getLbClient()' 在'org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我已将我的 java 代码中的 solr 版本从 v8 升级到 v9.2.0 并出现错误,因为“getLbClient()”在 java 方法中的“org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient”中受到保护访问

public Version getVersion() {
    // Concurrent access might cause multiple fetches, but who cares?
    if (null != version) {
        return version;
    // TODO reconcile w/ repo service version

    // Ensure connected so that we can get the live nodes
    // If our connection attempt fails here, we'll try again next time we're asked

    // Note that we ignore the possibility of a cluster containing nodes of different versions

    // We have to use this crazy scheme because CommonParams.ADMIN_PATHS
    // does not contain /admin/info/system

    // Problem is that CloudSolrClient insists on putting a collection in the URL
    // for paths not in ADMIN_PATHS, so we instead circumvent and use the underlying LBHttpSolrClient

    // See code in CloudSolrClient.sendRequest(SolrRequest request, List<String> inputCollections)

    final List<String> liveNodeUrls = (List<String>) solrClient.getClusterState().getLiveNodes();

    final GenericSolrRequest genericSolrRequest = new GenericSolrRequest(

    final LBSolrClient.Req rawRequest = new LBSolrClient.Req(

    final LBSolrClient.Rsp rawResponse;
    try {
        rawResponse = solrClient.getLbClient().request(rawRequest);
    catch (final SolrServerException | IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    final NamedList<?> luceneProps = (NamedList<?>) ((LBSolrClient.Rsp) rawResponse).getResponse().get("lucene");
    version = Version.valueOf(String.valueOf(luceneProps.get("solr-spec-version")));
    return version;

我也遇到了一些其他错误,但现在只卡在这个错误上 'getLbClient()' has protected access in 'org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient'

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