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Subdivided farmland


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我觉得这很棘手,特别是如果你想要特定的最小尺寸。也许可以使用下面的代码来查看它是否可以帮助您入门?它基本上采用矩形输入(可能是农场图)并生成一大堆重叠矩形。随机位的问题在于,您可以(按原样)获得比重1/8更窄或更高的截面。使用计数器来增加或减少它所产生的矩形数量 - 更少意味着整个补丁可能不被细分,更多意味着更长的运行时间和可能更小的细分。

patches-own [ id ]

to setup
  resize-world -50 50 -50 50
  set-patch-size 4
  ask patches [ set id -1 ]
  ask rectangle -20 20 -40 40 [
    set pcolor red

to go 
  rectangle-sub -20 20 40 -40

to rectangle-sub [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ]

  ; Make sure the x0 x1 / y0 y1 order is correct
  let xp0 min (list x0 x1)
  let xp1 max (list x0 x1)
  let yp0 min (list y0 y1)
  let yp1 max (list y0 y1)

  ; Define the rectangle to subdivide
  let main_rect rectangle xp0 xp1 yp0 yp1

  ; Define width and height
  let width xp1 - xp0
  let height yp1 - yp0
  let w3 round ( width / 3 )
  let w8 round ( width / 8 )
  let h3 round ( height / 3 )
  let h8 round ( height / 8 )

  ; Set a while loop to make mini rectangles, with
  ; a counter to stop the loop after too many tries
  let counter 0
  while [ counter < 100 and any? main_rect with [id = -1 ] ] [
    let newx0 xp0 + ( random width )
    let newx1 newx0 + ( ceiling width / ( random  6 + 3 ) )
    let newy0 yp0 + ( random height )
    let newy1 newy0 + ( ceiling height / ( random 6 + 3 ) )

    ; define a sub rectangle
    let newrect rectangle newx0 newx1 newy0 newy1

    ; remove any patches from the sub rectangle that are not
    ; also part of the main rectangle
    set newrect newrect with [ member? self main_rect ]
    if any? newrect [

      ; Make sure the dimensions aren't too small or big
      let nwidth ( max [pxcor] of newrect - min [pxcor] of newrect )
      let nheight ( max [pycor] of newrect - min [pycor] of newrect )
      if  nwidth < w3 and nwidth > w8 and  nheight < h3 and nheight > h8 [

        ; Choose a random patch and assign its id to all others 
        ; in the same newrect patch-set
        let groupid random 10000
        ask newrect [ 
          set id groupid
          set pcolor id / 100
    set counter counter + 1
  print counter


to-report rectangle [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ]
  ; reports a patch-set bounded by 
  ; the coordinate arguments passed
  report patches with [ 
    pxcor > x0 and pxcor < x1 and
    pycor > y0 and pycor < y1


好的 - 我可能在这里有点过分,但我喜欢这个问题。这是一种替代解决方案,让海龟绘制矩形 - 这样就没有重叠。此外,矩形必须构建外部或以前的id-d矩形,因此您不会获得随机断开的矩形。但是,它可以在矩形中留下没有id的单补丁方块,因此您必须根据需要对它们进行排序。


patches-own [ id ]

to setup
  resize-world -50 50 -50 50
  set-patch-size 5
  ask patches [ set id -1 ]
  ask rectangle -20 20 -40 40 [
    set pcolor red

to go
  turtle-define-rect -20 20 40 -40

to turtle-define-rect [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ]

  ; Make sure the x0 x1 / y0 y1 order is correct
  let xp0 min (list x0 x1)
  let xp1 max (list x0 x1)
  let yp0 min (list y0 y1)
  let yp1 max (list y0 y1)

  ; Define the rectangle to subdivide
  let main_rect rectangle xp0 xp1 yp0 yp1

  let xlist []
  let ylist []
  let possible_area one-of main_rect with [ 
    id = -1 and 
    any? neighbors4 with [id = -1] and
    any? neighbors4 with [not member? self main_rect or id != -1]
  if possible_area != nobody [
    ask possible_area [
      let w random 5 + 5
      let h random 10 + 10
      sprout 1 [
        set color blue
        set size 3
        let start-patch patch-here
        let id_temp [id] of patch-here
        face one-of neighbors4 with [not member? self main_rect or id != -1]
        rt 180
        hatch 1 [
          create-link-with one-of other turtles-here
          repeat w [
            if ( [id] of patch-ahead 1 = -1 ) and ( [ member? self main_rect] of patch-ahead 1 ) [
              fd 1
        set xlist lput xcor xlist
        set ylist lput ycor ylist
        ask link-neighbors [
          set xlist lput xcor xlist
          set ylist lput ycor ylist
        let turn one-of [ 90 -90 ]
        rt turn
        ask link-neighbors [
          rt turn
        ask my-links [ 
        repeat h [
          if ( 
            ( [id] of patch-ahead 1 = -1 ) and 
            ( [ member? self main_rect] of patch-ahead 1 ) and
            ( [ [id] of patch-ahead 1 = -1 ] of link-neighbors = [true] ) and
            ( [ [ member? self main_rect] of patch-ahead 1  ] of link-neighbors = [true] )
            fd 1
        set xlist lput xcor xlist
        set ylist lput ycor ylist
        ask link-neighbors [
          set xlist lput xcor xlist
          set ylist lput ycor ylist
        ask link-neighbors [ die ]
    let xt0 min xlist
    let xt1 max xlist
    let yt0 min ylist
    let yt1 max ylist 
    let new_id random 10000

    ask rectangle xt0 xt1 yt0 yt1 [
      set id new_id

  ask main_rect with [ id != -1 ] [
    set pcolor id / 100

to-report rectangle [ x0 x1 y0 y1 ]
  ; reports a patch-set bounded by
  ; the coordinate arguments passed
  report patches with [
    pxcor >= x0 and pxcor <= x1 and
    pycor >= y0 and pycor <= y1


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