权限错误:无法通过表单提交时的 Google Apps 脚本触发器发送带有 PDF 附件的电子邮件

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试编写一个附加到 Google 表单的脚本。该表单收集用户的姓名和电子邮件,然后将其姓名放在 Google Slide 上的证书上,并将其以 PDF 形式保存在 Google Drive 中。我希望程序发送一封包含 PDF 或 PDF 链接的电子邮件。

不过我遇到了权限错误。我可以让它做除发送电子邮件之外的所有事情。该表格将存放在 Google 网站上。

function onFormSubmit(e) {
// 1. Get form responses
    var formResponse = e.response;
    var itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses();

// First item is the user's name and the second item is the user's email
    var userName = itemResponses[0].getResponse();
    var userEmail = itemResponses[1].getResponse();
// 2. Open the Google Slides presentation. Presentation is shared to anyone with the link.
    var presentationUrl = MY SHARED URL GOES HERE;
    var presentationId = presentationUrl.match(/\/presentation\/d\/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/)[1];
    var presentation = SlidesApp.openById(presentationId);
// 3. Replace placeholder text with user's name
    var slides = presentation.getSlides();
    var shapeIndex = 3; // Index of the shape containing the placeholder text
    var slide = slides[0];
    var shape = slide.getShapes()[shapeIndex];
    if (shape) {

// Save changes made to the presentation

// Wait for changes to be applied
    Utilities.sleep(5000); // 5 seconds delay

// 4. Export presentation as PDF. This is where I keep getting the error message.
    var pdf = DriveApp.getFileById(presentationId).getAs('application/pdf');

// Extracting folder ID from the provided folder URL. The folder is shared to anyone with the link.
    var folderUrl = URL TO FOLDER GOES HERE.;
    var folderId = folderUrl.match(/[-\w]{25,}/);
    if (folderId) {
    folderId = folderId[0];
    } else {
    throw new Error("Folder ID not found in the URL.");

// Accessing the folder and saving the PDF file.
    var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);

    var pdfFile = folder.createFile(pdf);
    var pdfFileName = userName + "_Certificate.pdf";

// Generating the URL for the file in the user's local Google Drive
    var fileUrl = FILE URL GOES HERE;

// 5. Send email to the user with the download link
    var subject = "Your Certificate";
    var body = "Dear " + userName + ",\n\nPlease find your certificate attached or download it from the following link:\n" + fileUrl;
    MailApp.sendEmail(userEmail, subject, body, { attachments: [pdfFile] });
      } else {
    Logger.log("Shape not found.");


  1. 该程序在提交表单后触发。我尝试过直接运行程序并允许所有相关权限。
  2. 我还通过用字符串替换第一个变量使程序成功运行。含义:
    var userName = 'Name'; var userEmail = 'Email';
  3. 我也让 ChatGPT 尝试调试代码,但它并没有真正理解我的问题的本质。
  4. 我也探索过让用户在本地下载证书,但我遇到了同样的问题。
  5. 我添加了 Google Drive API、Gmail API 和 Slides API。 编辑:我意识到我没有包含错误代码 - 您无权调用 DriveApp.Folder.createFile。所需权限:googleapis.com/auth/drive at onFormSubmit(onFormSubmit:44:26)
forms google-apps-script google-slides


  • 表格的所有者是谁?
  • 脚本是否绑定到表单?
  • 如果不是,脚本的所有者是谁?
  • 表单(或脚本,如果未绑定)的所有者是否对您在其中创建脚本的文件夹具有编辑者权限。

关于最后一点,您说“该文件夹已共享给任何有链接的人” - 但他们有编辑权限吗?无论如何,您可能不希望这样,因为这会给世界完全访问权限,但只要表单(或脚本,如果未绑定)的所有者具有编辑器访问权限,它就应该可以工作。

我复制了你的脚本(根据个人喜好对流程进行了一些调整),它在我的 Google 工作区中运行良好。我复制了下面稍微编辑过的脚本,以防它有用 - 我怀疑我所做的非常小的更改对您来说是问题。

function onFormSubmit(e) {
// 1. Get form responses
  var formResponse = e.response;
  var itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses();

// First item is the user's name and the second item is the user's email
  var userName = itemResponses[0].getResponse();
  var userEmail = itemResponses[1].getResponse();
  Logger.log(userName + ", " + userEmail);

// 2. Open the Google Slides presentation. Presentation is shared to anyone with the link.
  var presentationUrl = "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1B-A0x2OtQmlYAe1Yh9YvBh90foZSs9JMKHfrii2XXPc/edit#slide=id.p";
  var presentationId = presentationUrl.match(/[-\w]{25,}/);
  var presentation = SlidesApp.openById(presentationId);

// 3. Replace placeholder text with user's name
  var slides = presentation.getSlides();
  var shapeIndex = 3; // Index of the shape containing the placeholder text
  var slide = slides[0];
  var shape = slide.getShapes()[shapeIndex];
  if (shape) {

// Save changes made to the presentation

//4a. Get the folder where you want to save the PDF first
// Extracting folder ID from the provided folder URL. The folder is shared to anyone with the link.
    var folderUrl = "https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pg6QJZX9WACTCwh0uY6nFRymNg695B1K";
    var folderId = folderUrl.match(/[-\w]{25,}/);
    if (folderId) {
      folderId = folderId[0];
    } else {
      throw new Error("Folder ID not found in the URL.");
    var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);

// 4b. THEN Export presentation as PDF to the folder.
    var pdf = DriveApp.getFileById(presentationId).getAs('application/pdf');
    pdf.setName(userName + "_Certificate.pdf");
    var pdfFile = folder.createFile(pdf);
    var fileUrl = pdfFile.getUrl();

  // 5. Send email to the user with the download link
    var subject = "Your Certificate";
    var body = "Dear " + userName + ",\n\nPlease find your certificate attached or download it from the following link:\n" + fileUrl;
    MailApp.sendEmail(userEmail, subject, body, { attachments: [pdfFile] });
  } else {
    Logger.log("Shape not found.");
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