程序集execve / bin / bash(x64)

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我是asm的新手,我正在尝试对/ bin / bash执行系统调用。但是我目前遇到以下问题:

我的代码适用于第一个参数长度小于8个字节的任何execve调用,即“/ bin / sh”或“/ bin / ls”:

.section .data

    name: .string "/bin/sh"

.section .text

.globl _start

    #third argument of execve, set to NULL
    xor %rdx, %rdx 

    #push nullbyte to the stack
    pushq %rdx 

    #push /bin/sh to the stack
    pushq name 

    #copy stack to rdi, 1st arg of execve
    mov %rsp, %rdi 

    #copy 59 to rax, defining syscall number for execve  
    movq $59, %rax 

    #3rd arg of execve set to NULL
    movq $0, %rsi 



name: .string "/bin/bash"

我试图将字符串分成几部分,将pushq“/ bash”然后“/ bin”分成堆栈,似乎没有任何东西可以让我工作,每次都会出现“非法指令”错误。我究竟做错了什么?


.section .data

    name: .string "/bin/bash"

.section .text

.globl _start

    #third argument of execve, set to NULL
    xor %rdx, %rdx 

    #push nullbyte to the stack
    pushq %rdx 

    #push /bin/sh to the stack
    pushq name 

    #copy stack to rdi, 1st arg of execve
    mov %rsp, %rdi 

    #copy 59 to rax, defining syscall number for execve  
    movq $59, %rax 

    #3rd arg of execve set to NULL
    movq $0, %rsi 



.section .data

.section .text

.globl _start

    #third argument of execve, set to NULL
    xor %rdx, %rdx 

    #push nullbyte to the stack
    pushq %rdx 

    #push /bin/bash to the stack
    pushq $0x68
    pushq $0x7361622f
    pushq $0x6e69622f

    #copy stack to rdi, 1st arg of execve
    mov %rsp, %rdi 

    #copy 59 to rax, defining syscall number for execve  
    movq $59, %rax 

    #3rd arg of execve set to NULL
    movq $0, %rsi 

assembly 64bit system-calls execve


  1. 你将esi设置为零意味着argvNULL
  2. push nullbyte to the stack实际上是用于终止NULL数组的argv指针(它不是终止字符串的零字节)。
  3. 您需要将文件名的地址设为argv[0]。您不需要将字符串复制到堆栈。


.section .data

    name: .string "/bin/bash"

.section .text

.globl _start

    # third argument of execve is envp, set to NULL
    xor %rdx, %rdx 

    # push NULL to the stack, argv terminator
    pushq %rdx 

    # first argument to execve is the file name
    leaq name, %rdi

    # also argv[0]
    push %rdi

    # second argument to execve is argv
    mov %rsp, %rsi

    #copy 59 to rax, defining syscall number for execve  
    movq $59, %rax 


.section .text

.globl _start

    # third argument of execve is envp, set to NULL
    xor %rdx, %rdx 

    # zero terminator
    push %rdx

    # space for string
    sub $16, %rsp

    # end is aligned to the zero terminator
    movb $0x2f, 7(%rsp)        # /
    movl $0x2f6e6962, 8(%rsp)  # bin/
    movl $0x68736162, 12(%rsp) # bash

    # first argument to execve is the file name
    leaq 7(%rsp), %rdi

    # push NULL to the stack, argv terminator
    pushq %rdx 

    # also argv[0]
    push %rdi

    # second argument to execve is argv
    mov %rsp, %rsi

    # copy 59 to rax, defining syscall number for execve
    # avoid zero byte
    xor %eax, %eax
    movb $59, %al 
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