如何从另一个类访问 JLabel

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我知道之前在此线程中曾问过类似的问题:从另一个类访问 JLabel 但是,当我尝试使用“this.lblNewLabel = new JLabel();”时对于我的代码中的所有 JLabels,但它不起作用。我的问题是,我试图让“MainFrame”中的 JLabels 可供“bananaBreadIngredients”和“ServingsButtons”访问,以便“ServingsButtons”中的操作侦听器可以在“bananaBreadIngredients”中的组件上工作,我需要帮助尝试得到那份工作。如果他们有任何不确定的事情,我会尽力回答有关我的代码的任何问题。

这是我的主要 JFrame 代码(这是我认为最好放置 JLabels 的代码,因为我认为它们能够被其他类(如“bananaBreadIngredients”类)访问):

package sweets;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;

public class MainFrame extends JFrame implements ItemListener {
    //all the foods
    public int servingNumber = 0;
    //ingredient Volumes
    public int almondFlourVol = 0;
    public int allPurposeFlourVol = 0;
    public int unsaltedButterVol = 0;
    public int bakingSodaVol = 0;
    public int bakingPowderVol = 0;
    public int vanillaExtractVol = 0;
    public int cocoaPowderVol = 0;
    public int saltVol = 0;
    public int chocolateChipsVol = 0;
    public int instantEspressoVol = 0;
    public int vegetableOilVol = 0;
    public int bananasVol = 0;
    public int granulatedSugarVol = 0;
    public int powderedSugarVol = 0;
    public int lightBrownSugarVol = 0;
    public int eggsVol = 0;
    public int eggWhitesVol = 0;

    JLabel granulatedSugar = new JLabel("Granulated Sugar: " + (granulatedSugarVol));
    JLabel powderedSugar = new JLabel("Powdered Sugar: " + (powderedSugarVol));
    JLabel lightBrownSugar = new JLabel("Light Brown Sugar: " + (lightBrownSugarVol));
    JLabel eggs = new JLabel("Eggs: " + (eggsVol));
    JLabel eggWhites = new JLabel("Egg Whites: " + (eggWhitesVol));
    JLabel bananas = new JLabel("Bananas: " + (bananasVol));
    JLabel vegetableOil = new JLabel("Vegetable Oil: " + (vegetableOilVol));
    JLabel instantEspresso = new JLabel("Instant Espresso: " + (instantEspressoVol));
    JLabel chocolateChips = new JLabel("Chocolate Chips: " + (chocolateChipsVol));
    JLabel salt = new JLabel("Salt: " + (saltVol));
    JLabel cocoaPowder = new JLabel("Cocoa Powder: " + (cocoaPowderVol));
    JLabel vanillaExtract = new JLabel("Vanilla Extract: " + (vanillaExtractVol));
    JLabel bakingSoda = new JLabel("Baking Soda: " + (bakingSodaVol));
    JLabel unsaltedButter = new JLabel("Unsalted Butter: " + (unsaltedButterVol));
    JLabel allPurposeFlour = new JLabel("All-Purpose Flour: " + (allPurposeFlourVol));
    JLabel almondFlour = new JLabel("Almond Flour: " + (almondFlourVol));
    JLabel bakingPowder = new JLabel("Baking Powder: " + (bakingPowderVol));

    String[] food = {bananaBread, brownies, chocolateChipcookies, macarons};
    final static String bananaBread = "banana bread";
    final static String brownies = "brownies";
    final static String chocolateChipcookies = "chocolate chip cookies";
    final static String macarons = "macarons";
    JPanel ingredients;

    private ServingButtons servingButtonsJPanel;
    private bananaBreadIngredients bananaBreadIngredientsJPanel;

    JPanel browniesIngredients = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel cookieIngredients = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel macaronIngredients = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());

    public MainFrame(){
        JPanel recipeName = new JPanel(); //this will have the JComboBox with the foodList
        JLabel recipe = new JLabel("Recipes: ");
        recipeName.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        JComboBox foodList = new JComboBox(food);
        ingredients = new JPanel(new CardLayout());
        //MainFrame.ComboBoxRenderer renderer= new MainFrame.ComboBoxRenderer();
        getContentPane().add(foodList, BorderLayout.NORTH);

        //Servings buttons
        servingButtonsJPanel = new ServingButtons(); //<<-- method call
        servingButtonsJPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
        //sources used from this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29477242/jpanel-and-custom-class-extending-jpanel-not-displaying-correctly

        JLabel ingredientLabel = new JLabel("Ingredients Go here: ");
        bananaBreadIngredientsJPanel = new bananaBreadIngredients();
        //only works if you add the cards in the same order that they are put in in the array
        ingredients.add(bananaBreadIngredientsJPanel, bananaBread );
        ingredients.add(browniesIngredients, brownies);
        ingredients.add(cookieIngredients, chocolateChipcookies);
        ingredients.add(macaronIngredients, macarons);
        getContentPane().add(ingredients, BorderLayout.CENTER);

