
问题描述 投票:1回答:2




x <- c("Text that I wish to remove because I don't like it. I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out.", 
  "Text that I wish to remove. I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out.", 
  "Text that I wish to remove and I will remove it because some great data analyst will help me solve it. I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out.", 
  "Text that I wish to remove and who know whether I manage to make it work, it could be and it could not be. I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out.")


strings <- substring(x, 60)



[1] "I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
[2] "I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
[3] "I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
[4] "I really want to remove the text but I cannot do it. I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."



r regex


  gsub("^.+\\. ", "", x)

[1] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
[2] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
[3] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
[4] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."


" ,"上分割,然后得到最后一句话:

sapply(strsplit(x, ". ", fixed = TRUE), tail, n = 1)
# [1] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
# [2] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
# [3] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
# [4] "I hope that stackoverflow will sort it out."
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