应用程序未安装包似乎无效 - Quasar App for Android 使用电容器构建

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前正在开发一个跨平台应用程序。我正在使用 Quasar & Vue 和 Capacitor。我的应用程序在桌面上运行良好,并且正在构建“良好”。但是当我想在手机(或 Android 模拟器)中安装它时,它显示“应用程序未安装的包似乎无效”。


PS C:\Users\me\Documents\u\voyo-spa> quasar build -m capacitor -T android

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 Build mode............. capacitor
 Pkg quasar............. v2.14.3
 Pkg @quasar/app-vite... v1.7.3
 Pkg vite............... v2.9.17
 Debugging.............. no
 Publishing............. no
 Packaging mode......... gradle

 App •  WAIT  • Compiling of Capacitor UI with Vite in progress...
 App •  DONE  • Capacitor UI compiled with success • 6446ms

 UI files build summary:
 ║                                Asset │      Size ║
 ║               assets/api.a6511b54.js │   0.57 KB ║
 ║             assets/axios.15eb79b5.js │   0.24 KB ║
 ║             assets/axios.6b484fa5.js │  29.25 KB ║
 ║      assets/ContactsPage.a77d4f30.js │   0.38 KB ║
 ║       assets/CreateVisit.0ae386a3.js │   2.65 KB ║
 ║     assets/ErrorNotFound.92c9e1e2.js │   0.53 KB ║
 ║ assets/ForgottenPassword.0522cb9f.js │   2.13 KB ║
 ║          assets/HomePage.da1f2c94.js │   3.77 KB ║
 ║              assets/i18n.a47aece6.js │  47.56 KB ║
 ║             assets/index.2f452545.js │ 115.02 KB ║
 ║         assets/LoginPage.eb20bc0a.js │   5.09 KB ║
 ║        assets/ProfilPage.cd1cf1eb.js │   2.49 KB ║
 ║              assets/QBtn.e998e959.js │  16.27 KB ║
 ║             assets/QCard.c0beb4e5.js │   1.14 KB ║
 ║            assets/QInput.4a7d5195.js │  25.33 KB ║
 ║      assets/RegisterPage.35cc7392.js │   1.93 KB ║
 ║             assets/rules.6f86d38b.js │   2.75 KB ║
 ║  assets/ToolBarComponent.88d69250.js │  25.39 KB ║
 ║               assets/web.f4c3ae26.js │   0.66 KB ║
 ║            assets/index.c9c1fd31.css │ 197.21 KB ║
 ║        assets/LoginPage.8b133043.css │   0.08 KB ║
 ║                           index.html │   0.59 KB ║

 App • Updated src-capacitor/package.json
 App • Updated capacitor.config.json
 App • Running "C:\Users\me\Documents\u\voyo-spa\src-capacitor\node_modules\@capacitor\cli\bin\capacitor sync android" in C:\Users\me\Documents\u\voyo-spa\src-capacitor

√ Copying web assets from www to android\app\src\main\assets\public in 351.45ms
√ Creating capacitor.config.json in android\app\src\main\assets in 10.62ms
√ copy android in 401.83ms
√ Updating Android plugins in 2.22ms
[info] Found 1 Capacitor plugin for android:
       @capacitor/[email protected]
√ update android in 682.92ms
[info] Sync finished in 1.101s

 App • Updated capacitor.config.json
 App • Building Android app...
 App • [sync] Running "./gradlew.bat assembleRelease" in C:\Users\me\Documents\u\voyo-spa\src-capacitor\android

> Configure project :app
WARNING: Using flatDir should be avoided because it doesn't support any meta-data formats.

> Configure project :capacitor-cordova-android-plugins
WARNING: Using flatDir should be avoided because it doesn't support any meta-data formats.

133 actionable tasks: 30 executed, 103 up-to-date
 Build succeeded

 Build mode............. capacitor
 Pkg quasar............. v2.14.3  
 Pkg @quasar/app-vite... v1.7.3   
 Pkg vite............... v2.9.17
 Debugging.............. no
 Publishing............. no
 Packaging mode......... gradle
 Browser target......... es2019|edge88|firefox78|chrome87|safari13.1
 Output folder.......... C:\Users\me\Documents\u\voyo-spa\dist\capacitor

 Tip: "src-capacitor" is a Capacitor project folder, so everything you know
      about Capacitor applies to it. Quasar CLI generates the UI content
      for "src-capacitor/www" folder and then either opens the IDE or calls
      the platform's build commands to generate the final packaged file.

 Tip: Feel free to use Capacitor CLI ("yarn capacitor <params>" or
      "npx capacitor <params>") or change any files in "src-capacitor", except
      for the "www" folder which must be built by Quasar CLI.

我已经尝试删除应用程序并重建它,更改安装设备和Android版本11和MIUI14(Android 13)。 有谁知道它可能来自哪里或有安装它的想法吗?

编辑:我还尝试卸载并安装我的 java/capacitor/gradle 并从头开始重做一个项目。还是同样的错误。

android apk capacitor quasar-framework

我找到了解决这个问题的方法。我已经签署了该应用程序,现在可以毫无问题地安装它。 不知道为什么我之前可以安装~

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