
问题描述 投票:-1回答:1

我正在模拟两个星团的碰撞,所以基本上在C ++中做了一个N体问题。我正在使用Barnes-Hut方法来帮助实现这一目标。我编写了我的QuadTree代码和运行模拟的主要代码,直到201-250步骤,程序变得没有响应。我不确定这只是一个性能问题,还是代码中发生了令人讨厌的事情。有人可以查看它并解释它冻结的原因,或者如何提高性能?


#define threshold 1.0   // threshold for determining "far-ness"
                        // 0.5 for best results, higher means faster 
#define G 1.57633e-17   // ly^3 Msun^-1 s^-2, gravitational constant

struct Body {
    double mass;
    Vector3D position;
    Vector3D velocity;

    // makes a new body
    Body(double m, Vector3D pos, Vector3D vel) : mass(m), position(pos), velocity(vel) {};

    Body() : mass(0), position(0, 0, 0), velocity(0, 0, 0) {};

struct QuadTreeNode;

struct QuadTreeNode {

/* ---------- Stored Properties of this node ----------- */

    // the total mass and CoM for all bodies inserted
    // below this node in the tree
    Body body;

    // rescale positions to fit in nodes
    // note: will need to have all bodies in
    // at least positive coordinates to be included
    // body.position.update(body.position.Getx()/scale, 
    //                      body.position.Gety()/scale);
    // scale defined in program

    // the four subnodes / quadrants
    QuadTreeNode* A = NULL;
    QuadTreeNode* B = NULL;
    QuadTreeNode* C = NULL;
    QuadTreeNode* D = NULL;

    // location+size parameters of each node (center)
    double length;          // = 1.0 for depth = 0
    double horiz_offset;    // = 0.5*length for depth = 0
    double vert_offset;     // "                        "

    // used to initialize root node parameters
    bool root_node = true;

/* ----------------------------------------------------- */

    // search which subnode a body is in
    int Subnode(Body temp){
        double x = temp.position.Getx();
        double y = temp.position.Gety();

        // define subnode boundaries
        double node_xmax = this->horiz_offset + 0.5*this->length;
        double node_xmin = this->horiz_offset - 0.5*this->length;
        double node_ymax = this->vert_offset + 0.5*this->length;
        double node_ymin = this->vert_offset - 0.5*this->length;

        // 1 = first quadrant (A), 2 = second quadrant (B), etc.
        if       ((x > (node_xmax/2.)) && (x < node_xmax) && 
                  (y > (node_ymax/2.)) && (y < node_ymax)){return(1);
        }else if ((x > node_xmin) && (x < (node_xmax/2.)) && 
              (y > (node_ymax/2.)) && (y < node_ymax)){return(2);
        }else if ((x > node_xmin) && (x < (node_xmax/2.)) && 
              (y > node_ymin) && (y < (node_ymax/2.))){return(3);
        }else if ((x > (node_xmax/2.)) && (x < node_xmax) && 
              (y > node_ymin) && (y < (node_ymax/2.))){return(4);
            temp.mass = 0.0; 

    // define new parameters of subnodes
    void createSubnodes(){
        // 1st quadrant / subnode
        this->A = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->A->length = this->length/2.;
        this->A->horiz_offset = this->horiz_offset + 0.25*this->length;
        this->A->vert_offset = this->vert_offset + 0.25*this->length;

        // 2nd quadrant / subnode
        this->B = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->B->length = this->length/2.;
        this->B->horiz_offset = this->horiz_offset - 0.25*this->length;
        this->B->vert_offset = this->vert_offset + 0.25*this->length;

        // 3rd quadrant / subnode
        this->C = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->C->length = this->length/2.;
        this->C->horiz_offset = this->horiz_offset - 0.25*this->length;
        this->C->vert_offset = this->vert_offset - 0.25*this->length;

        // 4th quadrant / subnode
        this->D = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->D->length = this->length/2.;
        this->D->horiz_offset = this->horiz_offset + 0.25*this->length;
        this->D->vert_offset = this->vert_offset - 0.25*this->length;

    // insert body into specific subnode
    void insert_Subnode(Body temp){


        // subnodes are not a root node
        this->A->root_node = false;
        this->B->root_node = false;
        this->C->root_node = false;
        this->D->root_node = false;

        // recursively insert body into new node 
        if (Subnode(temp) == 1) {
        else if (Subnode(temp) == 2) {
        else if (Subnode(temp) == 3) {
        else if (Subnode(temp) == 4){
        }else return;

    // check if current node is internal or external
    bool is_internal(){
        this->A = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->B = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->C = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->D = new QuadTreeNode();
        if (this->A->body.mass > 0) return true;
        if (this->B->body.mass > 0) return true;
        if (this->C->body.mass > 0) return true;
        if (this->D->body.mass > 0) return true;
        return false;   // this is an external node

    // this is the main function for constructing the QuadTree
    // insert body into this node
    void insert(Body next) {    // consider the next body 
                                // to insert into this node

        // if there's no body in this node, put the next body in here
        if (this->body.mass == 0) {
            this->body = next;

