
问题描述 投票:0回答:0

大家好我真的需要帮助,我有一个域名注册智能合约,文件名为“name.pact”和一个名为“name.repl”的REPL文件。 这是文件结构:



(namespace 'free)
(define-keyset "free.domain-admin-gov-keyset" (read-keyset 'domain-admin-gov-keyset))

(module testingdomain GOVERNANCE

  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Schemas and Tables

  ; subdomain-schema
  (defschema subdomain

  ;define names schema
  (defschema names

  ;define name map schema
  (defschema name-map

  ;define address map schema
  (defschema address-map

  ;define sales schema
  (defschema sales

  (deftable names-table:{names})
  (deftable name-map-table:{name-map})
  (deftable address-map-table:{address-map})
  (deftable sales-table:{sales})

  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Constants

  (defconst BASE_ONEYEAR_PRICE 1.0)
  (defconst BASE_TWOYEAR_PRICE (* (* BASE_ONEYEAR_PRICE 2) 0.95))
  (defconst SUBDOMAIN_PRICE 3.0)
  (defconst UPDATE_PRICE 0.5)
  (defconst SELL_FEE_PERCENTAGE 5.0)
  (defconst VAULT_ACCOUNT "k:36990b871267ec4532551e505260806d7f39378cebb5ea2c998c80301c5a100f")

  (defconst ALLOWED_CHARS:list ["-", "_", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"])

  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Utils

  (defun curr-time:time ()
    @doc "Returns current chain's block-time in time type"
    (at 'block-time (chain-data)))

  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Capabilities

  (use coin [ details transfer ])

  (defcap GOVERNANCE ()
    "Module governance capability that only allows the admin to update this module"
    ;; Check if the tx was signed with the provided keyset, fail if not
    (enforce-keyset "free.doamin-admin-gov-keyset"))

  (defcap ACCOUNT_GUARD (account)
    (enforce-guard (at 'guard (coin.details account)))

  (defcap NAME_AVAILABLE (name:string)
    @doc "Validate if the name is available "

    (with-default-read names-table name
      { "expiryDate": (add-time (curr-time) (days (* -1 EXPIRATION_GRACE_PERIOD))) }
      { "expiryDate":= expiryDate }

      (enforce (>= (curr-time) (add-time expiryDate (days EXPIRATION_GRACE_PERIOD))) "Name not available")

  (defcap NAME_UPSERT (name:string)
    "New name has been added or updated"

  (defcap ITEM_SOLD (name:string prevOwner:string newOwner:string price:decimal)
    "An item has been sold"

  (defcap SALE_STATUS_UPDATED (name:string)
    "An item has been put up for and removed from sale"

  (defcap MAPPING () true)

  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Functions

  (defun enforce-domain (name:string)
    (enforce (= ".kda" (take -4 name)) "Domain should be .kda")

  (defun strip-domain (name:string)
    (drop -4 name)

  (defun enforce-name-is-valid (name:string)
    (enforce (<= (length name) 35) "Maximum 35 characters allowed in name")
    (enforce (!= name "") "Name should not be empty")
        (validate-character (lambda (character)
          (enforce (= true (contains character ALLOWED_CHARS)) "No forbidden chars allowed")
      (map (validate-character) (str-to-list name))

  (defun enforce-address-is-valid (address: string)
    (enforce-one "Only k: and w: accounts are supported" [
      (enforce (= (take 2 address) "k:") "k:account")
      (enforce (= (take 2 address) "w:") "w:account")

  (defun enforce-days-is-valid (nrDays:integer)
   (enforce-one "Invalid days" [
     (enforce (= nrDays 365) "One year")
     (enforce (= nrDays 730) "Two years")

  (defun enforce-address-not-in-use (address: string)
    (with-default-read address-map-table address
        "name" : "",
        "top-level-name" : ""
        "name" := name,
        "top-level-name" := toplevelname

      (with-default-read names-table toplevelname
        { "expiryDate": (add-time (curr-time) (days (* -1 EXPIRATION_GRACE_PERIOD))) }
        { "expiryDate":= expiryDate }

        (enforce-one "Address already in use" [
          (enforce (= name "") "Name is an empty string, so mapping doesn't exist")
          (enforce (>= (curr-time) (add-time expiryDate (days EXPIRATION_GRACE_PERIOD))) "Address map exists but domain has expired")

  (defun get-price (days:integer)

  (defun set-mappings (fqn:string toplevelname:string address:string)
    (require-capability (MAPPING))
    (write name-map-table fqn {
      "address": address,
      "top-level-name": toplevelname
    (write address-map-table address {
      "name": fqn,
      "top-level-name": toplevelname

  (defun remove-mappings (fqn:string)
    (require-capability (MAPPING))
    (with-read name-map-table fqn
        "address":= address

      (write name-map-table fqn {
        "address": "",
        "top-level-name": ""

      (write address-map-table address {
        "name": "",
        "top-level-name": ""

  (defun register (owner:string address:string name:string nrDays:integer)
    (enforce-domain name)
    (enforce-name-is-valid (strip-domain name))
    (enforce-days-is-valid nrDays)
    (enforce-address-is-valid address)
    (enforce-address-not-in-use address)

    (with-capability (NAME_AVAILABLE name)
    (with-capability (ACCOUNT_GUARD owner)
    (with-capability (NAME_UPSERT name)
    (with-capability (MAPPING)

