
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我编程太阳系。 ATM所有行星都与太阳相互作用(万有引力)。现在我也希望每个行星都与所有其他行星相互作用(实际上是怎样)。我以为我可以用双循环来做到这一点。我尝试了但它没有用。你可以帮帮我吗?我认为错误与太阳有关,行星有一个固定点。但现在它始终是地球的行星。但我真的不知道......这是我的代码:

    from vpython import *

    #Konstanten zum rechnen
    s_rad0 = 6.9e8
    s_rad1 = 30 * s_rad0
    e_rad = s_rad1 * 0.9
    m_rad = e_rad * 0.4
    ae = 200 * s_rad0   #1 Astr. Einheit bezieht sich auf Ent. Sonne-Erde
    ae2 = 200 * s_rad0  #bezieht sich auf Ent. Sonne-Mond
    g = 6.6725e-11 

    framerate = 100

  #array liste von Planeten
planets = []

class Sphere(object):
    def __init__(self, pos, radius, make_trail):
        self.pos = pos
        self.radius = radius
        self.make_trail = make_trail

class planet(Sphere):
    def __init__(self, pos, radius, make_trail, mass, velocity):
        super().__init__(pos, radius, make_trail)
        self.mass = mass
        self.velocity = velocity
        planetSphere = sphere (pos = self.pos, radius = self.radius, make_trail = self.make_trail, mass = self.mass, velocity = self.velocity)

sun = planet(pos=vec(0,0,0),radius=s_rad1*1.5, make_trail=True, mass=2e30, velocity=vec(0,0,0))
mercury = planet(pos=vec(ae/3,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.5, make_trail=True, mass=3.25e23, velocity=vec(0,0,-47000))
venus = planet(pos=vec(ae/1.6,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.3, make_trail=True, mass=4.9e24, velocity=vec(0,0,-35000))
earth = planet(pos=vec(ae,0,0), radius=e_rad, mass=5.9e24, make_trail=True, velocity=vec(0,0,-25000))
mars =  planet(pos=vec(ae*1.52,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.8, make_trail=True, mass=6.4e23, velocity=vec(0,0,-24000))
jupiter = planet(pos=vec(ae*5.18,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.2, make_trail=True, mass=10e27, velocity=vec(0,0,-9678))
saturn = planet(pos=vec(ae*9.5,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.4, make_trail=True, mass=5.7e26, velocity=vec(0,0,-7678))
uranus = planet(pos=vec(ae*19.13,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.7, make_trail=True, mass=8.7e25, velocity=vec(0,0,-6772))
neptun = planet(pos=vec(ae*30,0,0), radius=s_rad1/1.7, make_trail=True, mass=1.02e26, velocity=vec(0,0,-5344))
pluto = planet(pos=vec(ae*39.37,0,0), radius=s_rad1/2.4, make_trail=True, mass=1.3e22, velocity=vec(0,0,-4740))


dt = 10000
time = 0.1

    while (True):


        #for-Schlaufe für Berechnung jedes einzelnen Planeten

        g_forceS = vec(0,0,0)

        for planet in planets:
            g_force = g * sun.mass * planet.mass * (sun.pos - planet.pos).norm()  / (sun.pos - planet.pos).mag2

             for planet in planets:
                 g_force = g * planet.mass * planet.mass * (planet.pos - planet.pos).norm()  / (planet.pos - planet.pos).mag2

            g_forceS -= g_force


            #Änderung des Velocity Vektor wird zum alten addiert
            #Da a=F/m // V = a*t(a*dt) 2 Geschw. vektoriell durch F/m ausgedrückt.
            planet.velocity = planet.velocity + ( g_force / planet.mass) * dt #Richtungsänderung

            #Diese Änderung wird zur alten Position addiert = neue Position
            planet.pos += planet.velocity * dt 

        sun.velocity = sun.velocity + ( g_forceS / sun.mass) * dt #Richtungsänderung
        sun.pos += sun.velocity * dt 
python for-loop math astronomy vpython


for planet in planets:
    g_force = g * sun.mass * planet.mass * (sun.pos - planet.pos).norm()  / (sun.pos - planet.pos).mag2

    for planet in planets:
        g_force = g * planet.mass * planet.mass * (planet.pos - planet.pos).norm()  / (planet.pos - planet.pos).mag2

    g_forceS -= g_force



for body in bodies:    # Update each of the bodies in turn.
    force = np.zeros(3)    # We need to work out the force on the body.
    for other_body in bodies:    # The force is the result of all the other bodies.
        if other_body is not body:    # The main body doesn't count as another body.
            force += gravity(body, other_body)
    body.update(force)    # Update the body according to the force on it.



dt = 10000
time = 0.1

while (True):


    for planet in planets:
        g_force = vec(0,0,0)
        for planet1 in planets:
            if planet != planet1:
                g_force += g * planet1.mass * planet.mass * (planet1.pos - planet.pos).norm()  / (planet1.pos - planet.pos).mag2
        #print((sun.pos - planet.pos).mag2)

        #Änderung des Velocity Vektor wird zum alten addiert
        #Da a=F/m // V = a*t(a*dt) 2 Geschw. vektoriell durch F/m ausgedrückt.
        planet.velocity = planet.velocity + ( (g_force) / planet.mass) * dt 

        #Diese Änderung wird zur alten Position addiert = neue Position
        planet.pos += planet.velocity * dt 
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