 129],
       [ 57,  55,  62, ..., 129, 128, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 95,  94,  93, ..., 167, 165, 168],
       [ 94,  95,  95, ..., 168, 167, 168],
       [ 93,  96,  95, ..., 165, 167, 168],
       [ 60,  62,  60, ..., 125, 128, 129],
       [ 61,  62,  61, ..., 125, 128, 128],
       [ 62,  61,  61, ..., 125, 125, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[104, 100,  95, ..., 177, 176, 175],
       [104,  98,  95, ..., 176, 176, 172],
       [103, 100,  99, ..., 171, 168, 169],
       [ 60,  61,  88, ..., 128, 129, 129],
       [ 60,  59,  75, ..., 130, 130, 129],
       [ 60,  54,  54, ..., 128, 128, 128]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 96,  93,  90, ..., 172, 174, 169],
       [ 98,  97,  93, ..., 171, 169, 167],
       [ 97,  97,  97, ..., 167, 166, 166],
       [ 43,  51,  57, ..., 128, 125, 122],
       [ 48,  51,  55, ..., 121, 123, 124],
       [ 59,  54,  55, ..., 122, 124, 126]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 99,  95,  94, ..., 169, 167, 166],
       [ 97,  95,  92, ..., 168, 166, 167],
       [ 93,  93,  88, ..., 168, 166, 167],
       [ 48,  50,  58, ..., 124, 135, 133],
       [ 52,  53,  58, ..., 119, 133, 135],
       [ 51,  56,  60, ..., 135, 138, 139]], dtype=uint8), array([[102, 101,  98, ..., 168, 171, 171],
       [101, 102, 102, ..., 168, 166, 174],
       [101, 107, 104, ..., 168, 167, 172],
       [ 54,  55,  58, ..., 129, 125, 124],
       [ 55,  58,  59, ..., 137, 130, 128],
       [ 55,  59,  60, ..., 132, 131, 130]], dtype=uint8), array([[100, 102, 100, ..., 171, 169, 169],
       [101, 100,  97, ..., 172, 171, 171],
       [101,  98,  96, ..., 172, 171, 172],
       [ 53,  52,  52, ..., 131, 131, 131],
       [ 54,  53,  51, ..., 126, 128, 130],
       [ 57,  55,  52, ..., 124, 126, 128]], dtype=uint8), array([[ 88,  90,  90, ..., 173, 173, 174],
       [ 95,  95,  91, ..., 173, 173, 169],
       [105,  97,  90, ..., 178, 171, 171],
       [ 45,  45,  46, ..., 121, 125, 124],
       [ 46,  47,  47, ..., 130, 130, 126],
       [ 44,  48,  51, ..., 129, 131, 128]], dtype=uint8)]



import cv2, numpy, time
with open ("numpyarrays.txt" , 'r') as file:
    cont = file.read()
    frame = numpy.asarray(cont)
frame = frame.astype(numpy.uint8)

fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4v' , fourcc , 20.0 , (640 , 480))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "torun.py", line 7, in <module>
    frame = frame.astype(numpy.uint8)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '[array([[ 90,  89,  80, ..., 172, 173, 175],\n       
[ 89,  88,  83, ..., 172, 172, 171],\n       [ 89,  90,  83, ..., 169, 169, 167],\n       ...,\n       [ 47,  52,  53, ..., 124, 126, 128],\n

如果删除行-frame = frame.astype(numpy.uint8),则会出现此错误:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "torun.py", line 11, in <module>
TypeError: Expected Ptr<cv::UMat> for argument 'image'


python arrays numpy cv2


with open ("numpyarrays.txt" , 'w') as file:


np.save("numpyarrays.npy", final_frame)


with open ("numpyarrays.txt" , 'r') as file:
    cont = file.read()
    frame = numpy.asarray(cont)
frame = frame.astype(numpy.uint8)


frame = np.load("numpyarrays.npy")



final_frame是一个本地Python列表,其中包含Numpy数组。 Numpy提供a few different函数以将其数据保存到文件中,从而保留所有信息并可以在以后读取。 (您需要阅读文档并选择最适合您的文档。)但是,由于拥有这些数组的列表而使操作变得很复杂。通过堆叠这些数组,使它们具有一个额外的维度会更好。


@@ g2i,保存部分对我来说效果很好,但是当我在另一个脚本中加载它时,在两种情况下都出现错误。保存代码:

import cv2 , time , numpy
video=  cv2.VideoCapture(0   , cv2.CAP_DSHOW)
final_frame =[]
while True:
    a = a+1
    check, frame = video.read()
    grey = cv2.cvtColor(frame , cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    cv2.imshow("capturing" , grey)
    key = cv2.waitKey(1)

    if key==ord('q'):
numpy.save("numpyarrays.npy" , final_frame)
  • 我只是将文件名作为参数提供,因为它位于同一目录中。导入cv2,numpy,时间

    以文件形式打开(“ numpyarrays.txt”,'r'):

    # cont = file.read()
    # print(type(cont))
    # frame = numpy.asarray(cont)
    # print(type(frame))

    frame = frame.astype(numpy.uint8)

    frame = numpy.load(“ numpyarrays.npy”)fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4v',fourcc,20.0,(640,480))out.write(框架)out.release()

在此,我得到这个错误追溯(最近一次通话):文件“ c:/ Users / Dhruva Jindal / Desktop / STUDIES / Computer / Python / cv2 / torun.py”,第8行框架= numpy.load(“ numpyarrays.npy”)载入中的文件“ C:\ Users \ Dhruva Jindal \ AppData \ Local \ Programs \ Python \ Python38-32 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ lib \ npyio.py”,第428行fid = open(os_fspath(file),“ rb”)FileNotFoundError:[错误2]没有这样的文件或目录:'numpyarrays.npy'


import cv2, numpy, time
# with open ("numpyarrays.txt" , 'r') as file:
    # cont = file.read()
    # print(type(cont))
    # frame = numpy.asarray(cont)
    # print(type(frame))
# frame = frame.astype(numpy.uint8)
frame = numpy.load("C:\Users\Dhruva Jindal\Desktop\STUDIES\Computer\Python\cv2\numpyarrays.npy" )
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('output.mp4v' , fourcc , 20.0 , (640 , 480))

文件“ c:/ Users / Dhruva Jindal / Desktop / STUDIES / Computer / Python / cv2 / torun.py”,第8行框架= numpy.load(“ C:\ Users \ Dhruva Jindal \ Desktop \ STUDIES \ Computer \ Python \ cv2 \ numpyarrays.npy”)^SyntaxError:(unicode错误)“ unicodeescape”编解码器无法解码位置2-3中的字节:截断的\ UXXXXXXXX转义

尽管事实上这两个文件都在同一目录中:imagw which shows they are in the same directory这是保存在numpyarrays.npy文件中的数据,首先显示-该文件未在编辑器中显示,因为它使用二进制文件或使用不受支持的文本编码。您是否仍要打开它?我单击它,并打开了一个包含一些字符的文件。the numpyarrays,nyp file when i clicked on do you want to open it anyway

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