如何向 Micronaut 非声明性 http 客户端添加重试

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Micronaut 支持 http 客户端的重试机制,如果我们在这样的声明式客户端中使用它:

@Retryable(delay = "${retry-delay}", attempts = "${retry-attempts}")
@Header(name = "username", value = "password")

public interface SampleHttpClient {
    @Get(value = "/v1/kv/data/", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    HttpResponse<String> getVaultSecret();


但是我 在我的代码中动态创建 http 客户端 如下所示。这是因为我在运行时获取了 http 客户端参数(URL、重试属性、标头等)。

如何在此处向我的 http 配置添加重试选项?

HttpClient client = null;
var configuration = new ServiceHttpClientConfiguration("myId", null, 
                                  null, new DefaultHttpClientConfiguration());  
// how to add retry to http configuration here ???       

client = new DefaultHttpClient("", configuration);

var uri = UriBuilder.of("").path("/v1/kv/data/").build();
var request = HttpRequest.GET(uri).header("username","password");
var response = client.toBlocking().exchange(request);
java httpclient micronaut micronaut-client

基本上在后台 micronaut 使用 AOP Advice for retry using @Retryable annotation


@Retryable(attempts = 2, includes =[NullPointerException.class,..], delay= "1s")
public void clientCall() {

  client = new DefaultHttpClient("", configuration);

  var uri = UriBuilder.of("").path("/v1/kv/data/").build();
  var request = HttpRequest.GET(uri).header("username","password");
  var response = client.toBlocking().exchange(request);
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