
问题描述 投票:1回答:2


    SELECT a2 AS 'b_actual_pair', 
       a1 AS 'c_actual_date', 
       a3 AS 'd_actual_value', 
       b1 AS 'e_1m_date', 
       b3 AS 'f_1m_value',
       c1 AS 'g_2m_date',
       c3 AS 'h_2m_value',
       d1 AS 'i_3m_date',
       d3 AS 'j_3m_value',
       e1 AS 'k_4m_date',
       e3 AS 'l_4m_value',
       f1 AS 'm_5m_date',
       f3 AS 'n_5m_value'
FROM   (SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'a1', 
               crd.c_pair  AS 'a2',
               crd.d_value AS 'a3' 
        FROM   item_raw_data crd 
        WHERE  crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT crd.a_unique_id 
                                    FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                                    ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                                    LIMIT  0, 1) - ((SELECT 
                                   Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                                     FROM   item_raw_data)) ) 
        ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) a, 
       (SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'b1', 
               crd.c_pair  AS 'b2',
               crd.d_value AS 'b3' 
        FROM   item_raw_data crd 
        WHERE  crd.b_date < ( (SELECT crd.b_date 
                               FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                               ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC 
                               LIMIT  0, 1) - INTERVAL 1 minute ) 
               AND crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT Max(x.a_unique_id) 
                                        FROM   (SELECT crd.a_unique_id, 
                                                FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                                                WHERE  crd.b_date < ( 
                                                       (SELECT crd.b_date 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data 
                                                        ORDER  BY crd.b_date 
                                                        LIMIT  0, 1) - 
                                                       INTERVAL 1 minute ) 
                                                ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) x) - 
                                           ((SELECT Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                             FROM   item_raw_data)) ) 
        ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) b,
       (SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'c1', 
               crd.c_pair  AS 'c2', 
               crd.d_value AS 'c3' 
        FROM   item_raw_data crd 
        WHERE  crd.b_date < ( (SELECT crd.b_date 
                               FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                               ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC 
                               LIMIT  0, 1) - INTERVAL 2 minute ) 
               AND crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT Max(x.a_unique_id) 
                                        FROM   (SELECT crd.a_unique_id, 
                                                FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                                                WHERE  crd.b_date < ( 
                                                       (SELECT crd.b_date 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data 
                                                        ORDER  BY crd.b_date 
                                                        LIMIT  0, 1) - 
                                                       INTERVAL 2 minute ) 
                                                ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) x) - 
                                           ((SELECT Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                             FROM   item_raw_data)) ) 
        ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) c,
       (SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'd1', 
               crd.c_pair  AS 'd2', 
               crd.d_value AS 'd3' 
        FROM   item_raw_data crd 
        WHERE  crd.b_date < ( (SELECT crd.b_date 
                               FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                               ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC 
                               LIMIT  0, 1) - INTERVAL 3 minute ) 
               AND crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT Max(x.a_unique_id) 
                                        FROM   (SELECT crd.a_unique_id, 
                                                FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                                                WHERE  crd.b_date < ( 
                                                       (SELECT crd.b_date 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data 
                                                        ORDER  BY crd.b_date 
                                                        LIMIT  0, 1) - 
                                                       INTERVAL 3 minute ) 
                                                ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) x) - 
                                           ((SELECT Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                             FROM   item_raw_data)) ) 
        ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) d,
       (SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'e1', 
               crd.c_pair  AS 'e2', 
               crd.d_value AS 'e3' 
        FROM   item_raw_data crd 
        WHERE  crd.b_date < ( (SELECT crd.b_date 
                               FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                               ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC 
                               LIMIT  0, 1) - INTERVAL 4 minute ) 
               AND crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT Max(x.a_unique_id) 
                                        FROM   (SELECT crd.a_unique_id, 
                                                FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                                                WHERE  crd.b_date < ( 
                                                       (SELECT crd.b_date 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data 
                                                        ORDER  BY crd.b_date 
                                                        LIMIT  0, 1) - 
                                                       INTERVAL 4 minute ) 
                                                ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) x) - 
                                           ((SELECT Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                             FROM   item_raw_data)) ) 
        ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) e,
       (SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'f1', 
               crd.c_pair  AS 'f2', 
               crd.d_value AS 'f3' 
        FROM   item_raw_data crd 
        WHERE  crd.b_date < ( (SELECT crd.b_date 
                               FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                               ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC 
                               LIMIT  0, 1) - INTERVAL 5 minute ) 
               AND crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT Max(x.a_unique_id) 
                                        FROM   (SELECT crd.a_unique_id, 
                                                FROM   item_raw_data crd 
                                                WHERE  crd.b_date < ( 
                                                       (SELECT crd.b_date 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data 
                                                        ORDER  BY crd.b_date 
                                                        LIMIT  0, 1) - 
                                                       INTERVAL 5 minute ) 
                                                ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) x) - 
                                           ((SELECT Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                             FROM   item_raw_data)) ) 
        ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC) f        
    a.a2 = b.b2 
    b.b2 = c.c2
    c.c2 = d.d2
    d.d2 = e.e2
    e.e2 = f.f2


enter image description here

1. items_raw_data背后的数据如下:

