MSP432 LaunchPad 按钮初始化

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我正在努力初始化 MSP432p401R LaunchPad 上的 LED 和按钮。


编写一段代码,读取两个按钮 S1 和 S2(P1.1 和 P1.4)的输入并相应地更改 LED 的状态: 无关闭 S1-红色 S2 - 绿色 两者 - 蓝色


#define RED         BIT0        // Red LED connected to Port 1.0
#define GREEN       BIT1
#define BLUE        BIT2
#define S1          BIT1
#define S2          BIT4
#define SBOTH       (BIT1 | BIT4)
#define PB1_PRESSED()   ((P1->IN & S1) == 0)
#define PB2_PRESSED()   ((P1->IN & S2) == 0)
#define BOTH_PRESSED()  ((P1->IN & SBOTH) == 0)

P2->OUT |= OFF;     // turn off LEDs   
P2->DIR |= (RED | GREEN | BLUE);     // set LEDs for output
P2->REN |= (RED | GREEN | BLUE);   // turn on resistors

我的 if 语句如下所示:

            P2->REN |= BLUE;
            P2->OUT |= BLUE;


c microcontroller msp430 msp432

我正在查看文档,并会指出您可能缺少的一些细节。您能提供一下 LED 当前的行为吗?是否只有一种颜色被激活(红、绿、蓝)变亮,没有颜色被激活,还是 RGB 分量之间的混合被激活?

1。您需要为 P1.1 和 P1.4 启用上拉电阻

转到 启动板原理图并查找与微控制器的按钮连接,我们可以在图 29 原理图(第 2 幅,共 6 幅)中看到,连接到 P1.1 和 P1.4 的按钮均接地:

  • Button topology in the board schematics

因此,您应该按照MSP432P4xx SimpleLink™ 微控制器技术参考手册第 12.2.4 节的表 12.1 启用两个 I/O 上的上拉电阻:

  • Table 12.1 of MSP432P4xx SimpleLink™ Microcontrollers Technical Reference Manual

这种按钮接地且有上拉电阻的拓扑结构的结果是负逻辑:如果按下按钮,则输入接地,因此 MCU 读取为 0;如果按下按钮,则输入接地,因此 MCU 读取为 0;如果按钮没有按下,输入端通过拉电阻从VCC获取信号,因此MCU读到1;总之:按下按钮 = 0,打开按钮 = 1。

2。您无需为 LED 输出启用电阻器

回到图 29 中的发射板原理图,我们可以看到连接到 P2.0、P2.1 和 P2.2 的 LED 阳极已经有一个电阻,我认为没有必要有上拉或下拉电阻。没有电阻你应该没问题:

  • LED topology in the board schematics


由于 LED 以共阴极方式排列,MSP432 I/O 引脚需要驱动电流来点亮 LED(与共阳极配置中发生的情况相反)。因此,您需要激活引脚 P2.0、P2.1 和 P2.2 的高强度驱动器。再次回到MSP432P4xx SimpleLink™ 微控制器技术参考手册中的12.2.5 输出驱动强度选择寄存器 (PxDS),我们可以看到我们需要在 P2DS 寄存器中设置 BIT0、BIT1 和 BIT2,以便允许他们使用高强度IO驱动程序


TheMulittle 发表了一篇很好的文章,解释了很多。我将给出 3 个代码示例来说明如何使用按钮

按下按钮时打开 LED

// This program will turn off a red LED when a button is pressed

#include "msp.h"
#include <stdint.h>

int main(void) {
  // configure P1.0 and P1.1 as GPIO
  P1->SEL0 &= ~0x03;
  P1->SEL1 &= ~0x03;

  // set P1.0 as output and P1.1 as input
  P1->DIR |= 0x1;  // set P1.0 as output
  P1->DIR &= ~0x2; // set P1.1 as input

  // enable pull-up/pull-down resistors for P1.1
  P1->REN |= 0x2;

  // enable pull-up resistor for P1.1
  P1->OUT |= 0x2;

  while (1) {
    // check if the button connected to P1.1 is pressed
    if ((P1->IN & 0x2) == 0x2) {
      // if the button is not pressed, turn on the red LED connected to P1.0
      P1->OUT |= 0x1;
    } else {
      // if the button is pressed, turn off the red LED connected to P1.0
      P1->OUT &= ~0x1;

按下按钮时关闭 LED

// This program will turn off a red LED when a button is pressed

#include "msp.h"
#include <stdint.h>

int main(void) {
  // configure P1.0 and P1.1 as GPIO
  P1->SEL0 &= ~(BIT0 | BIT1);
  P1->SEL1 &= ~(BIT0 | BIT1);

  // set P1.0 as output and P1.1 as input
  P1->DIR |= BIT0;  // set P1.0 as output
  P1->DIR &= ~BIT1; // set P1.1 as input

  // enable pull-up/pull-down resistors for P1.1
  P1->REN |= BIT1;

  // enable pull-up resistor for P1.1
  P1->OUT |= BIT1;

  while (1) {
    // check if the button connected to P1.1 is pressed
    if ((P1->IN & BIT1) == BIT1) {
      // if the button is not pressed, turn on the red LED connected to P1.0
      P1->OUT |= BIT0;
    } else {
      // if the button is pressed, turn off the red LED connected to P1.0
      P1->OUT &= ~BIT0;

检测按钮按下(也是一个很酷的 uart 功能)

void uart_init(void) {
  EUSCI_A0->CTLW0 |= 0X1;
  EUSCI_A0->MCTLW  = 0X0;
  EUSCI_A0->CTLW0 |= 0x80;
  EUSCI_A0->BRW    = 0x34;
  EUSCI_A0->CTLW0 &= ~0x01;
  P1->SEL0        |= 0x0C;
  P1->SEL1        &= ~0x0C;

void uart_send_str(const char *str) {
  uint32_t i = 0;
  while (str[i] != '\0') {
    EUSCI_A0->TXBUF = str[i];
    while ((EUSCI_A0->IFG & 0x02) == 0) {}

// Use the other code examples with this function:
void digital_input(void) {
  bool button1 = (P1->IN & BIT1) == 0;
  bool button2 = (P1->IN & BIT4) == 0;
  if (button1 && button2) {
    uart_send_str("Buttons 1 and 2 are pressed\r\n");
  } else if (button1) {
    uart_send_str("Buttons 1 is pressed\r\n");
  } else if (button2) {
    uart_send_str("Button 2 is pressed\r\n");
  } else {
    uart_send_str("No Buttons are pressed\r\n");
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