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foreach ( var run in para.Descendants<Run>() )

在一个特定的文档中有一个文本“ START”,它分为三部分,“ ST”,“ AR”和“ T”。它们中的每一个都由“运行”节点定义,但是在两种情况下,“运行”节点包含在“ smartTag”节点中。

<w:smartTag w:uri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" w:element="PersonName">
    <w:r w:rsidRPr="00BF444F">
            <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial"/>
            <w:sz w:val="40"/>
            <w:szCs w:val="40"/>
<w:smartTag w:uri="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" w:element="PersonName">
    <w:r w:rsidRPr="00BF444F">
            <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial"/>
            <w:sz w:val="40"/>
            <w:szCs w:val="40"/>
<w:r w:rsidRPr="00BF444F">
        <w:rFonts w:ascii="Arial" w:hAnsi="Arial" w:cs="Arial"/>
        <w:sz w:val="40"/>
        <w:szCs w:val="40"/>
    <w:t xml:space="preserve">T</w:t>








我正在使用OpenXml版本2.7.2。正如Cindy所指出的那样,OpenXML 2.0中有一个SmartTagRun类。我不知道那堂课。

我在What's new in the Open XML SDK 2.5 for Office页上找到了以下信息


由于智能标记在Office 2010中已弃用,因此Open XML SDK2.5不支持与智能标记相关​​的Open XML元素。 Open XML SDK 2.5仍然可以将智能标记元素作为未知元素处理,但是,用于Office的Open XML SDK 2.5生产率工具可以验证Office文档文件中的那些元素(请参阅以下列表)为无效的标签。

因此,听起来可能的解决方案是使用OpenXML 2.0。

c# openxml openxml-sdk

解决方案是使用Linq to XML(如果喜欢,可以使用System.Xml类),如以下代码所示,删除w:smartTag元素:

public class SmartTagTests
    private const string Xml =
        @"<w:document xmlns:w=""http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main"">
        <w:smartTag w:uri=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"" w:element=""PersonName"">
            <w:r w:rsidRPr=""00BF444F"">
                    <w:rFonts w:ascii=""Arial"" w:hAnsi=""Arial"" w:cs=""Arial""/>
                    <w:sz w:val=""40""/>
                    <w:szCs w:val=""40""/>
        <w:smartTag w:uri=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"" w:element=""PersonName"">
            <w:r w:rsidRPr=""00BF444F"">
                    <w:rFonts w:ascii=""Arial"" w:hAnsi=""Arial"" w:cs=""Arial""/>
                    <w:sz w:val=""40""/>
                    <w:szCs w:val=""40""/>
        <w:r w:rsidRPr=""00BF444F"">
                <w:rFonts w:ascii=""Arial"" w:hAnsi=""Arial"" w:cs=""Arial""/>
                <w:sz w:val=""40""/>
                <w:szCs w:val=""40""/>
            <w:t xml:space=""preserve"">T</w:t>

    public void CanStripSmartTags()
        // Say you have a WordprocessingDocument stored on a stream (e.g., read from a file).
        using Stream stream = CreateTestWordprocessingDocument();

        // Open the WordprocessingDocument and inspect it using the strongly typed classes.
        // This shows that we find OpenXmlUnknownElement instances are found and only a
        // single Run instance is recognized.
        using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, false))
            // Now, get the w:document as a strongly typed Document instance and demonstrate
            // that the document contains three Run instances.
            MainDocumentPart part = wordDocument.MainDocumentPart;
            Document document = part.Document;


        // Now, open that WordprocessingDocument to make edits, using Linq to XML.
        // Do NOT use the strongly typed classes in this context.
        using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, true))
            // Get the w:document as an XElement and demonstrate that this w:document contains
            // w:smartTag elements.
            MainDocumentPart part = wordDocument.MainDocumentPart;
            string xml = ReadString(part);
            XElement document = XElement.Parse(xml);

            Assert.NotEmpty(document.Descendants().Where(d => d.Name.LocalName == "smartTag"));

            // Transform the w:document, stripping all w:smartTag elements and demonstrate
            // that the transformed w:document no longer contains w:smartTag elements.
            var transformedDocument = (XElement) StripSmartTags(document);

            Assert.Empty(transformedDocument.Descendants().Where(d => d.Name.LocalName == "smartTag"));

            // Write the transformed document back to the part.
            WriteString(part, transformedDocument.ToString(SaveOptions.DisableFormatting));

        // Open the WordprocessingDocument again and inspect it using the strongly typed classes.
        // This demonstrates that all Run instances are now recognized.
        using (WordprocessingDocument wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Open(stream, false))
            // Now, get the w:document as a strongly typed Document instance and demonstrate
            // that the document contains three Run instances.
            MainDocumentPart part = wordDocument.MainDocumentPart;
            Document document = part.Document;

            Assert.Equal(3, document.Descendants<Run>().Count());

    /// <summary>
    /// Recursive, pure functional transform that removes all w:smartTag elements.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="node">The <see cref="XNode" /> to be transformed.</param>
    /// <returns>The transformed <see cref="XNode" />.</returns>
    private static object StripSmartTags(XNode node)
        if (!(node is XElement element))
            return node;

        if (element.Name.LocalName == "smartTag")
            return element.Elements();

        return new XElement(element.Name, element.Attributes(),

    private static Stream CreateTestWordprocessingDocument()
        var stream = new MemoryStream();

        using var wordDocument = WordprocessingDocument.Create(stream, WordprocessingDocumentType.Document);
        MainDocumentPart part = wordDocument.AddMainDocumentPart();
        WriteString(part, Xml);

        return stream;

    #region Generic Open XML Utilities

    private static string ReadString(OpenXmlPart part)
        using Stream stream = part.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
        using var streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);
        return streamReader.ReadToEnd();

    private static void WriteString(OpenXmlPart part, string text)
        using Stream stream = part.GetStream(FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
        using var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream);


您还可以使用PowerTools for Open XML,它提供了直接支持删除w:smartTag元素的标记简化器。

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