
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试在 DocuSign 中添加补充/支持文档,每当我要签署文档时,这些文档应该出现在收件人查看请求(嵌入签名)中。我不明白为什么文档没有显示在那里。


// for testing we directly upload the file and convert to base64
$content_bytes = file_get_contents('../app/Support/DocuSign/sample.pdf');
$doc2_b64 = base64_encode($content_bytes);

# Create the document models
$document2 = new Document([  # create the DocuSign document object
    'document_base64' => $doc2_b64,
    'name' => 'sample',  # can be different from actual file name
    'file_extension' => 'pdf',  # many different document types are accepted
    'document_id' => '2',  # a label used to reference the doc
    'display' => 'modal',
    'signer_must_acknowledge' => 'view',

$clientSigner = $instance->createClientSigner($data);
$consultantSigner = $instance->createConsultantSigner();

// Recipients object:
$recipientsServerTemplate = new Recipients([
    'signers' => [$clientSigner, $consultantSigner],

// Create a composite template for the Server template + roles
$compTemplate = new CompositeTemplate([
    'composite_template_id' => '1',
    // Add supporting documents
    // 'document' => $doc1,
    'server_templates' => [
        new ServerTemplate([
            'sequence' => '1',
            'template_id' => $instance->docuSignTemplate->template_id,
    // Add the roles via an inlineTemplate
    'inline_templates' => [
        new InlineTemplate([
            'sequence' => '2',
            'recipients' => $recipientsServerTemplate,

$envelopeDefinition = new EnvelopeDefinition();

# The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope

return $envelopeDefinition;
php docusignapi

您需要为补充文档创建第二个 CompositTemplate

    // Create a composite template for the supplemental document
    $compTemplate2 = new CompositeTemplate([
        'composite_template_id' => '2',
        // Add supporting documents
        'document' => $doc1

    // copy your code for the original $compTemplate here

    $envelopeDefinition = new EnvelopeDefinition();
    # The order in the docs array determines the order in the envelope
    $envelopeDefinition->setCompositeTemplates([$compTemplate, $compTemplate2]);

查看 GitHub 中的 PHP 代码 - https://github.com/docusign/code-examples-php/blob/master/src/Services/Examples/eSignature/AddDocToTemplateService.php

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