使用feathersjs rethinkdb adapter选择distinct而不是sql

问题描述 投票:2回答:1

我有一个使用rethinkdb数据库适配器的一些Feathersjs服务开发的Angular 4应用程序。

我不是SQL持久性的新手。在Sql中,我会使用select distinct ... from ...来从车队获得“不同”的汽车制造商,以允许用户过滤此列表或分组。


node.js angular distinct rethinkdb feathersjs


module.exports = function (options = {}) { 
  return function distinct(hook) {
    let query = hook.params.query;

    // Must be a before hook
    if (hook.type !== 'before') {
      throw new Error('El hook \'distinct\' sólo puede usarse como hook \'before\' (hooks.distinct).');

    // Throw error when no field is provided - eg. just users?$distinct
    if (query.$distinct === '') {
      throw new Error('$distinct no encontrado: ¿Qué campo debería ser distinto? (hooks.distinct)');

    let distinctValue = query.$distinct || null;
    console.log('distinctValue', distinctValue);
    if (distinctValue == null) return hook;

    // Remove $distinct param from query (preventing errors)
    delete query.$distinct;

    // Add only the field we are searching for
    query = Object.assign({ $select: distinctValue },query)

    const rethinkdbQuery = this.createQuery(query);
    const r = this.options.r;

    // In our case, disable pagination
    hook.params.paginate = false;

    // Update the query with an additional `distinct` condition
    hook.params.rethinkdb = rethinkdbQuery.distinct();

    return hook;
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