
问题描述 投票:0回答:2


我正在创建一个Access数据库来报告从大型机系统收集的事件统计信息。我们当前使用的大型机调度程序(ZEKE)并不完全具有强大的报告功能,因此我正在导出每日事件数据以进行报告。我还有一个单独的主列表(它是静态列表,不会定期更改),其中列出了所有单个应用程序,包括应用程序代码(这是生产运行的命名标准)和名称特定应用程序的程序员,协调员,经理,业务部门等。设置数据库后,用户可以按任何字段,应用程序代码,程序员,协调员等进行搜索。选择要搜索的生产中心(有5个)或默认为全部,并选择所有日期,单个日期,或日期范围。该查询通过获取搜索参数并从应用程序代码或人员开始工作。它在表中搜索应用程序,并将所有相关记录复制到临时表中以进行报告。例如,如果我想查看应用程序协调员John Doe在过去一周中对他负责的所有应用程序发生了多少次故障,查询将把列出John Doe作为协调员的所有应用程序记录移至临时表。从那里开始,它在每个应用程序的临时表中移动,并在事件数据中搜索该应用程序代码下的事件,这些事件符合为日期,生产中心和事件类型(成功,失败或两者)输入的条件。将其移至最终报告的临时表,然后生成最终报告。


'this macro will generate a report based on multiple input criteria.
'this report allows the user to slect:
'       date range, single date or all dates
'       type of events: Abends, Successes or both
'       centers to pull data from: OCC,QCC,BCC,ITS,DAIN, or ALL centers
'       The type of data to report on: App code, App Coordinator, Custodian, L3, L4 or L5
'Once the user has selected all of the required data and fields, the report will be generated
'based on the selection criteria.

'we begin by defining the active database as the currently open database
Dim db As DAO.Database
    Set db = DBEngine(0)(0)

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

'Now we designate the variables which will be used in this macro

   Dim strSQ1 As String
   Dim strSQ2 As String
   Dim strSQ3 As String
   Dim strSQ4 As String
   Dim appl As String
   Dim evstatus As String
   Dim appletype As String
   Dim fullapp As String
   Dim length As Long
   Dim iipmname As String
   Dim iipmcoor As String
   Dim fullappnm As String
   Dim fullappcoor As String
   Dim kinddate As String
   Dim coor As String
Dim cust  As String
Dim appL3  As String
Dim appL4  As String
Dim appL5 As String

   Dim ctrOCC As String
   Dim ctrMTL As String
   Dim ctrBCC As String
   Dim ctrITS As String
   Dim ctrDAIN As String

'We will start by setting some default values

'We will ste the default values for center selection.
'We start by searching for terms we know are not there, then change them to
'valid search terms if the center is selected.

ctrOCC = "notOCC"
ctrMTL = "notMTL"
ctrBCC = "notBCC"
ctrITS = "notITS"
ctrDAIN = "notUSWM"
fullapp = "*"

'First we determine which event types the user wants to look for

state = Me![opt-status].Value

If state = 1 Then
evstatus = " [ev-status] = 'AEOJ'"
ElseIf state = 2 Then
evstatus = " [ev-status] = 'EOJ'"
ElseIf state = 3 Then
evstatus = " ([ev-status] = 'EOJ' OR [ev-status] = 'AEOJ')"
End If

'MsgBox "Event status pulled is:.. " & evstatus & "."

' Next up we will configure the date parameters based on the user input

If [grp-datesel] = 1 Then
Sdte = "1"
Edte = "9999999"
kinddate = "[ev-date] >= " & Sdte & " AND [ev-date] <= " & Edte & " "
End If

If [grp-datesel] = 2 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-onedate]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered a date to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-onedate] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling

Dim currdte As Date
currdte = Me![sel-onedate].Value
currjul = Format(currdte, "yyyyy")
daycurr = CDbl(currjul)

Sdte = daycurr
Edte = daycurr
kinddate = "[ev-date] >= " & Sdte & " AND [ev-date] <= " & Edte & " "
End If

If [grp-datesel] = 3 Then

'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-Sdate]) Or IsNull(Me.[sel-Edate]) Then
MsgBox "You Must enter a start and end date for the search....please try again."
Me.[sel-Sdate] = Null
Me.[sel-Edate] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling

Dim startdte As Date
Dim enddte As Date
startdte = Me.[sel-Sdate].Value
enddte = Me.[sel-Edate].Value

startjul = Format(startdte, "yyyyy")
endjul = Format(enddte, "yyyyy")
Sday = CDbl(startjul)
Eday = CDbl(endjul)

Sdte = Sday
Edte = Eday

'MsgBox "start date is " & Sdte & " and end date is " & Edte & "."

