Raspberry PI gitlab-runner 无法运行作业

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已经设置了 Raspberry PI 并安装了 gitlab-runner 服务。我们还有自己的私人管理的 Gitlab 服务器。我已经注册了一个 gitlab runner 并在我的 Raspberry PI 上启动了它。在我的存储库中,我创建了一个非常简单的 .gitlab-ci.yml 脚本:

  - test

  stage: test
    - raspberrypi
    - echo "This job tests something"
    - ls -l


gitlab-runner register  --url https://xxx-test.test.lt  --token glrt-sauNM8P5zjAZY-C8HYWL


gitlab-runner run

从上面你可以看到,我只是尝试在我的 Raspberry PI gitlab runner 上执行非常基本的 shell 命令。作业失败的原因是:

Running with gitlab-runner 16.7.0 (102c81ba)
  on Raspberry PI HIL runner sauNM8P5z, system ID: s_0ae6b2582ae5
Preparing the "shell" executor
Using Shell (bash) executor...
Preparing environment
Running on raspberrypi...
Getting source from Git repository
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/home/gitlab-runner/builds/sauNM8P5z’: Permission denied
Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

在我的 Raspbery PI 上,我看到以下日志:

lukas@raspberrypi:/home/gitlab-runner $ gitlab-runner run
Runtime platform                                    arch=arm64 os=linux pid=6858 revision=102c81ba version=16.7.0
Starting multi-runner from /home/lukas/.gitlab-runner/config.toml...  builds=0 max_builds=0
WARNING: Running in user-mode.
WARNING: Use sudo for system-mode:
WARNING: $ sudo gitlab-runner...

Configuration loaded                                builds=0 max_builds=1
listen_address not defined, metrics & debug endpoints disabled  builds=0 max_builds=1
[session_server].listen_address not defined, session endpoints disabled  builds=0 max_builds=1
Initializing executor providers                     builds=0 max_builds=1
Checking for jobs... received                       job=783 repo_url=https://xxx-test.test.lt/embeded-programmers/Embedded-FW-Guidelines.git runner=sauNM8P5z
Added job to processing list                        builds=1 job=783 max_builds=1 project=121 repo_url=https://xxx-test.test.lt/embeded-programmers/Embedded-FW-Guidelines.git
WARNING: Job failed: exit status 1
                 duration_s=0.256630484 job=783 project=121 runner=sauNM8P2z
Appending trace to coordinator...ok                 code=202 job=783 job-log=0-919 job-status=running runner=sauNM8P5z sent-log=0-918 status=202 Accepted update-interval=1m0s
Updating job...                                     bytesize=919 checksum=crc32:107c6b65 job=783 runner=sauNM8P5z
Submitting job to coordinator...ok                  bytesize=919 checksum=crc32:107c6b65 code=200 job=783 job-status= runner=sauNM8P5z update-interval=0s
Removed job from processing list                    builds=0 job=783 max_builds=1 project=121 repo_url=https://xxx-test.test.lt/embeded-programmers/Embedded-FW-Guidelines.git
Checking for jobs... received                       job=784 repo_url=https://xxx-test.test.lt/embeded-programmers/Embedded-FW-Guidelines.git runner=sauNM8P5z
Added job to processing list                        builds=1 job=784 max_builds=1 project=121 repo_url=https://xxx-test.test.lt/embeded-programmers/Embedded-FW-Guidelines.git
WARNING: Job failed: exit status 1
                 duration_s=0.211797582 job=784 project=121 runner=sauNM8P2z
Appending trace to coordinator...ok                 code=202 job=784 job-log=0-919 job-status=running runner=sauNM8P5z sent-log=0-918 status=202 Accepted update-interval=1m0s
Updating job...                                     bytesize=919 checksum=crc32:be70e1cb job=784 runner=sauNM8P5z
Submitting job to coordinator...ok                  bytesize=919 checksum=crc32:be70e1cb code=200 job=784 job-status= runner=sauNM8P5z update-interval=0s
Removed job from processing list                    builds=0 job=784 max_builds=1 project=121 repo_url=https://xxx-test.test.lt/embeded-programmers/Embedded-FW-Guidelines.git

如果有人能澄清我的 Raspberry PI gitlab 运行程序无法运行 CI/CD 作业的原因,我将不胜感激。

git gitlab gitlab-ci-runner

我已经从头开始卸载并安装了 gitlab-runner,这似乎解决了问题。

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