
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有工作代码,可以查看单元格 C3:C 的值,然后尝试在文件中查找匹配的字符串(从最新到最旧,扩展名为 .txt)。

我想加快处理时间以循环遍历文件夹中的 20,000 个文件。


  1. 查找以 datemodified 开头且扩展名为 .txt 的任何文件。
  2. 检查文件名的标题是否与每个单元格的内容部分匹配。
  3. 扫描 file.txt 以查找与每个 C3:C 单元格值的所有匹配项。
  4. 根据用户需求使用大量 if-then 语句处理字符串操作。
  5. 从今天开始转到下一个文件,重复。
  6. 回到昨天,重复。
  7. 最多返回 20 天,直到不再有 .txt 文件,或者已找到所有单元格。

所有 .txt 文件加起来约占 20,000 个文件的 10%。

' ======================= Sorting Algorithm ======================================
fileDate = 0
For fileDate = 0 To 20 'days back to search
    file = Dir(folderPath & "*.txt")
    For Each file In fs.getfolder(folderPath).files
    SRName = Replace(Left(Mid(file, 35), 6), "_", "") 'works if all names are 1234XY, trims underscores
        If file.datelastmodified >= Now - fileDate And LCase(Right(file.Name, 4)) = ".prl" Then  ' FILE MATCH
        ' =========== Part List Prep Array ============
            For Each cell In Range("C3:C" & LastRow) ' CELLS NAME MATCH TO CHECK IN FILE
            ToTestIndex = cell.Row - 2
            Homework = "PNL1," & cell
            If PartToTestArray(ToTestIndex) <> True And InStr(1, Homework, SRName, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                If InStr(1, Homework, SRName, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                    Cells(cell.Row, 6).Value = "Searching in " & "'" & Mid(file, 35, Len(file) - 38) & "'"
                    PartToTestArray(ToTestIndex) = True
                    Cells(cell.Row, 7).Value = file.datelastmodified
                End If
                End If
            Next cell
           ' =========== Part List Prep Array ============
            fileNumber = FreeFile ' Read the content of the file
            Open file For Input As fileNumber
            fileContent = Input$(LOF(fileNumber), fileNumber)
            Close fileNumber
            lines = Split(fileContent, vbCrLf) ' Split the content into an array of lines
            For i = 4 To UBound(lines) - 1 Step 3 ' new
                    For Each cell In Range("C3:C" & LastRow) ' Cells matching file testing
                    FoundIndex = cell.Row - 2
                    ToTestIndex = cell.Row - 2
                    If FoundPartArray(FoundIndex) <> True And PartToTestArray(ToTestIndex) = True Then
                    Homework = "PNL1," & cell
                    If lines(i) = "PNL4,0=" Then 'voodoo adjustment
                    i = i + 1
                    End If
                    If InStr(1, lines(i), Homework, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then ' Check if the line contains the Part Number
                        For QtySearch = 1 To 20 ' very small factor on the amount of total time for process
                            PartMultiplier = Cells(cell.Row, cell.Column + 2).Value
                            If InStr(1, lines(i), "0,0,0,0,0000,0", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                                PartMultiplier = PartMultiplier & ",0,0,0,0000,0"
                                ShotInTheDark = "0,0,0,0,0000,0"
                                ShotInTheDark = "," & QtySearch & ",0,"
                                PartMultiplier = "," & PartMultiplier & ",0,"
                            End If
                            If InStr(1, lines(i), ShotInTheDark, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                                lines(i) = Replace(lines(i), ShotInTheDark, PartMultiplier)
                                Exit For ' Exiting QtySearch
                            End If
                        Next QtySearch
                        AddPart = lines(i) & vbCrLf & lines(i + 1) & vbCrLf & lines(i + 2) & vbCrLf ' Concatenate the current, previous, and next lines
                        FoundPartArray(FoundIndex) = True ' PART IS FOUND
                                Cells(cell.Row, 6).Value = Mid(file, 35, Len(file) - 38)
                                Cells(cell.Row, 7).Value = file.datelastmodified
                                cell.Interior.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0) ' green
                                outputContent = outputContent & AddPart
                        Exit For ' cell exit
                    End If
                    End If
                Next cell ' cell row increment
            Next i ' row in prl file increment
            file = Dir ' Get the next file in the folder
        End If
    Next file ' next file in folder increment
    AllPartsFound = True
  For FoundIndex = LBound(FoundPartArray) To UBound(FoundPartArray)
        If Not FoundPartArray(FoundIndex) Then
        AllPartsFound = False
Exit For
        End If
        Next FoundIndex
        If AllPartsFound = True Then
        fileDate = 20
        End If
Next fileDate
' ======================= Sorting Algorithm ======================================

A. 组合/拆分 If/then 语句(例如“datemodified 和 .txt 扩展名”),看看哪种方式最有效。 B. 浏览文件中的所有单元格与获取一个单元格并在移动到下一个单元格之前浏览每个文件。

我让它工作的最快速度是每个文件 0.007 秒。这是一个 2 分钟以上的过程。

是否有更快的方法,例如先将所有 20,000 个文件添加到数组中?

我考虑添加一个可以使用 Windows 任务计划程序编写脚本的子文件夹,每天更新 2-3 次,仅复制 .txt 文件,从而将搜索范围缩小 90%。

excel vba directory

为了进行测试,我在一个文件夹中创建了 10k txt 文件,并为它们分配了最近 50 天内的随机上次修改日期。


整个收集过程大约需要 4 秒(这可能会收集比您要处理的文件多得多的文件,因为我所有的 10k 文件都具有相同的扩展名,并且与您的实际用例相比,时间可能有限)。

Sub Tester()
    Const FPATH As String = "C:\Temp\VBA\Folder1\"
    Dim f, t, dt, ns As Object, pth As String, oFile As Object
    Dim days(1 To 20) As Collection, d As Long, lmdays
'Code below was used to create some dummy files and set random last-modified date
'    Set ns = CreateObject("Shell.Application").Namespace(FPATH)
'    For i = 1 To 10000
'        PutContent FPATH & "File_" & Format(i, "000000") & ".txt", "testing " & i
'        Set oFile = ns.ParseName("File_" & Format(i, "000000") & ".txt")
'        oFile.ModifyDate = Date - (Rnd() * 50) 'last modified within 50 days
'    Next i
    For d = 1 To 20
        Set days(d) = New Collection 'initialize array of collections
    Next d
    t = Timer
    f = Dir(FPATH & "*.txt")
    Do While Len(f) > 0
        dt = FileDateTime(FPATH & f)
        lmdays = Application.Ceiling(Now - dt, 1) 'last mod age in whole days
        If lmdays <= 20 Then                      'within our window?
            days(lmdays).Add FPATH & f    'collect this file
        End If
        f = Dir()
    'check how many files for each day
    For d = 1 To 20
        Debug.Print d, days(d).count
        '## Process the files from this Collection... ##
    Next d
    Debug.Print Timer - t

End Sub

'used when creating test files
Sub PutContent(f As String, content As String)
    CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject"). _
                  OpenTextFile(f, 2, True).Write content
End Sub
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