      (coin.transfer owner VAULT_ACCOUNT (get-price nrDays))

      ; Clear existing subdomain mapping if available
      (with-default-read names-table name
        { "subdomains": [] }
        { "subdomains":= subdomains }

        (map (remove-mappings) subdomains)

      ; write name information
      (write names-table name {
        "owner": owner,
        "lastPrice": (get-price nrDays),
        "expiryDate": (add-time (curr-time) (days nrDays)),
        "subdomains": []

      ; Set mappings
      (set-mappings name name address)

      ;  Clear open sell order if available
      (with-default-read sales-table name
        { "sellable": false }
        { "sellable":= sellable }

        (if sellable (update sales-table name { "sellable": false }) true)


;; begin-tx and commit-tx simulate a transaction
(begin-tx "Load modules")

;; set transaction JSON data
(env-data {
  ;; Here we set the required keysets.
  ;; Note:
  ;; - in a real transaction, `admin-key` would be a public key
  ;; - "keys-all" is a built-in predicate that specifies all keys are needed to sign a tx,
  ;;   in this case we only set one key
  'domain-admin-gov-keyset: { "keys": ["domain-admin-gov-keyset"], "pred": "keys-all" },
  'alice-keyset: { "keys": ["alice-key"], "pred": "keys-all" },
  'bob-keyset: { "keys": ["bob-key"], "pred": "keys-all" },
  'namespace-keyset: { "keys": [ ], "pred": "keys-all" },

  ;; Upgrade key is set to false because we are deploying the modules
  'upgrade: false

(define-namespace "free" (read-keyset "namespace-keyset") (read-keyset "namespace-keyset"))

;; load fungible-v2 interface
(load "root/fungible-v2.pact")

;; load fungible-xchain-v1 interace
(load "root/fungible-xchain-v1.pact")

;; load coin module
(load "root/coin-v5.pact")

;; create coin module tables
(create-table coin.coin-table)
(create-table coin.allocation-table)

;; load election module
(load "name.pact")

;; commit the transaction

(begin-tx "Create KDA accounts")

(coin.create-account "k:36990b871267ec4532551e505260806d7f39378cebb5ea2c998c80301c5a100f" (read-keyset "domain-admin-gov-keyset"))
;; create "alice" KDA account
(coin.create-account "alice" (read-keyset "alice-keyset"))
;; create "bob" KDA account
(coin.create-account "bob" (read-keyset "bob-keyset"))
(env-data {'k:["alice-key"]})
(test-capability (coin.CREDIT "alice"))
( "alice" (read-keyset 'k) 10000.0) 


(begin-tx "Try buying a domain name")
(use free.testingdomain)
(env-sigs [{ "key": "alice-key", "caps": [(coin.TRANSFER "alice" "k:36990b871267ec4532551e505260806d7f39378cebb5ea2c998c80301c5a100f" 1.0), (free.testingdomain.ACCOUNT_GUARD "alice")]}])

(register "alice" "k:2cf3e52a1e9e961257599a5155cc5ef3e836fc8f70b7edf867cfbf45a07d612d" "elijahd.kda" 365)
(expect "Info details of domain name")


运行name.repl文件 契约>(加载“名称”)

在 name.repl 文件中,我试图从智能合约测试 register 函数,它总是以抛出错误告终。

运行name.repl文件来测试智能合约 契约(加载“name.repl”)


"Loading name.repl..."
"Begin Tx 0: Load modules"
"Setting transaction data"
"Namespace defined: free"
"Loading root/fungible-v2.pact..."
"Loaded interface fungible-v2"
"Loading root/fungible-xchain-v1.pact..."
"Loaded interface fungible-xchain-v1"
"Loading root/coin-v5.pact..."
"Loaded module coin, hash b05fAfvjpnvnl_ssUgyTNkOIAN398ecTuTsUlW_RKyg"
"Loading name.pact..."
"Namespace set to free"
"Keyset defined"
Warning: using deprecated native overload for *: decimal/integer operator overload is deprecated
"Loaded module free.testingdomain, hash -Y3ux3ibsIwB8keMSmX67JYayvYsgsOlxdswa-OZwhY"
"Commit Tx 0: Load modules"
"Begin Tx 1: Create KDA accounts"
root/coin-v5.pact:516:12: Single-key account protocol violation
 at root/coin-v5.pact:516:12: (enforce false "Single-key account protocol violation")
 at root/coin-v5.pact:515:10: (if (native `=`  Compare alike terms for equality, ret... (native `enforce`  Fail transaction with MSG if pu... (native `enforce`  Fail transaction with MSG if pu...)
 at root/coin-v5.pact:513:8: (if (native `=`  Compare alike terms for equality, ret... true (native `if`  Test COND. If true, evaluate THEN. O...)
 at root/coin-v5.pact:510:4: (if (native `validate-principal`  Validate that PRINCI... true (let (r:<ap> (coin.check-reserved "k:36990b871267e...)
 at root/coin-v5.pact:288:4: (enforce-reserved "k:36990b871267ec4532551e505260806d7f39378cebb5ea2...               KeySet {keys: [domain-admin-gov-keyset],pred: keys...) 
  at name.repl:44:0: (create-account "k:36990b871267ec4532551e505260806d7f39378cebb5ea2... KeySet {keys: [domain-admin-gov-keyset],pred: keys...)

我已经为此苦苦挣扎了一段时间,我们将不胜感激。 谢谢。

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