'check that dates are in proper chronological order
If Sdte > Edte Then
MsgBox "The start Date you entered is after the end date....please try again."
Me.[sel-Sdate] = Null
Me.[sel-Edate] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'keep going if it's all good

kinddate = "[ev-date] >= " & Sdte & " AND [ev-date] <= " & Edte & " "
End If

MsgBox "Date used is:.. " & kinddate & "."

'Now lets look at center selection

If [chk-allctr].Value = True Then
ctrOCC = "OCC"
ctrMTL = "MTL"
ctrBCC = "BCC"
ctrITS = "ITS"
ctrDAIN = "USWM"

End If

If [chk-OCC].Value = True Then
ctrOCC = "OCC"
End If
If [chk-MTL].Value = True Then
ctrMTL = "MTL"
End If
If [chk-BCC].Value = True Then
ctrBCC = "BCC"
End If
If [chk-RTF].Value = True Then
ctrITS = "ITS"
End If
If [chk-DAIN].Value = True Then
ctrDAIN = "DAIN"
End If

'Error handling if no center is selected
If [chk-OCC].Value = Flase Then
If [chk-MTL].Value = Flase Then
If [chk-BCC].Value = Flase Then
If [chk-RTF].Value = Flase Then
If [chk-DAIN].Value = Flase Then
MsgBox "You have not selected a center to search search....please try again."
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
'end of error handling

'MsgBox "centers used are: Chr(10) " & ctrOCC & " Chr(10) " & ctrBCC & " Chr(10) " & ctrMTL & " Chr(10) " & ctrITS & " Chr(10) " & ctrDAIN & " For this run"

'All good so far, now we will parse the application code if an
'application code report is selected

appl = "*"

If [opt-criteria].Value = 1 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-appcode]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered an application code to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-appcode] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling
End If
If [opt-criteria].Value = 1 Then

appl = Me![sel-appcode].Value
End If

'trust = "no"
'If Mid(appl, 3, 2) = "RT" Then trust = "yes"

'length = Len(appl)
'If length = 2 Then appltype = "short"
'If length = 3 Then appltype = "long"

'If appltype = "short" Then fullapp = "" & appl & "00"
'If appltype = "long" Then fullapp = "" & appl & "0"

'If trust = "yes" Then fullapp = appl

'End If

fullapp = appl

'MsgBox "App to use is: " & appl & " fullapp code is " & fullapp & "."

'Now we set values if names are used

coor = "*"
cust = "*"
appL3 = "*"
appL4 = "*"
appL5 = "*"

If [opt-criteria].Value = 2 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-coor]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered a Coordinator to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-coor] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling

coor = Me![sel-coor].Value
'MsgBox "Coordinator report selected for: " & coor & "."
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 3 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-custodian]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered a Custodian to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-custodian] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling
cust = Me![sel-custodian].Value
'MsgBox "Custodian report selected for: " & cust & "."
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 4 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-L3]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered an L3 to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-L3] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling

appL3 = Me![sel-L3].Value
'MsgBox "L3 report selected for: " & appL3 & "."
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 5 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-L4]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered an L4 to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-L4] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling

appL4 = Me![sel-L4].Value
'MsgBox "L4 report selected for: " & appL4 & "."
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 6 Then
'error handling
If IsNull(Me.[sel-L5]) Then
MsgBox "You have not entered an L5 to search....please try again."
Me.[sel-L5] = Null
Exit Sub
End If
'end of error handling

appL5 = Me![sel-L5].Value
'MsgBox "L5 report selected for: " & appL5 & "."
End If

'Most of these reports take a while to build with this macro, so to make sure the user
'knows that the macro is still working, we didsplay a splash screen. It's cute and has
'hamsters, cause everyone loves hamsters.

