使用 beautifulsoup 抓取 Oddsportal 时缺少值

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

这个抓取器从 https://www.oddsportal.com/matches/football/ 中抓取数据框,如下面的数据框:


import os
import time
import threading
import pandas as pd
from math import nan
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By

    class Driver:
    def __init__(self):
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        # options.add_argument("--headless")
        # Un-comment next line to supress logging:
        options.add_experimental_option('excludeSwitches', ['enable-logging'])
        self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)

    def __del__(self):
        self.driver.quit()  # clean up driver when we are cleaned up
        # print('The driver has been "quitted".')

threadLocal = threading.local()

def create_driver():
    the_driver = getattr(threadLocal, 'the_driver', None)
    if the_driver is None:
        the_driver = Driver()
        setattr(threadLocal, 'the_driver', the_driver)
    return the_driver.driver

class GameData:
    def __init__(self):
        self.date = []
        self.time = []
        self.game = []
        self.score = []
        self.home_odds = []
        self.draw_odds = []
        self.away_odds = []
        self.country = []
        self.league = []

def generate_matches(pgSoup, defaultVal=None):
    evtSel = {
        'time': 'p.whitespace-nowrap',
        'game': 'a div:has(>a[title])',
        'score': 'a:has(a[title])+div.hidden',
        'home_odds': 'a:has(a[title])~div:not(.hidden)',
        'draw_odds': 'a:has(a[title])~div:not(.hidden)+div:nth-last-of-type(3)',
        'away_odds': 'a:has(a[title])~div:nth-last-of-type(2)',

    events, current_group = [], {}
    pgDate = pgSoup.select_one('h1.title[id="next-matches-h1"]')
    if pgDate: pgDate = pgDate.get_text().split(',', 1)[-1].strip()
    for evt in pgSoup.select('div[set]>div:last-child'):
        if evt.parent.select(f':scope>div:first-child+div+div'):
            cgVals = [v.get_text(' ').strip() if v else defaultVal for v in [
                evt.parent.select_one(s) for s in
            current_group = dict(zip(['date', 'country', 'league'], cgVals))
            if pgDate: current_group['date'] = pgDate

        evtRow = {'date': current_group.get('date', defaultVal)}

        for k, v in evtSel.items():
            v = evt.select_one(v).get_text(' ') if evt.select_one(v) else defaultVal
            evtRow[k] = ' '.join(v.split()) if isinstance(v, str) else v
        evtTeams = evt.select('a div>a[title]')
        evtRow['game'] = ' – '.join(a['title'] for a in evtTeams)
        evtRow['country'] = current_group.get('country', defaultVal)
        evtRow['league'] = current_group.get('league', defaultVal)

    return events

def parse_data(url, return_urls=False):
    browser = create_driver()
    WebDriverWait(browser, 10).until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located(
        (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div[set]>div:last-child a:has(a[title])~div:not(.hidden)")))
    # ########## For page to scroll to the end ###########
    scroll_pause_time = 2

    # Get scroll height
    last_height = browser.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")

    while True:
        # Scroll down to bottom
        browser.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")

        # Wait to load page

        # Calculate new scroll height and compare with last scroll height
        new_height = browser.execute_script("return document.body.scrollHeight")
        if new_height == last_height:
        last_height = new_height
    # ########## For page to scroll to the end ###########
    soup = bs(browser.page_source, "lxml")

    game_data = GameData()
    game_keys = [a for a, av in game_data.__dict__.items() if isinstance(av, list)]
    for row in generate_matches(soup, defaultVal=nan):
        for k in game_keys: getattr(game_data, k).append(row.get(k, nan))
    if return_urls:
        if return_urls:
            a_cont = soup.find('div', {'class': 'tabs'})
            if a_cont is None:
                a_tags = []
                a_tags = a_cont.find_all('a', {'class': 'h-8', 'href': True})
            urls = [
                'https://www.oddsportal.com' + a_tag['href'] for a_tag in a_tags
                if not a_tag['href'].startswith('#')  # sections in current page
                and 'active-item-calendar' not in a_tag['class']  # current page
            print(pd.DataFrame(urls, columns=['urls']))  # If you want to see the URLs then uncomment this line else, comment it out.
        return game_data, urls
    return game_data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    games = None
    pool = ThreadPool(5)
    # Get today's data and the Urls for the other days:
    url_today = 'https://www.oddsportal.com/matches/soccer'
    game_data_today, urls = pool.apply(parse_data, args=(url_today, True))
    game_data_results = pool.imap(parse_data, urls)
    # ############################ BUILD  DATAFRAME 

