
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


假设您希望能够在三年内支付首付。您每个月应节省多少费用以实现此目标?在这个问题中,您将要编写一个程序来回答该问题。为简化起见,假设:1。您的半年加薪为.07(7%)2。您的投资的年收益为0.04(4%)3。预付款是房屋成本的0.25(25%)。4。您要节省的房屋成本为$ 1M。




# user input
annual_salary = float(input('Enter your annual salary: '))

# static variables and initializers
semi_annual_raise = 0.07
r = 0.04
portion_down_payment = 0.25
total_cost = 1000000
steps = 0
current_savings = 0
low = 0
high = 10000
guess_rate = (high + low)//2
# Use a while loop since we check UNTIL something happens.
while abs(current_savings - total_cost*portion_down_payment) >= 100:
    # Reset current_savings at the beginning of the loop
    current_savings = 0
    # Create a new variable for use within the for loop.
    for_annual_salary = annual_salary
    # convert guess_rate into a float
    rate = guess_rate/10000
    # Since we have a finite number of months, use a for loop to calculate
    # amount saved in that time.
    for month in range(36):
        # With indexing starting a zero, we need to calculate at the beginning
        # of the loop.
        if month % 6 == 0 and month > 0:
            for_annual_salary += for_annual_salary*semi_annual_raise
        # Set monthly_salary inside loop where annual_salary is modified
        monthly_salary = for_annual_salary/12
        # Calculate current savings
        current_savings += monthly_salary*rate+current_savings*r/12
    # The statement that makes this a bisection search
    if current_savings < total_cost*portion_down_payment:
        low = guess_rate
        high = guess_rate
    guess_rate = (high + low)//2
    steps += 1
    # The max amount of guesses needed is log base 2 of 10000 which is slightly
    # above 13. Once it gets to the 14th guess it breaks out of the while loop.
    if steps > 13:

# output
if steps > 13:
    print('It is not possible to pay the down payment in three years.')
    print('Best savings rate:', rate)
    print('Steps in bisection search:', steps)

为什么需要在FOR循环之前重置变量值current_savings并创建for_annual_salary?当开始时current_ Savings已被定义为0,为什么它在FOR循环中创建一个崭新的变量for_annual_salary而不是使用Annual_salary?

python python-3.x python-3.6 python-3.5


annual_salary = input("Enter salary")
annual_salary = 10000 + 1000
print(annual_salary ) #would give you 11000, And you got some bug in your code and you want to debug what user entered the salary.
You print("annual_salary") #And you get updated salary not what user entered.


annual_salary = input("Enter salary")
new_annual_salary = 10000 + 1000 # some operations
print(new_annual_salary ) #Every operation was performed on new variable and if code goes wrong somewhere,you still can find new and old value of annual_salary.
  1. 与当前储蓄相同


c = 0
for i in range(3):
    c+= i
print(c) # You will get 3 not 0

d #If you don't initialize your value and performing operations you'll get undefined error
d+= 1


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