
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试使用 Amazon Kinesis Video Streams 通过 RTSP URL 流式传输闭路电视摄像机。 我已经在 VLC Player 中测试了该 URL,它在那里工作正常。也使用 ffplay 进行了相同的测试。


AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=myAccessKey AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=MySecretKey ./kvs_gstreamer_sample CCTVStream rtsp://myrtspUrl


我无法理解为什么会发生这种情况。 谁能帮助我理解我在这里做错了什么?

[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:126.828 GMT] Using aws credentials for Kinesis Video Streams
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:126.847 GMT] No session token was detected.
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:128.475 GMT] createKinesisVideoClient(): Creating Kinesis Video Client
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:128.573 GMT] heapInitialize(): Initializing native heap with limit size 134217728, spill ratio 0% and flags 0x00000001
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:128.593 GMT] heapInitialize(): Creating AIV heap.
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:128.660 GMT] heapInitialize(): Heap is initialized OK
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:128.880 GMT] getSecurityTokenHandler invoked
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:128.993 GMT] Refreshing credentials. Force refreshing: 0 Now time is: 1661802162128949048 Expiration: 0
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.030 GMT] New credentials expiration is 1661805762
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.095 GMT] createDeviceResultEvent(): Create device result event.
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.137 GMT] clientReadyHandler invoked
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.221 GMT] Client is ready
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.391 GMT] Creating Kinesis Video Stream CCTVStream
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.473 GMT] createKinesisVideoStream(): Creating Kinesis Video Stream.
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.508 GMT] logStreamInfo(): SDK version: 70f74f14cf27b09f71dc1889f36eb6e04cdd90a8
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.533 GMT] logStreamInfo(): Kinesis Video Stream Info
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.557 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Stream name: CCTVStream 
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.581 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Streaming type: STREAMING_TYPE_REALTIME 
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.605 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Content type: video/h264 
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.631 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Max latency (100ns): 600000000
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.657 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Fragment duration (100ns): 20000000
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.682 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Key frame fragmentation: Yes
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.706 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Use frame timecode: Yes
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.730 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Absolute frame timecode: Yes
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.755 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Nal adaptation flags: 0
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.853 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Average bandwith (bps): 4194304
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.880 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Framerate: 25
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.903 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Buffer duration (100ns): 1200000000
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.926 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Replay duration (100ns): 400000000
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.950 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Connection Staleness duration (100ns): 600000000
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:129.984 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Store Pressure Policy: 1
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.007 GMT] logStreamInfo():  View Overflow Policy: 1
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.030 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Segment UUID: NULL
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.053 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Frame ordering mode: 0
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.076 GMT] logStreamInfo(): Track list
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.098 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Track id: 1
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.120 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Track name: kinesis_video
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.144 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Codec id: V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.167 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Track type: TRACK_INFO_TYPE_VIDEO
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:130.190 GMT] logStreamInfo():  Track cpd: NULL
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:284.250 GMT] writeHeaderCallback(): RequestId: fdfda324-a980-4b67-aa36-5b7566c28c45
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:284.421 GMT] describeStreamCurlHandler(): DescribeStream API response: {"StreamInfo":{"CreationTime":1.661188397273E9,"DataRetentionInHours":2,"DeviceName":"Kinesis_Video_Device","IngestionConfiguration":null,"KmsKeyId":"arn:aws:kms:ap-south-1:610891839088:alias/aws/kinesisvideo","MediaType":"video/h264","Status":"ACTIVE","StreamARN":"arn:aws:kinesisvideo:ap-south-1:610891839088:stream/CCTVStream/1661188397273","StreamName":"CCTVStream","Version":"KDDt86hr6jaUJ514hMDd"}}
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:286.022 GMT] describeStreamResultEvent(): Describe stream result event.
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:330.474 GMT] writeHeaderCallback(): RequestId: abb59a91-e0b1-48c6-b1f3-60b307ef9187
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:330.612 GMT] getStreamingEndpointCurlHandler(): GetStreamingEndpoint API response: {"DataEndpoint":"https://s-703775db.kinesisvideo.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com"}
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.244 GMT] getStreamingEndpointResultEvent(): Get streaming endpoint result event.
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.326 GMT] getStreamingTokenHandler invoked
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.362 GMT] Refreshing credentials. Force refreshing: 1 Now time is: 1661802162332355752 Expiration: 1661805762
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.387 GMT] New credentials expiration is 1661805762
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.433 GMT] getStreamingTokenResultEvent(): Get streaming token result event.
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.476 GMT] streamReadyHandler invoked
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:332.708 GMT] Stream is ready
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:352.499 GMT] Streaming from rtsp source
Error received from element source: Not found
Debugging information: gstrtspsrc.c(6536): gst_rtspsrc_send (): /GstPipeline:rtsp-kinesis-pipeline/GstRTSPSrc:source:
Not Found (404)
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:636.131 GMT] stopKinesisVideoStreamSync(): Synchronously stopping Kinesis Video Stream 000055e59cb8f5c0.
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:636.241 GMT] streamClosedHandler invoked for upload handle: 18446744073709551615
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:636.285 GMT] Freeing Kinesis Video Stream CCTVStream
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:636.331 GMT] freeKinesisVideoStream(): Freeing Kinesis Video stream.
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:42:636.358 GMT] curlApiCallbacksShutdownActiveRequests(): pActiveRequests hashtable is empty
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:43:037.946 GMT] Freeing Kinesis Video Stream CCTVStream
[INFO ] [29-08-2022 19:42:43:038.100 GMT] freeKinesisVideoClient(): Freeing Kinesis Video Client
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:43:038.132 GMT] curlApiCallbacksShutdownActiveRequests(): pActiveRequests hashtable is empty
[DEBUG] [29-08-2022 19:42:43:439.995 GMT] freeKinesisVideoClientInternal(): Total allocated memory 0
[WARN ] [29-08-2022 19:42:43:440.118 GMT] curlApiCallbacksShutdown(): curlApiCallbacksShutdown called when already in progress of shutting down
amazon-web-services gstreamer rtsp amazon-kinesis-video-streams

我遇到了这个完全相同的错误,我通过在 RTSP URL 周围添加引号解决了它。


./kvs_gstreamer_sample CCTVStream rtsp://myrtspUrl

./kvs_gstreamer_sample CCTVStream "rtsp://myrtspUrl"

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