    game_data_dfList, added_todayGame = [], False
    for game_data in game_data_results:
            if not added_todayGame:
                game_data_dfList += [pd.DataFrame(game_data_today.__dict__)]
                added_todayGame = True
        except Exception as e:
            game_n = len(game_data_dfList) + 1
            print(f'Error tabulating game_data_df#{game_n}:\n{repr(e)}')
        # finally: pass ## [ redundant ]
        games = pd.concat(game_data_dfList, ignore_index=True)
    except Exception as e:
        print('Error concatenating DataFrames:', repr(e))
    # #########################################################################
    print('!?NO GAMES?!' if games is None else games)
    # ensure all the drivers are "quitted":
    del threadLocal  # a little extra insurance
    import gc




|    | date        | time   | game                        | score   |   home_odds |   draw_odds |   away_odds | country                | league              |
|  0 | 13 Mar 2023 | 00:00  | Mrkonjic Grad – Kozara      | 2:2     |        1.94 |        3.42 |        3.42 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Prva Liga - RS      |
|  1 | 13 Mar 2023 | 00:00  | Patrocinense – Democrata SL | 2:0     |        2.01 |        3.12 |        3.74 | Brazil                 | Campeonato Mineiro  |
|  2 | 13 Mar 2023 | 00:00  | Cameta – Bragantino         | 2:0     |        2.2  |        3.15 |        3.05 | Brazil                 | Campeonato Paraense |
|  3 | 13 Mar 2023 | 00:00  | Tonnerre – Aigle Moungo     | 1:1     |        3.3  |        3.2  |        2.16 | Cameroon               | Elite Two           |
|  4 | 13 Mar 2023 | 00:00  | Vendsyssel – Sonderjyske    | 2:3     |        2.73 |        3.44 |        2.4  | Denmark                | 1st Division        |

然而,而不是只从 获得 7 个 URL 来自

if return_urls:
if return_urls:
a_cont = soup.find('div', {'class': 'tabs'})
if a_cont is None:
a_tags = []
a_tags = a_cont.find_all('a', {'class': 'h-8', 'href': True})
urls = [
                'https://www.oddsportal.com' + a_tag['href'] for a_tag in a_tags
if not a_tag['href'].startswith('#')  # sections in current page
and 'active-item-calendar' not in a_tag['class']  # current page

然而,我得到了 url 的日历列表,即在这种情况下 41 个 url,这是不需要的。



date        | time   | game                                    |   score |   home_odds |   draw_odds |   away_odds | country   | league                |
0 | 27 Feb 2023 | 00:00  | St Eloi Lupopo (Drc)  – Al Akhdar (Lby) |     nan |        1.61 |        3.5  |        5.62 | Africa    | CAF Confederation Cup |
1 | 27 Feb 2023 | 00:00  | Mazembe (Drc)  – Monastir (Tun)         |     nan |        1.54 |        3.5  |        7.36 | Africa    | CAF Confederation Cup |
2 | 27 Feb 2023 | 00:00  | Sao Francisco – Tapajos                 |     nan |        3.55 |        3.33 |        1.99 | Brazil    | Campeonato Paraense   |
3 | 27 Feb 2023 | 00:00  | Inter Star – Dynamik                    |     nan |        1.83 |        3.24 |        4.33 | Burundi   | Primus League         |
4 | 27 Feb 2023 | 00:00  | Vital'O – Kayanza                       |     nan |        1.49 |        4.04 |        5.97 | Burundi   | Primus League         |

如何获得正确的 URL 和正确填充的列?

python pandas dataframe web-scraping beautifulsoup
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