按天过滤 Json 文件并创建另一个对象

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我正在尝试使用具有日期属性的对象来过滤 JSON 文件。我用它来过滤这个 JSON,通过具有日期和日期的属性分隔内容。之后我必须获取这个“部分”并再次过滤...但最大的问题是创建这个新的按日部分分组以再次过滤...


// this is the Data from the API just to simulate
const data =
      { date: "10/01/2023", id: 1 , whatever: "hi" },
      { date: "01/02/2023", id: 2 , whatever: "hello"},

// this is the allDates filtered that i get before from the JSON with no nulls and no duplicates
const dtList = ["10/01/2023", "01/02/2023"];


 var months = [
    var ordered = {};

// this data come from the api for example
    for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
      var entry = data[i];
      var m = entry.date.substring(0, 10);
      if (m !== "") {
        var mm = parseInt(m.split("/")[1]) - 1;
        if (!ordered[months[mm]]) {
          ordered[months[mm]] = [];

此代码创建一个对象,其中包含所有经过过滤并以月份分隔的数据, 所以之后我可以这样做:

//i filtered again with all the things i want and by date because ordered have subobjects separated by month...
  ordered.Jan?.forEach((obj) => {
      if (!isNaN(obj.nuParc)) {
        nuParcJun += obj.nuParc;

// this code have some react too


//i was trying something near to this, but with no results untill now
dtList.forEach((value) => {
      var dtsSep = Data.filter((obj) =>
      var ordered = {};
      var ordered1 = Object.assign(ordered, dtsSep);
javascript arrays json javascript-objects


// Assuming `data` is your array of objects
const data = [
  { date: "10/01/2023", id: 1, whatever: "hi" },
  { date: "01/02/2023", id: 2, whatever: "hello" },

// Helper function to parse dates in DD/MM/YYYY format
function parseDate(dateString) {
  const [day, month, year] = dateString.split('/');
  return new Date(year, month - 1, day); // Note: months are 0-based

// Group data by day
const groupedByDay = data.reduce((acc, item) => {
  const date = parseDate(item.date);
  // Create a date string that includes the day for grouping
  const dayKey = date.toISOString().split('T')[0]; // Format: YYYY-MM-DD

  if (!acc[dayKey]) {
    acc[dayKey] = [];

  return acc;
}, {});


// Now you can filter or manipulate data for each day
// Example: Iterate over each group and do something
Object.keys(groupedByDay).forEach(day => {
  const items = groupedByDay[day];
  // Perform your operations on `items`, which are all the entries for this `day`
  console.log(`Processing items for day: ${day}`, items);

  // Example operation: filter items based on some condition and do something with them
  items.forEach(item => {
    // Example condition: item.id is even
    if (item.id % 2 === 0) {
      console.log(`Even ID found: ${item.id}`);
      // Perform your desired operation here


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