- 每5秒钟110个项目将以其当前价格插入数据库中


- 轻巧地在2秒内插入110行,留下3秒的间隙。这样可以更轻松地构建查询。

2.此查询的目的是使用此数据来生成具有实时价格的图表,但我们需要进一步将查询扩展到(示例)10 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours等...所以您现在可以看到物品价格及其价值并且很快就会回来。

3.问题是此查询需要2.5秒才能运行450.000(数小时数据存在,我们需要长达1周的数据)总数据行和6组数据(实际,1m,2m,3m,4m,5m) )。


  1. 使用表作为内存而不是INNO将查询时间从2.5秒减少到2秒。系统有64GB ECC RAM和12核CPU和NVMe驱动器,硬件应该不是问题。
  2. 为每个项目单独查找所有这些数据会产生比所有项目更糟糕的结果。
  3. 通过线程代码在服务器端语言(Java)中完全相同也会更慢。
  4. 尝试使用Inner Join而不是Where,类似的结果。


SELECT crd.b_date  AS 'a1', 
       crd.c_pair  AS 'a2', 
       crd.d_value AS 'a3' 
FROM   items_raw_data crd 
WHERE  crd.a_unique_id > ( (SELECT crd.a_unique_id 
                            FROM   items_raw_data crd 
                            ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                            LIMIT  0, 1) - ((SELECT Count(DISTINCT c_pair) 
                                             FROM   items_raw_data)) ) 
ORDER  BY crd.b_date DESC


enter image description here



enter image description here



enter image description here






  1. 使用@hunteke查询得到了4.7秒的结果,这非常奇怪,因为查询和建议似乎合乎逻辑。
  2. 使用@hunteke的提示我们更改了以下内容: SELECT a_unique_id FROM item_raw_data ORDER BY a_unique_id DESC LIMIT 0, 1 SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) FROM item_raw_data

这将查询时间从2.8秒降低到2.7秒。在主要查询上添加USE INDEX(primary)进一步将时间从2.7秒提高到2.6秒。


我们在基本任务上失败了,在Timestamp中使用int(11) - primary key而不是order by。最新插入的日期也是插入的最新唯一ID。因此,从ORDER BY crd.b_date改为ORDER BY crd.a_unique_id,查询次数减少了1次以上,从2.6降至1.3,差不多一半。


        (SELECT sub.a_unique_id AS 'a0', 
            sub.b_date          AS 'a1', 
            sub.c_pair          AS 'a2', 
            sub.d_value         AS 'a3' 
        FROM   (SELECT * 
                FROM   item_raw_data) sub, 
            (SELECT crd.a_unique_id AS 'max_id', 
                    crd.b_date      AS 'xdate' 
                FROM   item_raw_data crd
                ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                LIMIT  0, 1) aux 
        WHERE  sub.b_date <= aux.xdate 
            AND sub.a_unique_id > ( aux.max_id - (SELECT 
                                        Count(DISTINCT c_pair) AS 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data) 
        ORDER  BY sub.a_unique_id DESC) a,

        (SELECT sub.a_unique_id AS 'b0', 
            sub.b_date          AS 'b1', 
            sub.c_pair          AS 'b2', 
            sub.d_value         AS 'b3' 
        FROM   (SELECT * 
                FROM   item_raw_data) sub, 
            (SELECT crd.a_unique_id AS 'max_id', 
                    crd.b_date      AS 'xdate' 
                FROM   item_raw_data crd
                WHERE  crd.b_date < (SELECT ( crdx.b_date - INTERVAL 1 minute ) 
                                    FROM   item_raw_data crdx 
                                    ORDER  BY crdx.a_unique_id DESC 
                                    LIMIT  0, 1) 
                ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                LIMIT  0, 1) aux 
        WHERE  sub.b_date <= aux.xdate 
            AND sub.a_unique_id > ( aux.max_id - (SELECT 
                                        Count(DISTINCT c_pair) AS 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data) 
        ORDER  BY sub.a_unique_id DESC) b, 

