如何为在 Spring boot 中开发的其余端点获取 Rest Assured 测试用例的代码覆盖率?

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我正在尝试为指向其余端点的放心测试用例生成 jacoco 代码覆盖率报告。我正在使用 springboot 应用程序。 我的控制器类看起来像:

public class ChallengeController {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChallengeController.class);
    private ChallengeService challengeService;

    public ChallengeController(ChallengeService challengeService) {
        this.challengeService = challengeService;


    @GetMapping(path = "/hello",
            produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
    public String hello() {
        return "hello";
    @GetMapping(path = "/hello/greeting/{name}",
            produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
    public String greeting(@PathVariable(value = "name") String name) {
        return challengeService.greeting(name);



public class ChallengeService {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChallengeService.class);

    public ChallengeService() {


    public String greeting(String name) {
        return "hello " + name;

我的 POM 看起来像


                        <!-- excluding everything except controller class -->
                    <!-- merging jacoco reports-->

                            <!-- When running as a Maven plugin, the JaCoCo agent configuration is prepared by invoking the prepare-agent
                            or prepare-agent-integration goals, before the actual tests are run. This sets a property named argLine which
                            points to the JaCoCo agent, later passed as a JVM argument to the test runner -->



@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)

public class DummyChallengeTest extends AbstractSteps {

    public void testHelloEndpoint() {        
        RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8082";
        RestAssured.basePath ="/hello";
        Response res = given()
        Assert.assertEquals("hello", res.getBody().asString());

    public void testGreetingEndpoint() {
        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        //getServiceUrl() returning me the application base url
        String requestUrl = getServiceUrl() + "/hello/greeting/{name}";
                .pathParam("name", uuid)
                .body(is("hello " + uuid)).log().all().extract();

在 target/site/jacoco-it/jacoco-sessions.html 里面,我可以找到我的控制器和服务 java 文件。


    private ChallengeService challengeService;

    public ChallengeController(ChallengeService challengeService) {
        this.challengeService = challengeService;


@GetMapping(path = "/hello",
            produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
    public String hello() {
        return "hello";
    @GetMapping(path = "/hello/greeting/{name}",
            produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_VALUE)
    public String greeting(@PathVariable(value = "name") String name) {
        return challengeService.greeting(name);

注意:1.我放心的测试用例运行良好并且全部通过。 2. 当我使用 Quarkus 应用程序和 Quarkus 测试时,同样的 jacoco 实现让我完全覆盖端点。 3. 我正在全面覆盖我的单元测试用例。

当我使用 Quarkus 应用程序和 Quarkus 测试时,同样的 jacoco 实现让我完全覆盖端点。

我看到有人说要从同一个 jvm 运行你的应用程序和测试。我不确定如何正确执行此操作。此外,如果可以在 jenkins 管道中实施此解决方案。

我还没有尝试过 Arquillian。

java rest integration-testing code-coverage jacoco-maven-plugin
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