        //this will have the dynamically changing ingredients (placeholder: the code for this in the mainIA class but it is not being used as I want to implement it through a class instead of having it in the constructor class like in the mainIA)
        JLabel inputRecipe = new JLabel("Input Recipe"); //this will have the input recipe JTextField (placeholder)

        this.setTitle("Recipe Portion Calculator");
        this.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,1));
        this.add(servingButtonsJPanel); //<<-- issue is that I have a GUI in the ServingButtons class but when I call it in the MainFrame class it does not show up in the GUI


    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt) {
        CardLayout cl = (CardLayout)(ingredients.getLayout());
        cl.show(ingredients, (String)evt.getItem());

这是 ServingsButtons 的类。此类具有应用于不同 JLabels 的增量操作侦听器:

package sweets;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class ServingButtons extends JPanel {
    public int servingNumber = 0;
    //ingredient Volumes

    JButton incButton = new JButton("+");
    JButton decButton = new JButton(("-"));

    public ServingButtons() {
        this.setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 4));
        //used this code from this Quora Link: https://www.quora.com/How-would-I-get-my-program-to-add-1-every-time-I-press-the-button-%E2%80%9Da%E2%80%9D-in-Java
        this.add(new JLabel("Number of Servings: "));
        JLabel counterLbl = new JLabel(Integer.toString(servingNumber));
        decButton.addActionListener(l -> {
            almondFlour.setText("Almound Flour: " + (--almondFlourVol));
            granulatedSugar.setText("Granulated Sugar: " + (--granulatedSugarVol));
            powderedSugar.setText("Powdered Sugar: " + (--powderedSugarVol));
            lightBrownSugar.setText("Light Brown Sugar: " +(--lightBrownSugarVol));
            eggs.setText("Eggs: " + (--eggsVol));
            eggWhites.setText("Egg Whites: " + (--eggWhitesVol));
            bananas.setText("Bananas: " + (--bananasVol));
            vegetableOil.setText("Vegetable Oil: " + (--vegetableOilVol));
            instantEspresso.setText("Instant Espresso: " + (--instantEspressoVol));
            chocolateChips.setText("Chocolate Chips: " + (--chocolateChipsVol));
            salt.setText("Salt: " + (--saltVol));
            cocoaPowder.setText("Cocoa Powder: " + (--cocoaPowderVol));
            vanillaExtract.setText("Vanilla Extract: " + (--vanillaExtractVol));
            bakingSoda.setText("Baking Soda: " + (--bakingSodaVol));
            unsaltedButter.setText("Unsalted Butter: " + (--unsaltedButterVol));
            allPurposeFlour.setText("All-Purpose Flour: " + (--allPurposeFlourVol));
            bakingPowder.setText("All-Purpose Flour: " + (--bakingPowderVol));
        JLabel space = new JLabel("");
        incButton.addActionListener(l -> {
            granulatedSugar.setText("Granulated Sugar: " + (++granulatedSugarVol));
            powderedSugar.setText("Powdered Sugar: " + (++powderedSugarVol));
            lightBrownSugar.setText("Light Brown Sugar: " + (++lightBrownSugarVol));
            eggs.setText("Eggs: " + (++eggsVol));
            eggWhites.setText("Egg Whites: " + (++eggWhitesVol));
            bananas.setText("bananas: " + (++bananasVol));
            vegetableOil.setText("Vegetable Oil: "+ (++vegetableOilVol));
            instantEspresso.setText("instant Espresso: " + (++instantEspressoVol));
            chocolateChips.setText("Chocolate Chips: "+ (++chocolateChipsVol));
            salt.setText("Salt: " + (++saltVol));
            cocoaPowder.setText("Cocoa Powder: " + (++cocoaPowderVol));
            vanillaExtract.setText("Vanilla Extract: " + (++vanillaExtractVol));
            bakingSoda.setText("Baking Soda: " + (++bakingSodaVol));
            unsaltedButter.setText("Unsalted Buttter: " + (++unsaltedButterVol));
            allPurposeFlour.setText("All-Purpose Flour: " + (++allPurposeFlourVol));
            almondFlour.setText("Almound Flour: " + (++almondFlourVol));
            bakingPowder.setText("All-Purpose Flour: " + (++bakingPowderVol));

这是我想要访问 JLabels 的类的代码,以便“ServingsButtons”中的代码适用于此类的代码:

package sweets;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class bananaBreadIngredients extends JPanel {
    public bananaBreadIngredients(){
        this.setLayout(new GridLayout(9,1));


java swing jlabel
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