    (SELECT sub.a_unique_id AS 'c0', 
            sub.b_date      AS 'c1', 
            sub.c_pair      AS 'c2', 
            sub.d_value     AS 'c3' 
        FROM   (SELECT *
                FROM   item_raw_data) sub, 
            (SELECT crd.a_unique_id AS 'max_id', 
                    crd.b_date      AS 'xdate' 
                FROM   item_raw_data crd
                WHERE  crd.b_date < (SELECT ( crdx.b_date - INTERVAL 2 minute ) 
                                    FROM   item_raw_data crdx 
                                    ORDER  BY crdx.a_unique_id DESC 
                                    LIMIT  0, 1) 
                ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                LIMIT  0, 1) aux 
        WHERE  sub.b_date <= aux.xdate 
            AND sub.a_unique_id > ( aux.max_id - (SELECT 
                                        Count(DISTINCT c_pair) AS 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data) 
        ORDER  BY sub.a_unique_id DESC) c,

    (SELECT sub.a_unique_id AS 'd0', 
            sub.b_date      AS 'd1', 
            sub.c_pair      AS 'd2', 
            sub.d_value     AS 'd3' 
        FROM   (SELECT *
                FROM   item_raw_data) sub, 
            (SELECT crd.a_unique_id AS 'max_id', 
                    crd.b_date      AS 'xdate' 
                FROM   item_raw_data crd
                WHERE  crd.b_date < (SELECT ( crdx.b_date - INTERVAL 3 minute ) 
                                    FROM   item_raw_data crdx 
                                    ORDER  BY crdx.a_unique_id DESC 
                                    LIMIT  0, 1) 
                ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                LIMIT  0, 1) aux 
        WHERE  sub.b_date <= aux.xdate 
            AND sub.a_unique_id > ( aux.max_id - (SELECT 
                                        Count(DISTINCT c_pair) AS 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data) 
        ORDER  BY sub.a_unique_id DESC) d,      

    (SELECT sub.a_unique_id AS 'e0', 
            sub.b_date      AS 'e1', 
            sub.c_pair      AS 'e2', 
            sub.d_value     AS 'e3' 
        FROM   (SELECT *
                FROM   item_raw_data) sub, 
            (SELECT crd.a_unique_id AS 'max_id', 
                    crd.b_date      AS 'xdate' 
                FROM   item_raw_data crd
                WHERE  crd.b_date < (SELECT ( crdx.b_date - INTERVAL 4 minute ) 
                                    FROM   item_raw_data crdx 
                                    ORDER  BY crdx.a_unique_id DESC 
                                    LIMIT  0, 1) 
                ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                LIMIT  0, 1) aux 
        WHERE  sub.b_date <= aux.xdate 
            AND sub.a_unique_id > ( aux.max_id - (SELECT 
                                        Count(DISTINCT c_pair) AS 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data) 
        ORDER  BY sub.a_unique_id DESC) e,

    (SELECT sub.a_unique_id AS 'f0', 
            sub.b_date      AS 'f1', 
            sub.c_pair      AS 'f2', 
            sub.d_value     AS 'f3' 
        FROM   (SELECT *
                FROM   item_raw_data) sub, 
            (SELECT crd.a_unique_id AS 'max_id', 
                    crd.b_date      AS 'xdate' 
                FROM   item_raw_data crd
                WHERE  crd.b_date < (SELECT ( crdx.b_date - INTERVAL 5 minute ) 
                                    FROM   item_raw_data crdx 
                                    ORDER  BY crdx.a_unique_id DESC 
                                    LIMIT  0, 1) 
                ORDER  BY crd.a_unique_id DESC 
                LIMIT  0, 1) aux 
        WHERE  sub.b_date <= aux.xdate 
            AND sub.a_unique_id > ( aux.max_id - (SELECT 
                                        Count(DISTINCT c_pair) AS 
                                                        FROM   item_raw_data) 
        ORDER  BY sub.a_unique_id DESC) f