DoCmd.OpenForm "PlsWaitFrm", acWindowNormal

'All of out criteria values are now selected.  We can move on to pulling data from the tables.
'We start by populating the IIPM table with the information that we require for applications.

strSQ1 = "DELETE * from [tbl-RPT-IIPM] "
db.Execute strSQ1

strSQ2 = "INSERT INTO [tbl-RPT-IIPM] " & _
         "SELECT * FROM [tbl-IIPM] " & _
         "WHERE (([AppCode] like '" & fullapp & "')" & _
         "AND ([AppCoordinator] like '" & coor & "') " & _
         "AND ([AppCustodian] like '" & cust & "') " & _
         "AND ([L3] like '" & appL3 & "') " & _
         "AND ([L4] like '" & appL4 & "') " & _
         "AND ([L5] like '" & appL5 & "')) "
db.Execute strSQ2

'MsgBox "made it past the populate of rpt-iipm"

'Now we have populated the IIPM report table, it's time to populate the event report table.
'We will loop through all fields in the IIPM report table and pull information for each
'application code.

strSQ3 = "DELETE * from [tbl-EVENTREPORT] "
db.Execute strSQ3

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tbl-RPT-IIPM") 'this opens the IIPM report table just populated

'populate the table

Do While Not rs.EOF
'we will execute these action against the selected record.

'first step - parse the application code to display the full application code

appl = rs![AppCode].Value
length = Len(appl)
If length = 1 Then appl = "" & appl & "00"

rptdelin = Mid(appl, 3, 1)

rptcode = Mid(appl, 1, 3)
If rptdelin = "0" Then rptcode = Mid(appl, 1, 2)
If rptdelin = "R" Then rptcode = "RT" & Mid(appl, 1, 2) & ""

'MsgBox "searching for: " & rptcode & "."

applist = applist & "," & appl

         "SELECT * FROM [tbl-EVENT DATA] " & _
         "WHERE (([ev-jobname] LIKE '?" & rptcode & "*') " & _
         "AND (([ev-ctr] = '" & ctrOCC & "')" & _
         "OR ([ev-ctr] = '" & ctrMTL & "')" & _
         "OR ([ev-ctr] = '" & ctrBCC & "')" & _
         "OR ([ev-ctr] = '" & ctrITS & "')" & _
         "OR ([ev-ctr] = '" & ctrDAIN & "'))" & _
         "AND (" & kinddate & ") " & _
         "AND " & evstatus & ")"

db.Execute strSQ4

 'now we're done with this report, we move on to the next

   rs.MoveNext             'press Ctrl+G to see debuG window beneath


'MsgBox "made it past the looping"

'Now we have completed populating the table that the report will be based on.
'Next step is to gather master statistics to produce abend and success percentages.

totfail = DCount("[ev-status]", "tbl-EVENTREPORT", "[ev-status] = 'AEOJ'")
totsucc = DCount("[ev-status]", "tbl-EVENTREPORT", "[ev-status] = 'EOJ'")

Dim allabend As Long
Dim allsucc As Long

allabend = DCount("[ev-status]", "[tbl-EVENT DATA]", "[ev-status] = 'AEOJ' AND ([ev-date] >= " & Sdte & " AND [ev-date] <= " & Edte & ")")
allsucc = DCount("[ev-status]", "[tbl-EVENT DATA]", "[ev-status] = 'EOJ' AND ([ev-date] >= " & Sdte & " AND [ev-date] <= " & Edte & ")")

Dim pctabend As Long
Dim pctsucc As Long

pctabend = (totfail / allabend) * 100
pctsucc = (totsucc / allsucc) * 100

'Now we will generate the reports for display based on what type of report was selected
'by the user in the initial form.

'Before we open the report, we will close the splash screen
DoCmd.Close acForm, "PlsWaitFrm", acSaveNo

'Now we open the report

If [opt-criteria].Value = 1 Then

fullappnm = DLookup("AppName", "tbl-RPT-IIPM", "AppCode = '" & fullapp & "' ")
fullappcoor = DLookup("AppCoordinator", "tbl-RPT-IIPM", "AppCode = '" & fullapp & "' ")

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt-APPLREPORT", acViewReport

[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-appcode].Value = fullapp
[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-appname].Value = fullappnm
[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-appcoor].Value = fullappcoor
[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-abendtot].Value = totfail
[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-succtot].Value = totsucc
[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-abdpct].Value = pctabend
[Reports]![rpt-APPLREPORT]![rpt-succpct].Value = pctsucc

