c ++从decltype返回类型中删除noexcept

问题描述 投票:10回答:2
#include <functional>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

std::function<decltype(::bind)> mockbind = ::bind;

int main()

上面的代码适用于我编译的大多数平台。但是在使用g ++ - 7的ubuntu 14.04上我收到一个错误:

X.cpp:7:65: error: variable ‘std::function<int(int, const sockaddr*, unsigned int) noexcept> mockbind’ has initializer but incomplete type
 std::function<int(int, const sockaddr*, unsigned int) noexcept> mockbind = ::bind;


std::function<int(int, const sockaddr*, unsigned int) noexcept> mockbind = ::bind;

正如所料,我得到了同样的错误: 现在,如果我删除noexcept

std::function<int(int, const sockaddr*, unsigned int)> mockbind = ::bind;



c++ template-meta-programming c++17 decltype


template <typename T> struct remove_noexcept
    using type = T;
template <typename R, typename ...P> struct remove_noexcept<R(P...) noexcept>
    using type = R(P...);
template <typename T> using remove_noexcept_t = typename remove_noexcept<T>::type;

// ...

std::function<remove_noexcept_t<decltype(::bind)>> mockbind = ::bind;


如果你希望得到编译时错误,如果没有using type = T;而不是保持类型不变,你也可以注释掉noexcept


虽然HolyBlackCat的答案涵盖了大多数实际用例,但它不能涵盖许多可能的情况,包括qualified function type(例如,int(int) const noexcept),可变模板的可变参数函数(例如,template<typename... Ts> void foo(Ts..., ...) noexcept),以及指向成员函数的指针(不是根据正常的指针规则操作,例如,int(foo::*)(int) noexcept)。

实现覆盖所有这些边缘情况的remove_noexcept特征并非易事,但这是我的看法。我用remove_noexcept_t实现了make_noexcept_t<T, bool>,其第二个参数允许你切换结果noexcept状态(noexcept(true)noexcept(false),如你所料)。


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编辑:在我发布之前,以下实现没有使用MSVC ++ 2019(v142)测试准确性。虽然它确实适用于GCC和Clang,但这种实现不适用于MSVC ++ 2019(v142)。实时演示链接已更新为更长的实现(两倍的特化),这太长而无法发布到StackOverflow。该实现已经使用GCC,Clang和MSVC ++ 2019(v142)进行了测试。

template<typename T, bool noexcept_state = true>
struct make_noexcept { using type = T; };

template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile && noexcept, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };

// MSVC++ 2019 (v142) doesn't allow `noexcept(x)` with a template parameter `x` in the template specialization list.
// (e.g., `struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) noexcept(noexcept_state)>` gives - C2057: expected constant expression)
// GCC 7.1.0 and Clang 5.0.0 (and later versions) were tested and do allow this, so MSVC++ is probably wrong.
// $ g++ prog.cc -Wall -Wextra -std=c++17 -pedantic
// $ clang++ prog.cc -Wall -Wextra -std=c++17 -pedantic

template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...), noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...), noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...)&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...)&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args...) const volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(Args..., ...) const volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(Args..., ...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...), noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...), noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...)&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...)&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile &, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile & noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };
template<bool noexcept_state, typename R, typename C, typename... Args>
struct make_noexcept<R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile &&, noexcept_state> { using type = R(C::*)(Args..., ...) const volatile && noexcept(noexcept_state); };

template<typename T, bool noexcept_state = true>
using make_noexcept_t = typename make_noexcept<T, noexcept_state>::type;

template<typename T>
using remove_noexcept_t = make_noexcept_t<T, false>;
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