停止 Twilio WS 上的音频流 - Python

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想停止发送到 Twilio 的音频。 我有一个代码,可将音频响应从 11 个实验室流式传输到 Twilio WS 呼叫。 这是我开始通话的方式:


async def handle_incoming_calls(request: Request, From: Annotated[str, Form()]): response = VoiceResponse()

connect = Connect()
URL = f"wss://{PUBLIC_URL}/stream"
STATUS_URL = f"https://{PUBLIC_URL}/status-call"

return Response(content=str(response), media_type='text/xml')

更多代码处理消息,生成对用户输入的 AI 响应,然后我将 11 个实验室语音传输到 TWILIO 呼叫,如下所示:

async def stream(audio_stream, twilio_ws, stream_sid,call_sid):
global send_stream_task

print(f"\n\nNew streamSID: {stream_sid}\n\n")
async for chunk in audio_stream:
    if chunk:         
        audio = chunk
        b64_audio = base64.b64encode(audio).decode('utf-8')
        message = json.dumps({'event': 'media', 'streamSid': stream_sid,
                              'media': {'payload': b64_audio, }})
        send_stream_task[call_sid] = asyncio.create_task(twilio_ws.send_text(message))
        await send_stream_task[call_sid]

即使我停止流功能,它已经发送的数据也会在 Twilio 调用中播放 我正在执行以下操作来停止该功能:

listen_task = {} # init listen task with dict

send_to_tts = {} #init sent tts task with dict send_stream_task = {} # init send stream task with dict

async def cancel_tasks(call_sid,stream_sid): global listen_task,send_to_tts,send_stream_task

if call_sid in send_stream_task:
    if send_stream_task[call_sid].cancel():
        print("\n\nsend stream cancelled correctly\n\n")

if call_sid in listen_task:
    if listen_task[call_sid].cancel():
        print("Stream Sid: ",stream_sid)
        print("\n\nlisten canelled correctly\n\n")
        #stop_media_stream(call_sid, stream_sid)

if call_sid in send_to_tts:
    if send_to_tts[call_sid].cancel():
        #del listen_task[call_sid]
        print("\n\nsend to TTS cancelled correctly\n\n") 

当我收到新的用户输入时,我运行它,它会停止当前正在运行的功能。 但我已经发送给呼叫的数据仍在播放。 我尝试使用以下函数来停止流,但只收到 404 错误:

def stop_media_stream(call_sid, stream_sid):
account_sid = os.environ['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']
auth_token = os.environ['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']
client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)

stream = client.calls(str(call_sid)) \
            .streams(str(stream_sid)) \


 HTTP Error Your request was:
POST /Accounts/<ACCOUND_SID>/Calls/<CALL_SID>/Streams/<STREAM_SID>.json
Twilio returned the following information:
Unable to update record: The requested resource /2010-04-01/Accounts/<ACCOUND_SID>/Calls/<CALL_SID>/Streams/<STREAM_SID>.json was not found
More information may be available here:

stop_media_stream 函数会停止媒体流,但不会停止播放已经流式传输的音频。

这样做的问题是我可以在几秒钟内发送 1 分钟的音频,所以即使我停止流,我仍然会听到一段时间的音频。 有人知道另一种方法吗?

python-3.x twilio twilio-api

要停止播放媒体流,您可以使用清除消息 - https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/twiml/stream#message-clear-to-twilio

只需发送一条 JSON 消息:

    "event": "clear",
    "streamSid": "<STREAM_ID>",
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