    a.a2 = b.b2
    b.b2 = c.c2 
    c.c2 = d.d2
    d.d2 = e.e2
    e.e2 = f.f2


mysql sql database



  1. 当您需要最大值时,请使用MAX。不要ORDER BYLIMITORDER BY需要O(n log n)运算来排序,而MAX函数的最坏情况只需要O(n)来找到最大值(扫描整个表)。如果你在该列上有一个高基数的索引,那么MAX可能会更少,在O(log n)。你可以通过EXPLAIN输出中的所有文件输出看到这个减速。 -- okay SELECT a_unique_id FROM item_raw_data ORDER BY a_unique_id DESC LIMIT 0, 1 -- better SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) FROM item_raw_data
  2. 应该不需要选择子查询中未使用的列。我会假设查询优化器会摆脱它们,但我之前认为MySQL错了。尤其是涉及子查询时。所以,带着一粒盐: -- okay SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) FROM (SELECT a_unique_id, b_date, c_pair, d_value FROM ...) -- better SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) FROM (SELECT a_unique_id FROM ...)
  3. MySQL优化器忽略了索引。您可以给MySQL一个强有力的提示,使用USE INDEX(<indexname>)正确的索引。这样做会导致更简单的查询计划,也可以更好地使用索引: +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------------+-------------------------+---------+------+--------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------------+-------------------------+---------+------+--------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+ | 1 | PRIMARY | bb | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 1540 | 33.33 | Using where | | 1 | PRIMARY | aa | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 110 | 0.90 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) | | 1 | PRIMARY | cc | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 2860 | 0.30 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) | | 1 | PRIMARY | dd | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 7568 | 0.30 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) | | 1 | PRIMARY | ee | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 10188 | 0.30 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) | | 1 | PRIMARY | ff | NULL | range | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | NULL | 12972 | 0.30 | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) | | 21 | SUBQUERY | ll | NULL | ALL | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | NULL | NULL | NULL | 499198 | 50.00 | Using where | | 17 | SUBQUERY | kk | NULL | ALL | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | NULL | NULL | NULL | 499198 | 50.00 | Using where | | 13 | SUBQUERY | jj | NULL | ALL | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | NULL | NULL | NULL | 499198 | 50.00 | Using where | | 9 | SUBQUERY | ii | NULL | ALL | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | NULL | NULL | NULL | 499198 | 50.00 | Using where | | 5 | SUBQUERY | hh | NULL | ALL | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | NULL | NULL | NULL | 499198 | 50.00 | Using where | | 3 | SUBQUERY | gg | NULL | index | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID | 4 | NULL | 499198 | 100.00 | Using index | +----+-------------+-------+------------+-------+-------------------------+-------------------------+---------+------+--------+----------+----------------------------------------------------+
  4. 最后,我重新组织了查询,因此更明显(如果你向右滚动)这些部分的区别(INTERVALs)和USE INDEX的位置。 aabbcc(等)表名称仅用于标识每个部分映射到查询计划的位置(上图): SELECT a2 AS 'b_actual_pair', a1 AS 'c_actual_date', a3 AS 'd_actual_value', b1 AS 'e_1m_date', b3 AS 'f_1m_value', c1 AS 'g_2m_date', c3 AS 'h_2m_value', d1 AS 'i_3m_date', d3 AS 'j_3m_value', e1 AS 'k_4m_date', e3 AS 'l_4m_value', f1 AS 'm_5m_date', f3 AS 'n_5m_value' FROM (SELECT b_date AS a1, c_pair AS a2, d_value AS a3 FROM item_raw_data aa USE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair) FROM item_raw_data gg USE INDEX(RAW_DATA_PAIR_UNIQUE_ID)) ORDER BY b_date DESC) AS a, (SELECT b_date AS b1, c_pair AS b2, d_value AS b3 FROM item_raw_data bb USE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair) FROM item_raw_data hh WHERE b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 1 minute) AND b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 1 minute ORDER BY b_date DESC) AS b, (SELECT b_date AS c1, c_pair AS c2, d_value AS c3 FROM item_raw_data cc USE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair) FROM item_raw_data ii WHERE b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 2 minute) AND b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 2 minute ORDER BY b_date DESC) AS c, (SELECT b_date AS d1, c_pair AS d2, d_value AS d3 FROM item_raw_data dd USE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair) FROM item_raw_data jj WHERE b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 3 minute) AND b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 3 minute ORDER BY b_date DESC) AS d, (SELECT b_date AS e1, c_pair AS e2, d_value AS e3 FROM item_raw_data ee USE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair) FROM item_raw_data kk WHERE b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 4 minute) AND b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 4 minute ORDER BY b_date DESC) AS e, (SELECT b_date AS f1, c_pair AS f2, d_value AS f3 FROM item_raw_data ff USE INDEX(PRIMARY) WHERE a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair) FROM item_raw_data ll WHERE b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 5 minute) AND b_date < (SELECT MAX(b_date) FROM item_raw_data mm) - INTERVAL 5 minute ORDER BY b_date DESC) AS f WHERE a.a2 = b.b2 AND a.a2 = c.c2 AND a.a2 = d.d2 AND a.a2 = e.e2 AND a.a2 = f.f2




WHERE crd.a_unique_id > (SELECT MAX(crd.a_unique_id) - COUNT(DISTINCT c_pair)
                         FROM items_raw_data crd


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