        // initialize to max values if this is a root node
            this->length = 1.0;
            this->horiz_offset = 0.5*this->length;
            this->vert_offset = 0.5*this->length;

        // if this is an internal node
        if (is_internal()) {
            // update the node's body.location (CoM)
            this->body.position = (this->body.mass*this->body.position 
                       + next.mass*next.position)*(1./(this->body.mass + next.mass));
            // update the node's body.mass
            this->body.mass += next.mass;

            // recursively insert the next body into appropriate subnode
        } else {    // this is an external node
                    // since this->body.mass is not 0, then
                    // this node contains a body
                    // so then recursively insert this body
                    // and the next body into their appropriate subnodes

            // then update this node's CoM and total mass
            this->body.position = (this->body.mass*this->body.position 
                      + next.mass*next.position)*(1./(this->body.mass + next.mass));
            // update the node's body.mass
            this->body.mass += next.mass;



// Now we calculate the force on a body

    // calculates gravitational force
    Vector3D Fg(Body temp){
        double M1, M2, dist;
        Vector3D  Dr, F;

        M1 = this->body.mass;
        M2 = temp.mass;

        // this takes the position vector difference
        Dr =  temp.position - this->body.position;
        // and this is the magnitude
        dist = Dr.GetMagnitude();

        if(dist == 0.0) return(Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));    // do not divide by 0

        // here is the gravitational force
        F = (-G*M1*M2/(pow(dist,3.))) * Dr;


    // net force on the next body
    Vector3D netforce_on(Body next) {

        Vector3D Fnet(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        Vector3D dvdt;

        if ((!is_internal()) && (this->body.mass != next.mass)){
            Fnet = Fnet + Fg(next);
        else {
            Vector3D Dr;
            double dist;
            Dr =  next.position - this->body.position;
            dist = Dr.GetMagnitude();

            // parameter to decide what is 'far'
            double dist_ratio = (this->length) / dist;

            if (dist_ratio < threshold){ // far enough
                Fnet = Fnet + Fg(next);
            } else{ // too close, check subnode forces
                Fnet = Fnet + this->A->netforce_on(next);
                Fnet = Fnet + this->B->netforce_on(next);
                Fnet = Fnet + this->C->netforce_on(next);
                Fnet = Fnet + this->D->netforce_on(next);

        dvdt = (1./next.mass)*Fnet;





    int ii = 0;                     // index for printing every 50s
    for (double t = 0; t < Tmax; t += dt) {
        static int div = (int)(50/dt);      // print only every 50s

        // create a new QuadTree
        if(t==0) cerr << "Creating 1st QuadTree..." << endl;    // checking if this works the first time
//      QuadTreeNode tree;
        QuadTreeNode* tree;
        tree = new QuadTreeNode();  

        // insert all of the masses into the tree
        if(t==0) cerr << "Inserting Bodies into 1st QuadTree..." << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < bodies.size(); i++) {
                if(i%50 == 0){
                    cerr << "Inserting " << i << "th body..." << endl;

        if(t==0) cerr << "1st Body insertion finished." << endl;
        if(t==0) cerr << "Beginning RK4 Calculation..." << endl;

        for(int j = 0; j < bodies.size(); j++){
            Vector3D rtold, vtold, rt, vt;

            if(ii%div == 0){
                outfile << t+dt << " ";

            // compute force on each body
//          vector<Vector3D> forces;    // declared globally for f_v
            for (int i = 0; i < bodies.size(); i++) {

            /* These lines update the position and velocity of jth body */
            rtold = bodies[j].position;
            vtold = bodies[j].velocity;
            rt = rtold + VecFRK4(0,f_r,f_v,j,t,rtold,vtold,dt);
            vt = vtold + VecFRK4(1,f_r,f_v,j,t,rtold,vtold,dt);

            /* set the old values to the new updated values for next iteration */
            bodies[j].position = rt;
            bodies[j].velocity = vt;

            if(ii%div == 0){
                outfile << rt.Getx() << " " << rt.Gety() << " ";

        if(ii%div == 0){
        outfile << endl;

        if(ii%(50) == 0){       // note every 1e4 seconds
            cerr << "Calculating... t = " << t+dt << " ..." << endl;


        delete tree;




c++ performance freeze quadtree



bool is_internal(){


    if (this->A->body.mass > 0) return true;
    if (this->B->body.mass > 0) return true;
    if (this->C->body.mass > 0) return true;
    if (this->D->body.mass > 0) return true;
    return false;   // this is an external node


void createSubnodes(){
    // 1st quadrant / subnode
    if (!this->A) {    // create and initialize subnode if there's
                       // not an existing one already
        this->A = new QuadTreeNode();
        this->A->length = this->length/2.;
        this->A->horiz_offset = this->horiz_offset + 0.25*this->length;
        this->A->vert_offset = this->vert_offset + 0.25*this->length;
    // repeat for B, C, and D subnodes



void free() {       // delete the quadtree after use

    if (this->A) {                  // if this subnode exists,
        this->A->free();            // delete it's subnodes (keeps checking)
        delete this->A;             // until a NULL subnode is reached
    // repeat for B, C, D



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