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如何使用scan扩展在程序集中注册所有接口而不在ASP.NET Core 2中单独写入?


Scan(_ =>
    // Declare which assemblies to scan



collection.Scan(scan => scan
     // We start out with all types in the assembly of ITransientService
        // AddClasses starts out with all public, non-abstract types in this
        // assembly. These types are then filtered by the delegate passed to the
        // method. In this case, we filter out only the classes that are assignable
        // to ITransientService.
        .AddClasses(classes => classes.AssignableTo<ITransientService>())
            // We then specify what type we want to register these classes as.
            // In this case, we want to register the types as all of its implemented
            // interfaces. So if a type implements 3 interfaces; A, B, C, we'd end
            // up with three separate registrations.
            // And lastly, we specify the lifetime of these registrations.
        // Here we start again, with a new full set of classes from the assembly
        // above. This time, filtering out only the classes assignable to
        // IScopedService.
        .AddClasses(classes => classes.AssignableTo<IScopedService>())
            // Now, we just want to register these types as a single interface,
            // IScopedService.
            // And again, just specify the lifetime.
asp.net-core dependency-injection .net-core inversion-of-control structuremap


services.Scan(scan => scan
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