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c libusb data-transfer libusb-1.0




  • GIO-2.0
  • 的libusb-1.0


[CCode (cheader_filename = "glibusb.h")]
namespace LibUSB {
     * Create a source so that a context can be monitored using {@link GLib.MainLoop}.
     * Once created, call {@link GLib.Source.attach} to attach it to a context.
    [CCode (cname = "glibusb_create_gsource")]
    public GLib.Source create_source (owned Context ctx);

     * Initiate a USB control transfer on a device.
     * @param dev the device to perform the transfer
     * @param timeout return if no data has been provided after the specified number of milliseconds
     * @param buffer the data to transfer
     * @param actual_length the number of bytes transferred
    [CCode (cname = "glibusb_control_transfer")]
    public async TransferStatus control_transfer (DeviceHandle dev, uint timeout, uint8[] buffer, out int actual_length);

     * Initiate a USB interrupt transfer on a device.
     * @param dev the device to perform the transfer
     * @param endpoint the target on the device
     * @param timeout return if no data has been provided after the specified number of milliseconds
     * @param buffer the data to transfer
     * @param actual_length the number of bytes transferred
    [CCode (cname = "glibusb_interrupt_transfer")]
    public async TransferStatus interrupt_transfer (DeviceHandle dev, uint8 endpoint, uint timeout, uint8[] buffer, out int actual_length);

     * Initiate a USB bulk transfer on a device.
     * @param dev the device to perform the transfer
     * @param endpoint the target on the device
     * @param timeout return if no data has been provided after the specified number of milliseconds
     * @param buffer the data to transfer
     * @param actual_length the number of bytes transferred
    [CCode (cname = "glibusb_bulk_transfer")]
    public async TransferStatus bulk_transfer (DeviceHandle dev, uint8 endpoint, uint timeout, uint8[] buffer, out int actual_length);
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