如何将Sendgrid API与CI集成为库

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我的应用程序正在运行CI和电子邮件传递我正在使用Sendgrid API。

我的目的是使用SendGrid API作为库,所以我可以加载它:qazxsw poi

搜索一些示例,我发现的唯一结果是在Native CI电子邮件库中设置Sendgrid SMTP配置并进行扩展。

如何在CI中使用Sendgrid API?

这是我以前在原始PHP中使用Sendgrid API:

php codeigniter sendgrid


<?php require_once('../../class/SendGrid/sendgrid-php.php'); function welcomeEmail($email, $firstName, $password){ require_once('_key.php'); $chaves = array('{name}', '{key}'); $template = utf8_decode(file_get_contents('../../templates/welcomePass.html')); $template = str_replace($chaves, array(utf8_decode($firstName), $password), $template); // $mail->SetFrom('no-reply'.rand(1, 100).'@domain.com.br', 'Domain'); // $mail->Subject = utf8_decode('Seja bem-vindo(a)!'); // $mail->Body = $template; // $mail->isHTML(true); // $mail->addTo($email); // //$mail->SMTPDebug = 3; $mail = new \SendGrid\Mail\Mail(); $mail->setFrom("connectz.no-reply".rand(1, 100)."@domain.com.br", "CONNECTZ"); $mail->setSubject("Seja bem-vindo(a)!"); $mail->addTo($email); $mail->addBcc("[email protected]"); $mail->addContent("text/html", utf8_encode($template)); $sendgrid = new \SendGrid($key); $response = $sendgrid->send($mail); // print $response->statusCode() . "<br>"; // echo '<pre>'.print_r($response->headers()).'</pre><br>'; // print $response->body() . ""; } 文件夹中,我创建了一个文件application/library,其中包含一个名为Cloudinarylib.php的文件夹,其中包含所有必需的文件。


然后,我可以使用<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); /** * This is a "dummy" library that just loads the actual library in the construct. * This technique prevents issues from CodeIgniter 3 when loading libraries that use PHP namespaces. * This file can be used with any PHP library that uses namespaces. Just copy it, change the name of the class to match your library * and configs and go to town. */ class Cloudinarylib { public function __construct() { $this->CI =& get_instance(); // include the cloudinary library within the dummy class require('cloudinary/src/Cloudinary.php'); require('cloudinary/src/Uploader.php'); require('cloudinary/src/Api.php'); // configure Cloudinary API connection \Cloudinary::config($this->CI->config->item('cloudinary')); } } 加载库并运行$this->load->library('cloudinarylib');等脚本


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