
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我需要检查 Microsoft Word 中所选内容的每一行上第一个非空白字符的字体,如果是 Courier New,则对其进行一些处理。我有以下代码,但似乎效率低下。请问有更直接的方法吗?

Dim lineRange As Range
Dim trimmedText As String
Dim i As Long

' Iterate over each paragraph in the selection range
For Each lineRange In selectionRange.Paragraphs
    ' Trim the paragraph text to remove leading and trailing spaces
    trimmedText = Trim(lineRange.Range.Text)
    ' Find the index of the first non-blank character
    i = 1
    Do While i <= Len(trimmedText) And Mid(trimmedText, i, 1) = " "
        i = i + 1
    ' Check if there's at least one non-blank character in the trimmed text
    If i <= Len(trimmedText) Then
        ' Set the range to the first non-blank character
        Set lineRange = lineRange.Range.Characters(i)
        ' Check the font name of the first non-blank character
        If lineRange.Font.Name = "Courier New" Then
            ' Process the Courier New line here
        End If
    End If
Next lineRange
vba ms-word fonts character
  • Do Loop
  • LTrim
  • Selection
    是一个 Range 对象。
For Each lineRange In selectionRange.Paragraphs


LTrim、RTrim 和修剪功能

Option Explicit

Sub Demo()
    Dim lineRange As Paragraph, rTarget As Range
    Dim trimmedText As String
    Dim i As Long
    ' Iterate over each paragraph in the selection range
    For Each lineRange In Selection.Paragraphs
        With lineRange.Range
            ' Trim the paragraph text to remove leading spaces
            trimmedText = LTrim(.Text)
            If Not trimmedText = vbCr Then ' Skip the blank paragraph
                i = Len(.Text) - Len(trimmedText) ' count of leading space
                ' Set the range to the first non-blank character
                Set rTarget = .Characters(i + 1)
                ' Check the font name of the first non-blank character
                If rTarget.Font.Name = "Courier New" Then
                    ' ** Process the Courier New line here
                    ' lineRange.Range.Bold = True
                End If
            End If
        End With
    Next lineRange
End Sub
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