我在双向链表的 Java 实现中做错了什么?

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在尝试在 java 中创建一个双向链表,我也只需要一点指导我哪里出错了。我也希望能够为列表设置一个容量。


public class LRU(int capacity){
    int data;
    Node previous;
    Node next;

    public void Node(int data){
        this.data = data;

    Node head,tail = null;

    public void addNode(int data){
        Node newNode;
        newNode = new Node(data);

    if(head == null){
        head = tail = newNode;

        head.previous = null;

        tail.next = null;
        tail.next = newNode;
        newNode.previous = tail;
        tail = newNode;
        tail.next= null;
java doubly-linked-list


  1. int 大小 - 它是列表的大小,它允许您以 O(1) 复杂度返回大小
  2. 节点头 - 它链接到列表的头(第一个节点)
  3. 节点尾 - 它链接到列表的尾部(最后一个节点)

Previous 和 Next Nodes 应该在“Node”类中声明。这意味着每个节点都将链接到上一个和下一个节点。

这里是一个小例子,但最好使用泛型让你的列表更灵活(这样它就可以支持不同的类型,而不仅仅是 int):

public class DoublyLinkedList {
    private int size;
    private Node head;
    private Node tail;

    public void addFirst(int value) {

        // already have head (list not empty)
        if (head != null) {
            // creating new "head" element, old "head" now has previous value
            head.previous = new Node(null, value, head);
            head = head.previous; // update head

        // empty list, so create first node
        head = new Node(null, value, null);
        tail = head; // because we have only one element, and it also becomes tail

    public void add(int value) {

        // already have tail (list not empty)
        if (tail != null) {
            tail.next = new Node(tail, value, null); // creating new "tail" node with given value, old "tail" now has next value
            tail = tail.next; // update tail

        // empty list, so create first node
        if (head == null) {
            head = new Node(null, value, null);
            tail = head; // because we have only one element, and it also becomes tail

    public int getSize() {
        return size;

    private static class Node {
        private Node previous;
        private Node next;
        private int data;

        public Node(Node previous, int data, Node next) {
            this.previous = previous;
            this.data = data;
            this.next = next;



// nested class
public class Node {
    Node next;
    Node previous;
    float data;

    public Node(Node next, float data) {
        this.next = next;
        this.data = data;

    public Node(float elem) {
        this(null, elem);

private Node first;
private Node currentPosition;

int size;

public void forward(int numPositions) {
    if (numPositions > 0 && first != null) {
        int positionsForward = numPositions;
        if (currentPosition == null) {
            currentPosition = first;
        while (currentPosition.next != null && positionsForward > 0) {
            currentPosition = currentPosition.next;

public void insert(float data) {
    Node node = new Node(data);

    if (currentPosition == null) {
        // inserts in first node
        node.next = first;
        if (first != null) {
            first.previous = node;
        first = node;
    } else {
        // the node isn't the first.
        node.next = currentPosition.next;
        node.previous = currentPosition;
        if (currentPosition.next != null) {
            currentPosition.next.previous = node;
        currentPosition.next = node;

    // updates current position
    currentPosition = first;

public Object extract() {
    Object data = null;

    if (currentPosition != null) {
        data = currentPosition.data;

        // 'delete' the node
        if (first == currentPosition) {
            first = currentPosition.next;
        } else {
            currentPosition.previous.next = currentPosition.next;

        if (currentPosition.next != null) {
            currentPosition.next.previous = currentPosition.previous;

        // next position
        currentPosition = currentPosition.next;

    return data;

public Object pop(){

    return currentPosition.data;


public void divide(){ //questao 1

    List half2 = new List();

    for(int i = 0; i < Math.floorDiv(size, 2); i++){

        half2.insert((Float) this.extract());



    for(int i = 0; i < half2.size; i++){




public float soma(){ //questao 2

    float sum = 0f;

    currentPosition = first;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){

        sum += (Float) this.pop();



    currentPosition = first;

    return sum;


public void extrairMenores(float check){ //questao 3

    currentPosition = first;

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){

        if(currentPosition.data < check){

            System.out.println("if aq");


        } else{

            System.out.println("else aq");




    currentPosition = first;


public boolean igualdadeCheck(List outra_lista){ //questao 4

    currentPosition = first;

    outra_lista.currentPosition = first;

    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){

        if(currentPosition.data - outra_lista.currentPosition.data != 0){

            return false;





    currentPosition = first;

    return true;



除了“额外”的方法,insert 和 extract 方法可能对你有帮助。我使用一种方法在项目之间移动。我认为使用“first”和“currentPosition”属性可以更轻松地构建方法。在包括节点引用或蜜蜂引用在内的每种方法中,您都需要检查是否有空引用其他内容的可能性(它会“破坏”您的程序);但如果一个节点引用一个空值,就没有问题。

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