End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 2 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt-COORREPORT", acViewReport

[Reports]![rpt-COORREPORT]![rpt-appcode].Value = applist
[Reports]![rpt-COORREPORT]![rpt-appcoor].Value = coor
[Reports]![rpt-COORREPORT]![rpt-abendtot].Value = totfail
[Reports]![rpt-COORREPORT]![rpt-succtot].Value = totsucc
[Reports]![rpt-COORREPORT]![rpt-abdpct].Value = pctabend
[Reports]![rpt-COORREPORT]![rpt-succpct].Value = pctsucc

End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 3 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt-CUSTREPORT", acViewReport

[Reports]![rpt-CUSTREPORT]![rpt-appcode].Value = applist
[Reports]![rpt-CUSTREPORT]![rpt-appcoor].Value = cust
[Reports]![rpt-CUSTREPORT]![rpt-abendtot].Value = totfail
[Reports]![rpt-CUSTREPORT]![rpt-succtot].Value = totsucc
[Reports]![rpt-CUSTREPORT]![rpt-abdpct].Value = pctabend
[Reports]![rpt-CUSTREPORT]![rpt-succpct].Value = pctsucc
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 4 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt-L3REPORT", acViewReport

[Reports]![rpt-L3REPORT]![rpt-appcode].Value = applist
[Reports]![rpt-L3REPORT]![rpt-appcoor].Value = appL3
[Reports]![rpt-L3REPORT]![rpt-abendtot].Value = totfail
[Reports]![rpt-L3REPORT]![rpt-succtot].Value = totsucc
[Reports]![rpt-L3REPORT]![rpt-abdpct].Value = pctabend
[Reports]![rpt-L3REPORT]![rpt-succpct].Value = pctsucc
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 5 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt-L4REPORT", acViewReport

[Reports]![rpt-L4REPORT]![rpt-appcode].Value = applist
[Reports]![rpt-L4REPORT]![rpt-appcoor].Value = appL4
[Reports]![rpt-L4REPORT]![rpt-abendtot].Value = totfail
[Reports]![rpt-L4REPORT]![rpt-succtot].Value = totsucc
[Reports]![rpt-L4REPORT]![rpt-abdpct].Value = pctabend
[Reports]![rpt-L4REPORT]![rpt-succpct].Value = pctsucc
End If

If [opt-criteria].Value = 6 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt-L5REPORT", acViewReport

[Reports]![rpt-L5REPORT]![rpt-appcode].Value = applist
[Reports]![rpt-L5REPORT]![rpt-appcoor].Value = appL5
[Reports]![rpt-L5REPORT]![rpt-abendtot].Value = totfail
[Reports]![rpt-L5REPORT]![rpt-succtot].Value = totsucc
[Reports]![rpt-L5REPORT]![rpt-abdpct].Value = pctabend
[Reports]![rpt-L5REPORT]![rpt-succpct].Value = pctsucc
End If

If Err.Number = 7874 Then
Resume Next 'Tried to delete a non-existing table, resume
End If
End Sub

Again, I very much appreciate any thoughts. 


database vba ms-access ms-access-2016

首先,您需要找出瓶颈所在,所以我建议在代码中放置一些Debug.Print Now语句,以使您了解问题的根源。

我想您花费的大部分时间中有两个过程是您正在执行的DELETE / INSERT语句。




此外,当您将数据插入[tbl-RPT-IIPM]时,您正在使用([L3] like '" & appL3 & "'),它与([L3]='" & appL3 & "')相同,但速度较慢。

[将数据插入[tbl-EVENTREPORT]时,是在遍历记录集时进行的-使用INSERT SQL语句可能会更快。






[您还提到了“将数据插入[tbl-EVENTREPORT]时,您在遍历记录集时正在执行此操作-使用INSERT SQL语句可能会更快。”我不知道你在说什么。。很抱歉。我不明白我的意思。我认为这就是我现在正在做的。我使用IIPM表获取需要提取的应用程序代码的列表,然后遍历该记录集以仅提取那些应用程序的所有事件数据。由于数据之间没有直接关联,因此我无法想到另一种方法。

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