uwsgi 未启动且未返回任何错误,在显示“[uWSGI] 从 ../ubuntu/ENV/uwsgi.ini 获取 INI 配置”后退出

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

当我尝试运行 uwsgi 时,它启动和退出时没有任何错误,只返回单行响应 “[uWSGI] 从 ../ubuntu/ENV/uwsgi.ini 获取 INI 配置”


 strict                                          =            true
#binary                                          =            /home/xyz/pqr/bin/uwsgi
chdir                                           =            /home/xyz
virtualenv                                      =            /home/xyz/pqr
uid                                             =            ubuntu
gid                                             =            ubuntu
wsgi-file                                       =            /home/xyz/deploy/wsgi.py
socket                                          =            /home/ubuntu/sockets/uwsgi.sock
master                                          =            true
# threads                                       =            4 #run uwsgi with process only
thread-stacksize                                =            512
threads-stacksize                               =            512
# auto scaling
cheaper-algo                                    =            busyness
processes                                       =            64                       ; Maximum number of workers allowed
cheaper                                         =            4                          ; Minimum number of workers allowed
cheaper-initial                                 =            4                  ; Workers created at startup
cheaper-overload                                =            1                 ; Length of a cycle in seconds
cheaper-step                                    =            2                     ; How many workers to spawn at a time

cheaper-busyness-multiplier                     =            30     ; How many cycles to wait before killing workers
cheaper-busyness-min                            =            25            ; Below this threshold, kill workers (if stable for multiplier cycles)
cheaper-busyness-max                            =            75            ; Above this threshold, spawn new workers
cheaper-busyness-backlog-alert                  =            16  ; Spawn emergency workers if more than this many requests are waiting in the queue
cheaper-busyness-backlog-step                   =            4    ; How many emergegency workers to create if there are too many requests in the queue

harakiri                                        =            60
chmod-socket                                    =            666
buffer-size                                     =            65535
vacuum                                          =            true
enable-threads                                  =            true
max-requests                                    =            5000
listen                                          =            1024
die-on-term                                     =            true
thunder-lock                                    =            true
req-logger                                      =            file:/home/ubuntu/LOGS/uwsgi-requests.log
logger                                          =            file:/home/ubuntu/LOGS/uwsgi.log
stats                                           =  
stats-http                                      =            true
max-worker-lifetime                             =            3600
disable-logging                                 =            true
log-4xx                                         =            true
log-5xx                                         =            true
single-interpreter                              =            true
die-on-term                                     =            true
need-app                                        =            true

auto-procname                                   =            true
procname-prefix                                 =            __xyz__

ignore-sigpipe                                  =            true
ignore-write-errors                             =            true
disable-write-exception                         =            true

process exit after this single line output

我已经尝试检查 uwsgi 和 python 的版本兼容性,在 uwsgi.ini 中也没有创建套接字。 我期待它启动 uwsgi ,就好像我正在尝试启动 uwsgi 它正常启动但不是 ini 文件。 我也想有详细的日志

django sockets uwsgi
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