无法在排序算法可视化工具中实现洗牌功能 - setTimeout 更新未呈现

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// Swap does not modify the original array, but the implementation details don't really affect the result. 
// It basically swaps two elements in the bar array, and then returns the updated array.

    const swapBars = (bars, bar1, bar2) => {
    if (!bars || !bar1 || !bar2) {
    const _bars = bars;
    let _bar1 = bar1;
    let _bar2 = bar2;

    const tempLeft = _bar1.left;
    _bar1.left = _bar2.left;
    _bar2.left = tempLeft;

    const temp = _bar1;
    _bar1 = _bar2;
    _bar2 = temp;

    return _bars;

// Init bars is basically synchronous shuffle. It takes the array that is created and shuffles it
// because the array should begin in a shuffled state. This is working properly.

  const initBars = (bars) => {
    let currentIndex = bars.length - 1;
    while (currentIndex > 0) {
      // randomIndex will always be different from currentIndex, so each bar will always shuffle
      const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
      swapBars(bars, bars[currentIndex], bars[randomIndex]);

// createBarArray is what is used to actually populate an empty array with bars depending on a number passed
// through by a slider. This is also working properly.

  const createBarArray = (quantity) => {
    let bars = [];
    const width = calcWidthPercentage(quantity);
    for (let i = 0; i < quantity; i++) {
      const height = calcHeightPercentage(quantity, i + 1);
      const left = calcLeftPosPercentage(quantity, i + 1);
      bars.push({ correctPos: i, height: height, width: width, left: left });
    return initBars(bars);

// shuffleBars seems to be broken. I've tried many different things, and this is just the latest snapshot of it.
// It is being called when the shuffle button is being clicked using `shuffleBars(barsToRender)` where barsToRender is the stateful value that is being rendered.

  const shuffleBars = (bars) => {
    let currentIndex = bars.length - 1;
    while (currentIndex > 0) {
      const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
      setTimeout(() => {
        setBarsToRender((prev) => {
          return swapBars(prev, prev[currentIndex], prev[randomIndex]);
      }, 50 * (bars.length - currentIndex));

如果我做一些事情,比如将 swapBars 调用移到 setBarsToRender 里面,然后 做 setBarsToRender[...bars],我可以看到一些条形图在移动,但不是预期的行为(最小的条形图是唯一不断交换的条形图)。我不确定我是否误解了状态更新在 setTimeout 中的工作方式,或者它是否是其他东西,所以我非常感谢一些帮助。

javascript reactjs settimeout
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